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Crazy Cat Lady

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Frebis, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I believe my girlfriend's mom is bat shit insane. She owns five cats, doesn't clean up after them, and treats her grown children as if they are her property. As you may imagine, this stresses my girlfriend to no end. What follows is a story that displays a tiny bit of the crazy, from when my girlfriend went home over the weekend.

    Mom- "Jenny when can I expect you home?"

    Jenny- "I actually plan on staying at Randy's (her brother) this weekend."

    M- "Why would you do that?"

    J- "I just want to stay over there"


    Dad- "She told me she doesn't want to stay here because the house is disgusting and smells like cat pee. Let her go to her brothers"


    At this point she ran away crying, like most people would do. It should be noted that my girlfriend is 24 and lives several hours away from her parents. Her mom is perfectly able to clean her own house, but doesn't. She expects her daughter to do it. Since she moved away no one cleans up after the cats, and the place just smells. I was in the house once, and informed my girl friend that if I ever had to go back there we would no longer be dating. If Jenny didn't go home for a few years, I would fully expect the house to be featured on an episode of hoarders because they would be ankle deep in cat piss.

    After I got Jenny calmed down from this incident she told me another story about her childhood. Jenny has a sister that is seven years younger than her. She would go stay at a friends house over night, and when she came home the next day, she would always find that no one had dressed her sister or changed her diapers. And why would they? That was eight year old Jenny's job of course.

    Jenny, naturally is having a rough time dealing with this. Now I'm stuck comforting her, and explaining that she shouldn't judge her mother because she has a mental illness, and obviously needs treatment. Apparently Jenny's mom has shown a dislike for her ever since she moved out of the house. She has never sought treatment or counseling for her issues.


    Focus: Tell some amusing stories from the mentally ill people you know. I'm at my whits end with this situation, and need some similar stories that don't directly effect me or my loved ones to cheer me up. I have a feeling that if this didn't effect me or my girlfriend it would be hilarious.

    *Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have lots in my family. Grandma was the best. Where to start? Her whole adult life she had rampant untreated Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's hard to really understand what it's like to meet a person for whom the entire world is a TV melodrama and she is the star. To top it all off she was an alcoholic and spent the last 7 years of her life with worsening Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. That's like Alzheimers but with massive paranoia and the retention of just enough faculties so no agency will touch them.

    Other members: OCD (fairly mild), social anxiety (bad and getting worse), ADD (self-medicated for years, always a great idea) and so on. Another relative has something going on where an increasing percentage of the world is operating on a hidden agenda. Cops are only cops because it gives them the ability to abuse women, all men are pigs, all doctors are incompetent, etc. Also, Obama is the Antichrist. Not just a bad person--the literal Biblical Antichrist.

    Most of the people I can choose to associate with are exceedingly neurotypical. Coworkers are a slightly different story. Autism spectrum disorders. Also one guy that fits every criteria there is for Histrionic Personality Disorder.

    It sucks because there are so many people with these problems and not nearly the time or therapists to help them all...
  3. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    HA! The DSM-IV-TR is like my family album, without pictures.
  4. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    When I was in high school, my mom had a small business and was having some trouble making ends meet. A woman who used to come to her book store was pretty screwed up - at one point she was somewhat normal but she had gotten in 3 car accidents (all her fault), and got a little crazier after each one. She needed a place to live, and had a wealthy aunt who paid my mom room and board.

    Dealing with this woman was basically like dealing with a dog - simple instructions only, no grasp of socially acceptable behavior, no understanding of right/wrong and totally self-centered.

    The crazy stories go on and on. I would occasionally be woken up at 5am on weekend mornings to the smell of her making noodles with peanut sauce. She was Chinese, so that made sense. Except her version of noodles with peanut sauce was to dump 3-4 jars of Jif peanut butter into a pan, add a cup of water and some spaghetti, and boil the whole thing for 2 hours. The smell was awful.

    She had a dog who was about the nicest dog in the world. An 8 year old mixed breed greyhound, just the kindest, most gentle dog you could ever imagine. She had him since he was a puppy, and she had been homeless for over a year so she had lived with him out of her car. One day she quit taking care of him. I tried for a little while but eventually told her she needed to step up. She told me to take him to the shelter, she didn't want him anymore. Just like that. Her 8-year companion, only friend in the world, to be given to a shelter.

