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Date Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Franky, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Franky

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009
    Let's pretend you tell a nice & cute girl -or guy- you should "totally get together sometime" and she -or he- responds in the affirmative. Next day you get a text saying : "Let's do something fun next Saturday, any ideas?"

    Alright, I'll come out and say it: I'm not pretending. All out of ideas and pining for some input. I'm so used to inviting girls to my concerts or just inviting them over for dinner and sex that I've become clueless about dating. I almost replied "Sure, come on over, bring a nice DVD and we'll order pizza" before I caught myself. I actually have the whole day off and want to do something memorable and worthwhile. Here's what I came up with so far :

    Indoor snowboarding :
    I love snowboarding
    She loves snowboarding
    Snowboarding is awesome
    It's indoor and I always pine for the mountains on indoor slopes
    She sprayed her ankle so it's pretty much out of the question

    Zoo :
    Penguins are awesome
    I went to the zoo with my cousin less than a month ago, and they don't have anything new.

    Museum :
    Educational, interesting
    She's the ADD type, probably hates museums

    Concert (somebody else's)
    I'll enjoy myself regardless of the company
    I will be immersed in the music so she'll probably get bored
    Only thing remotely good this weekend is sold out so I'll have to pull some strings.

    FOCUS: Discuss some typical 'date for two' events, or describe one you had.

    PS The focus is not on sex, just having a good time.
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't think we've had a thread this innocent in a while. Those PUA tactics are really working for you, eh Franky? Good job on executing a successful number-close!
  3. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This might sound lame to some, but how about going to a play, or an acrobatic show? It's something people never do, and even if it wasn't the greatest time it feels good to see something new. It might not be the best if she has really bad ADD though. You could be ultra cheesy and take her ice skating. Again, something a lot of people haven't done in a long time. Eh, maybe I have no ideas either. Just buy some ecstasy. Then you two can fall in love right away.
  4. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I love this part. If you went to the Zoo you would watch the monkeys throw shit at each other and ignore the girl, wouldn't you.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Or when the monkeys started humping you would just elbow her and say "ehh? EHH??"

    Unless really know your girl likes plays/theater type stuff Id advise against it, you are forced to be silent together basically the whole time and if either of you aren't theater types there is a good chance it'll be terribly boring.

    I say do something that is more sociable like a wine tasting or going to a sports event. You can be open around her plus having other people around helps keep the awkward silences to a minimum.
  6. slothers

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Santa Barbara
    I'd go with indoor rock climbing, or paintball. It's a fun activity especially if she has never done it before, maybe a hike or salsa class together? Then go for sushi afterward because that type of food hits her erogenous zones and it's tasty.
  7. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I say mix up a batch of Death Mix in your favorite Camelbak and go ALL OUT BROOOOO

    Seriously though, indoor snowboarding sounds freaking amazing, and it's definitely going to be memorable if nothing else.

    In other news I am now F5'ing this thread. For great justice.
  8. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
    My go-to is bowling...but then I just like bowling. Come to think of it, who needs the girl? Just leave her tied up in your basement and go bowling with your buddies, there'll be plenty of time for romance later when you break out the '62 merlot enema and bullwhip, and this time your mother won't wake you up before the good part.

    Seriously though, bowling's a good excuse to play a game, get rowdy and flirtatious, get some high fives/hugs of victory/consolation, bet on a strike/spare for a kiss, plus if she sucks you can show her how to do it with words and hands-on guidance. If you're both enthusiastic, and have fun you leave refreshed and ready to go home and get frisky, but then I think that applies to just about any date.

    I dunno, works for me.
  9. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My best ever dates were both food-centered. Cooking an advanced meal together at home and watching Edward Sissorhands afterward (best date movie and those who know, know) or going to a tapas restaurant and spending a solid two hours minimum. Expect to pay ~25$ more than you'd pay at Olive Garden but it's well worth it, and really sexy if you're a good conversationalist.


    I stumbled upon this list a long while ago and it was the dorkiest, most ineffective list of 21 First Date Ideas I've seen ever. I made some jokes off of it for my stand-up bits but then I wrote an article for my college paper/website. It was very well received. I usually keep TiB securely away from my actual writing but since this was amateur and for fun... what the hell.