    I loathed her and the only story that I laughed about at the time was a weekend where she demanded I drive her to a coffee shop she liked about 30 minutes away. I was on my way elsewhere and she stood in the doorway and informed me that I damn well was going to drive her to the coffee shop. I got pissed off, told her I wasn't driving her anywhere, and left.

    Later that day, I arrived home and she was gone. That wasn't particularly odd, she often found rides with people, so I didn't think anything of it. Until the phone rang. A police officer was calling and asked if I knew this woman. I said yes, and it turns out she had walked about a mile down the road to a gas station, walked through the parking lot, found a truck with the keys in the ignition, got in and drove to her coffee shop.

    She parked right out front and was indignant when the cop actually said she had to leave with him despite the fact that she handed over the truck keys. She ranted the whole way home from the police station about how she only wanted to go to the coffee shop and how dare he arrest her when she gave the truck back.
  5. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Boy, where do I start with my family?

    I can start with my dad's mother, who was a hoarder. She saved random things for no reason, like all hoarders. She also never vacuumed because she was convinced that it would only stir up more dust.

    Then there is my Uncle who is a ward of the state because he was already mentally ill to begin with, and then absolutely blasted his mind with meth.

    My father has Aspbergers, and was a nuclear sub captain in the Navy. Imagine being under the command of a man who has no idea how to relate to people while trapped underwater for 6 months at a time. I wrote about it extensively on the old board, and I will see if I can find a cache somewhere to copy a story or two.
  6. Lasersailor

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    A pseudo business partner of mine is a Schizophrenic Roofing Contractor. He himself would drink a case of beer on a slow day, and more on a tough day. Every day. With a family history of craziness (that's a technical term, by the way), you'd think he would know better then to seek out mind altering substances.

    30 Beers a day drove him into absurdity. When Bush was president, he was convinced that HE was Dick Cheney, and that the CIA was talking to him through the TV. He also convinced himself that he had the ability to predict the future. He did this by Tivoing a news program while watching it, then later rewatching it. Through his incredible mental powers he then was able to "Predict" what was going to happen on the news, but would always forget that he was watching a recording. What was almost sad was that when he would run out of booze he would almost slip into a lucid state, and realize that what he was doing was crazy. But he didn't want to give up the power, so he would get more alcohol and drink himself into craziness.

    Now that Obama is president, he has convinced himself that HE is Barack Obama. A 50 year old 6'5, 250 pound white guy tells people HE is Barack Obama.

    The aggravating part is that he gets a lot of requests for bids, and a lot of repeat customers. These people have dealt with him in the past, I don't understand how they can't know that he's crazy. Every new job that comes in is a competition between doing a good job and running interference between Mr. Obama and the customer.
  7. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Lasersailor weren't you the guy from the old board that was kicked out of your parents house for admitting to liking wafflehouse? If not sorry, I can't remember everything form the old board. You have to write about that.
  8. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rep asked what became of her... The guy whose truck she stole did not press charges. However, the incident allowed me to convince my mother that this woman was psycho enough that she could easily do something damaging to us, our animals or our house. Last I knew, she was living in a bad part of town on her own. When we moved from the house, a few valuables turned up missing that my mother blamed on the move but I am convinced this crazy woman stole them since I knew where most of them had been.

    Her aunt was extremely wealthy but refused to have anything to do with her, besides the small amount she paid us for a while.
  9. JGold

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Denver, CO
    I don't know what's wrong with my roommate, but it's something serious. Here are some fun facts:

    -She "sleep eats." Every night at about 1 or 2 a.m., she sneaks downstairs and pigs out. She eats other peoples' salads, pizza, chips, anything. She claims it's caused by severe anxiety. It's the weirdest thing; she slinks around quiet as a field mouse and won't engage anyone, especially while she's chowing down their food.

    -She has spent not only whole days, but multiple days doing nothing but sitting in her room, staring out the window, and listening to shitty emo music like Bright Eyes. She's 26.

    -She switches from fun-loving to crying to fun-loving in the span of minutes. Things that have made her start sobbing: the word "gay," the word "Jew," watching football on a Sunday, a $25 parking ticket, her car being blocked in, and much, much more. She tries hard to be as PC as possible, hence being severely offended by the aforementioned words, but she's a hypocrite about it. Days after flipping out at the mention of "gay," a guy she was dating dropped the g-bomb several times. Her response? Flirty laughter.

    -She idolizes her brother to the point it gives me the shivers. She has 20-30 pictures of him in her room, obsessively stalks his Facebook page, and calls him two or three times a day. I assume he's equally crazy.

    -She picks little fights, advances them unnecessarily to screaming matches, and then runs upstairs crying to her room and slams the door. This happens several times a week.

    -The guys she pursues tend to be emo teenagers with bisexual tendencies. No joke, one of her "boyfriends" hit on my male roommate by saying, "No one will ever have to know." Again, she's 26.

    -Similar to when she sleep eats, she stalks silently around the house when she's depressed, which is about half of every day. I've spent whole hours in a room only to be startled as fuck when she pops up from under a blanket in the corner.

    I could keep this list going for hours. I'll stop there. The sad thing is I put up with a lot of this and rarely call her on her bullshit, because I realize she has mental issues and I'm honestly concerned if I push too hard she'll hurt herself. Anyone have a diagnosis?
  10. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Spell check is great, yeah?
  11. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Dearest members of TiB, please meet my dear uncle. This whackjob has been in trouble with the police since he was 14. He's never held down a job for more than a year at a time because he can't stop telling his bosses "Fuck you, I'm not doing what you tell me to do", and he's racked up at LEAST 5 DUIs in the past 5 years. In Ohio, that's felony "go to jail for a long session of self-reflection and literal butthurt" material, yet somehow he's free. He's spent a good deal of the past three years living with relatives, which ended when he was living with my aunt and told her that he was allowed to come in drunk at 3AM, or leave at the same hour as he pleased.

    He's been diagnosed with depression plus borderline or bipolar, I can't remember which, but he was prescribed medication. Now, one of the interactions of this medicine is with alcohol, meaning that if you want to take your happy pills and get better, you can't get drunk. His solution to this particular conflict was to stop taking the pills and drink to excess on a nightly basis. Surprisingly, he's still depressed and unbalanced. This is the kind of guy you can look at and say "The sky is blue", and he'll argue that it isn't before launching into a rant about political issues he knows neither jack nor shit about. (Although he does know his Jack quite well)

    The kicker to this lifelong display of self-destructive narcissism and selfishness came a week before this past Christmas. He'd been on a particularly serious bender, and the family had been learning the hard way not to answer his unintelligible 2AM drunk calls. This night, however, he called everyone. Again and again, before finally settling with a constant barrage of calls solely to my mother. She finally picked up, and to be concise, she took my husband over to make sure he wasn't going to off himself. Before the night was through, he had threatened her husband, gone in and out of consciousness several times, and repeatedly felt up my mother while giving her the kind of dirty talk that would be saved for a sleazy, low-budget porno.

    Let me repeat this: He repeatedly groped and made verbal sexual advances toward his own sister in front of her husband. The only reason he is still alive is because my mother's husband has a bad knee, a large gut, and likely my mother's body shielding him from murderous intent.

    And he wonders why he isn't welcome at family gatherings anymore. Sadly, I'm unofficially banned from any future family gathering he might be allowed to attend. Why? Well, when my mother asked me to sign a birthday card for him, I laughed, halfheartedly scribbled my name, and told her "How about a 'Happy Go Fuck Yourself Day' card? Oh, and if I ever see him even look at you the wrong way, I'm going to leave him wishing he had killed himself that night."

    As Doc Holliday said, "Ve-ery cosmopolitan." I can only guess I'm genetically destined to die on the tail end of a coke binge, surrounded by dead bodies in a deserted motel, balls deep in my cousin's ass on a bed of stolen cash. Here's to the future, right?
  12. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I believe the name is cat-piss-ophilia.
  13. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive spoken before about my old roommate (who is still one of my best friends) and his antics here. But here are some more gems of his:

    -When I live in New Britain, the town with the highest concentration of polish immigrants in the United States, we had a landlord who (predictably) didnt speak english. The first Friday after we moved in, my roommate when downstairs to have a shot with him and a few of his visiting polish immigrant friends. 2 hours later, my landlord is knocking at my door and as soon as I open, he starts nervously motioning me to follow him. I go in the kitchen, my roommate is laying on top of the table crying into his hands while one of my landlords friends is trying to tickle him to cheer him up, I guess. I get my roommate to come-to a little bit to take him up the stairs when he stops me, strips down to his boxers and runs outside screaming and waving his hands only to pass out in the backyard 5 minutes later.