    Outdoor First Date Ideas

    Go for a walk - This is such a simple first date idea but most shy away from it because they feel like they must do something complex in order for their date to be impressed. Wrong! The only ideas you need to impress your date with are the ones that you articulate as your conversation progresses. If you are an interesting person and have fou
    Blah blah blah. If the first suggestion of any list is to not do what the list advertises, it’s a shit list. It’s a date, you either go with the tried-and-true or be very creative. Going for a walk is neither.
    Pro tip: Forgo the walk and wack-off before your date, your nerves and sex-drive will settle and you won’t pop a “teaser trailer” before the feature presentation. If you know what I mean.

    Watch an outdoor movie – Going to a movie is pretty worn out in the world of first date ideas. You can resurrect it in a fun way by going to see a movie outdoors or, even better, at a drive-in movie theater if you still happen to have one near where you live.
    Yeah and then you won’t get post-movie sex. Just an awkward handy in the seat as you watch Iron Man 2, and she’ll probably just mash on your dick in the cramped quarters. Pass.
    Pro tip: Stick in a DVD of Edward Sissorhands and you’ll be sticking it in her before the third act.

    Create your own picnic – Pick a nice spot near where you’re meeting up and swing by a grocery store or take-out restaurant for some quick eats before setting up camp for food and conversation with your new favorite person. There’s no need to spend a lot of money. Picnics are supposed to be simple and you want it to be about getting to know your date, not truffles wrapped in gold foil!
    Picnics? Who goes on picnics anymore? Why is she my new favorite person? Ants, bees, the sun, wind, rain, clouds, douchebags with backward baseball caps playing frisbee, dogs, large dogs, mudslides, the movie Sex and the City 2 and Sarah Palin’s retarded child are all at risk to ruin a picnic.
    Pro tip: Go underwear shopping. Insist that she try on the NICkers you PICk out. Get it? Nic pic? It’s like suggesting a Picnic but backwards and still less creepy.

    Go boating – The idea of sailing on a first date seems like a recipe for disaster but something milder, like canoeing, row boating, or taking a paddle boat out on a sunny afternoon would work well. Admittedly, the last time I took a girl on a paddle boat for a date we both ended up soaking wet with marsh moss in our hair. It was amazing though!
    Who paddle-boats through a marsh, crashes, sinks and then tells people to do the same? The only way it could be amazing would be if by ‘paddle boat’ he meant ‘love boat’ and ‘marsh moss’ he meant ‘sex fluids’.
    Pro tip: Wait this one out till you have a yacht or moderately sized speedboat, then play the seminal 90s classic Hypnotize by Biggie and enjoy your date. (Alternatively: Big Pimpin’ - Jay-Z but you’ll need a harem of girls, one just won’t do it justice)

    Go for a run together – If running is your idea of a good time, an easy run with a new friend can make for a great date!
    Next! Running is not my idea of a good time. What are we, savages?
    Pro tip: Tell her that’s she’s been RUNning through your mind all day and you’d like to see her for [X] at [Y]. [X= drinks, food, sex, Spanish tango, watermelon carving, mud wrestling, an abortion rally*]; [Y = your place, her place, your mom’s place, the SPCA, the movies, the train terminal, the nearby abortion clinic] *See what side she takes, act accordingly.

    Volunteer at a soup kitchen – One of the best first dates I’ve ever been on involved meeting up with a woman at 5:30am to serve breakfast at the local soup kitchen. Not only did we get to know each other better but we got to do something worthwhile that helped our community. It’s hard to come up with a reason why giving back to your community could be considered a bad id
    Bullshit. Early Morning? Poor people? Public service? It’s a date, it’s me demonstrating that I’m interested in her and not Donny the aw-shucks-fella deadbeat dad.
    Pro tip: Volunteer at the SPCA every second Friday when they “deal with” all the leftover pets. It’ll be a timeless memory for her. A bloody, terrible, timeless memory.