    -Hes sometimes yells in strangers faces to scare them. He thinks its funny.

    -He once went off his meds (Wellbutrin or Xanax) and delibrately started trampling my landlords garden with his equally crazy girlfriend, who is now in prison for credit card fraud.
  14. misnomer

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 28, 2010
    My mum's side of the family has a rich vein of mental illness running through it. In fact my uncle, mum's brother, suffers from some kind of illness where he just doesn't care at all about anything and needs others to look after him (he's under the wing of the local Jehovahs Witnesses) which, according to mum, was brought on by an excessively oppressive study-study-study regimen enforced by her parents (they're Japanese). Once bright and sporty, he just snapped one day and was never the same. His high school report card detailing his steady decline in academic rank from top 30 to bottom 10( out of 180 students) over 6 years says it all.

    Anyway, this one particular cousin of mum's was interred in a mental asylum.

    The guy's mother, my mum's aunt, gets a knock on the door one day. She answers to find her son standing there - he'd escaped - proceeding to douse himself in kerosene and lighting himself up, right there in front of his mother.

    Haha? Funny right?
  15. Lasersailor

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009

    My sister and I attended summer camps, she was a camper at the girls camp, and at the time I was a counselor at the boys camp. There were two 4 week long sessions every summer, my sister attended the first one. In between the sessions were 3 days that the counselors had off. So my mother came down to pick up my sister, and visit the grandparents who lived close by. I figured I would spend a couple days hanging out with them before going back.

    On the very first night, the exact day we left camp, we were all sitting around the dinner table discussing the plans for the next couple of days. Beach, pool, boardwalk... The works. Up to this point I had been talking to my sister privately about this crazy new thing I found named Waffle House, the epitome of cheap, greasy breakfast food.

    So I calmly announce to the table not expecting at all the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor explosion to come, "Tomorrow morning I'm taking [Sister] out to Waffle House for breakfast." No sooner had I finished when my mother burst into tears, my grandfather snarled at me, and my grandmother made a face I had never seen on a human being. Some of the things yelled at me included, "You were always an ungrateful little punk!" "You are a horrible son!" "I never want to see your ugly face ever again."

    I stumbled out of the house like I had been surprised gut kicked. I sat in my jeep for 15 minutes unable to leave because I was shaking so bad. First I was so surprised, but soon after I became enraged at what had happened. My sister played the role of peace keeper, and calmed everyone down. After a bit she came out to and told me that my mother and the grandparents wanted to apologize.

    My mother was sitting in a rocking chair on the back porch. I approached her, and stopped a couple feet away. She said to me and I quote, "So, are you ready to apologize?" I looked at her, then at my sister, and then I left with out saying a word. My father had previously tried to imprint on me how crazy that family was, but I never understood it until then.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have posted an extensive amount on this board about the insanity of my childhood. My mother is definitely broken.

    Here is the worst thing, in my opinion.

    We were living in Australia from when I was about a year old to about six. The "home" was violent and terrifying between my first stepfather and my mother. They had a son together who was often left in my care.

    Well, one night she decided she had enough of the abuse and left for the states in the middle of the night. She took me, but left her son.

    She abandoned her child.

    She never spoke of him, to him, nothing. When I was grieving for him, unable to understand why she kept me and not him, she punished me and did everything she could to make me never mention to anyone that I even had a little brother.

    20 years later he contacted her and all she would say is that she did the right thing, and that she didn't owe him a damn thing.

    Fuck her crazy cunt self.
  17. Lasersailor

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    A couple people asked if I ever found out why my family exploded like that. After that incident I never spoke to my mother for 2 years. I didn't speak to my grandparents for 4 years.

    When I did start speaking with them again, I figured it was best not to poke the tiger.