    Get up insanely early and be the first customers at your favorite breakfast joint – You’ll get a chance to chat before the restaurant gets busy and have time to do some people-watching when the regulars start pouring in. Note: If you find somebody who is cool with rolling out of bed early to join you for a breakfast date, it’d be a bad idea to let them get away!
    Holy shit, what is with this guy and getting up early? Shut the fuck up. Women don’t look good at 5 in the morning (trust me on this). Also, if my date called me to suggest we wake up at 4:30am, get to some dingy, shitty breakfast joint and “people watch” I’ll cackle and hang up.
    Pro tip: It’s a good date idea if you both haven’t slept from the last night’s date, drinks and hookups. Actually, that’s a great date.

    Indoor First Date Ideas

    Take an intro yoga or other fitness class – If you’re really out of shape, this might not be a great idea for a first date. Otherwise, pick a class that will fit both of your fitness levels and have some fun! You should know that getting hot and sweaty
    The text just ends. This asshole just doesn’t think it’s worth his time to finish off the paragraph he started. Let me do it: You should know that getting hot and sweaty is fucking gross and completely unattractive in a yoga setting, enjoy!
    Pro tip: By taking her to a fitness class you insinuate that you think she’s not fit enough. Stay on that thought but try to minimize your own physical involvement: find a Biathlon training class and get her to do the 10km cross country sprint and you practice your thug stance. Win-win.

    Visit a psychic – Everybody likes to know the future, well, at least a prediction of it!
    Remeber: on a first date, you’ll earn a crazy large amount of points if you DON’T take her to a filthy gypsy. I know, I learned the hard way.
    Pro tip: If you pay the gypsy beforehand to suggest to your date is at a terrible and painful risk if she ‘doesn’t quit being a cocktease’, it’s a good date idea.

    Visit a shut-in – This might not seem like it belongs on a list of first date ideas but if you step away from your preconceptions, I think you might consider it and even try it out. Visiting people who are unable to get out and enjoy regular social interactions isn’t just a worthwhile use of your time. It gives you a chance to learn a bit about the character of your date. Is he or she willing to spend time with people who are in need? If your date is unkind it will only be a matter of time before that unkindness is pointed at you. Seek the good hearts!
    Holy shit I just found the worst date idea ever.
    Pro tip: At the cemetery, ejaculate on the tombstones of your ex-girlfriend’s family while your date pours salt on every adjacent plot. Seek the good hearts!

    Play video games – PS2, Nintendo, Xbox, it doesn’t matter. If your date is into video games and you’ve got strong thumbs, it might be time for a bit of virtual smackdown! Just be careful not to beat your date too badly at whatever video game you decide to play. You don’t want your first date ideas to turn into video-game-inspired revenge ideas. =)
    Why do I feel like this list was written by a virgin with a deadline? Oh wait, it’s because I was just told to take someone to a fucking picnic, to go boating, to volunteer at a soup kitchen, and to play video games ON A FIRST DATE.
    Pro tip: Invite her over to play ‘Coin-purse’. Which consists of you both stripping naked and her chasing you around the house trying to nab onto your scrotum. Every time she gets a grip, you whip a nickle at her from the pile in your hand and keep going. Bonus points if you both cover yourself in erotic lubricant. Triple points if after the game (that is, when you run out of nickles) you play Call of Duty and thoroughly kick her ass. Prestige motherfucks!!

    Take a music lesson together – Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or some other instrument? Inviting a date along for a partner lesson at a local music school might be a fun way to start your lesson and get the much-dreaded first date out of the way.
    Nothing is quite as attractive as hearing someone try to play Smoke on the Water seven-hundred times.
    Pro tip: Put on a Marvin Gaye album and casually suggest to take a love lesson together, baby. (Alternatively: Put on an Insane Clown Posse album and fling feces at each other from across the room)

    Go to a used bookstore – It can be a new bookstore if you insist. It doesn’t matter! If you and your date enjoy reading and perusing books, hitting up a bookstore on a first date may just end up being one of the ideas that sets you on a quick course to true love.
    And then what? You read your books together? Anyways I doubt she’d like reading my Dragon Ball Manga, and even if she did, she probably won’t get the underlying symbolism =(
    Pro tip: Go to a book burning together. Make sure she sees you throw in your copy of Fahrenheit 451, because book burners like nothing more than literary irony.

    Go gift shopping – Not for each other, but for somebody else. Perhaps you need to pick up a gift for your sister or some other relative and you need some insight into the process? Ask your date to give you some in-motion advice and perhaps even pick up something small for each other. Trinkets only. Save the cars and fur coats for later dates!
    What the hell kind of date involves me lifting my attention from my date and onto trinket shopping for my smelly aunt? I hate trinkets almost as much as my relatives. I hate this date idea. I hate this list.
    Pro tip: Go to a pharmacy and lift your eyebrows suggestively every time you happen to pass by the condom section.

    “Safe” First Date Ideas

    Take a cooking class together – Check your local community college or continuing education program for listings of cooking classes you can take if there isn’t a culinary school to be found.
    Because there is nothing I’d prefer to do more on a date than to cook with community college students.
    Pro tip: Take a continuing education aluminum welding course together.

    Visit a tourist hot spot in your town that neither of you has been to before – Even if you’ve been living in the same place for years, there’s a great chance that you’ll have missed at least a few interesting places in your community. If it turns out that your chosen spot is a dud, get creative and come up with a few quick ideas to finish off your date. Most will give you a lot of slack if little things go wrong. Just keep the conversation interesting and the venue won’t be such a killer.
    Take her to a shitty tourist trap and if it sucks, you’re own your own sucka!! What kind of advice is it to NOT go in with a plan. That’s what this list is for, you lazy fuck.
    Pro tip: Visit a tourist trap but dress up as tourists and take lots of pictures. Bonus points if you fake an Asian accent as everybody if they’re Ethan Hawke. No, seriously, it’s a great date idea.

    Attend a local film or music festival – It’s a rare individual who won’t enjoy a local festival at least a bit. This is a pretty safe bet for anybody but the most boring of people.
    If my date suggested to go to a local art-house film festival I’d cackle uproariously while simultaneously deleting her number from my contacts.
    Pro tip: Take her to see a monster truck rally. Whichever one of you has the I’m With Stupid shirt has to buy the first round of Coors Light.

    Meet up for a drink – This is one of the safest, and therefore one of the most-used first date ideas. You can make things a bit more adventurous by visiting a jazz club or finding a bar that will teach you to make new drinks. Of course, you could always go and grab some bottled water. =)
    Only this loser can making drinking sound gay. ‘Bottled water’? Really? Why don’t you go tampon shopping, and then watch Pretty Woman while eating a tub of Haagen-Dazs? If you ever suggest to a girl “lets meet up for drinks” and you order a bottled water and still expect her to drink, you’re just a passive-aggresive rapist.
    Pro tip: Drink her under the table and insist on driving her home. She’ll be impressed by your masculine ability to ingest gratuitous amounts alcohol, your fidelity in driving her home and your rakish charm in willfully breaking the law.

    Visit a new restaurant – There’s a bit of risk in eating at a new restaurant because you can’t be sure of the quality but this first date idea still makes the “safe” list because it’s not hugely risky.
    Visiting a new restaurant is never a risk. Unless it’s an expensive restaurant, in that case, just order the cheapest thing on the menu (Cheese Pizza) and stare at her zealously when she’s thinking of appetizers.
    Pro tip: Complain about the service throughout the date, claim that the waiter was giving you a snooty look or you’re almost sure he scratched his crotch before handling your bread. That way you can snub the tip and not look like a cheapskate.

    Eat in – Do you already have great cooking skills? If so, break ‘em out for an early dinner! You might want to check for possible food allergies before you start sharing your iron chef skills though.
    Only a faggot make cooking sound so gay. Check for food allergies before you start? The writer is suggesting that you cook for your date before she comes over, what's the activity then? In that case, a little date-rape is the only thing between an quiet date and an quiet date with lots of sex.
    Pro tip: Don’t put date-rape in water, it’ll make the drink noticeably salty and she’ll probably know whats up by your eager and slightly menacing look as she drinks from her glass. The more you know.

    Phone it in – Oh yeah, the date that consists entirely of talking into a small electronic device. This one is for all you cyber dating pros out there looking for first date ideas like you planned on doing something other than talking on your phone. =) All jokes aside, there are some benefits to phoning in. Sure, you don’t get to see your date’s face while you’re talking, but that also means that you don’t have to get dressed up or worry about what your face looks like. See? Might not be a bad idea.
    Holy fuck. You call to set up a date… and the call IS the date. That is so genius! That’s kinda like some Inception or Matrix shit - I wonder why other people who’ve had sex and procreated never thought of that?
    Pro tip: Physical contact is preferred if you want a healthy, emotional bond, but in a pinch you could just ejaculate onto her window in the dead of night and poke her on Facebook the following morning.

    If you want more, random, musings and non-sequitor observations, click below - I've taken a dark turn with my cancer scare but it's generally lighthearted-ish.
    I need a new tumblr theme by the way, if anybody could help me

    Anyway, it's not a great or insightful column but it fit well with the college crowd and was passed around a little bit.
  10. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I like most of these ideas but you definitely need to clear a few of them with her first, especially sushi. Also, if you choose hiking, which I think is the best idea so far in this thread, make sure you're not in terrible shape before you go. If you are bending over every five minutes gasping for air it's pretty much a death sentence. If you're not going to do sushi after wards pack a good lunch and maybe throw some wine in a Nalgene, or if you're really cool a Sigg to have at the top.
  11. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    What kind of museums do you have available? ADD doesn't necessarily mean that a museum won't be interesting, just that she might not be interested in a few wings.
  12. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Depending on how old you are, going wine tasting is always a good classy one thats shes probably not done before. And you can pretend you know what youre talking about and not look bad.

    Just going out for a nice dinner (not pizza at home) usually is a safe bet. THEN you can top it off with a good rom-com date movie like Human Centipede.

    The fact that youve been to the zoo enough to know that "they dont have anything new" troubles me.
  13. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    I have two go-to date ideas that I use pretty regularly:

    1) Go to a pool hall and/or bar with pool table. Pool is a lot of fun whether anyone is good at it or not; if you are good at it then it's an opportunity to impress her with a skill that is universally recognized as awesome. If you suck at it, that's okay because she probably sucks too. You can focus as much attention on the game as you want, so it's not a distraction but it'll keep you both occupied. There will probably be booze involved but how shit-faced you get is up to the both of you. Basically there is a lot of flexibility with pool, I've never had a date at a pool hall that wasn't fun.

    2) Not really "first date" material, but cooking with her is also a great idea, at least if you can cook a good meal. We'll go together to the grocery store to get ingredients, so it becomes a whole evening. Fairly inexpensive, interesting, and showcases a talent that few people can pull off.
  14. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Man, he's just asking for ideas, but if you're willing to actually go there and pick out the food for him that's just above and beyond. Though the girl might find it slightly odd that a random stranger from the internet is cooking dinner with her date.

    Oh and I second (or third) the wine tasting, that pretty much can't go wrong unless one of you is a ridiculous lightweight or she doesn't like wine, but that would be a pretty good indicator that she sucks at life.
  15. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    My vote is go to lunch and a museum or an arboretum (if it isn't too cold where you live). One of the best first dates I've had was going to see the Body World exhibit. I thought it was awesome and definitely more creative than dinner and a movie. Second favorite was going to the Arboretum and picking up a light lunch on the way so we could eat it picnic-style. (Also a good idea because it's pretty inexpensive). Another guy took me to see "Spring Awakening", one of my favorite musicals that happened to be in town. That seemed a little over the top for a first date, though. I don't think he was trying too hard, but if I hadn't known him for a while I would've made that assumption. Wine bars are fun, too. You can pretend to be cultured and knowledgeable, and if things get weird there's alcohol.

    It really depends on what she's into and how you know her. If you know her through an activity or group you could incorporate that. If it's some chick from a class that's a little bit more difficult.
  16. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    If geography and weather allow, try a nice dinner then go all BlueDog on her with some boat related activities. Examples - if you live near Baltimore, take the water taxi and go bar hopping. If you live near NYC, a cruise around the island or up the Hudson is pretty cool. I've done things like this a number of times, and it always goes over well.

    On the other hand, if you're looking to accelerate the relationship a bit, an intense, shared experience brings people together in a way that simply talking for a few hours cannot hope to match.

    Start with lunch. Something light, as you won't want to be weighed down later on, and perhaps a few drinks, to get the courage up. Then take your date to the mall, and spend some quality time together shopping for pillowcases and ski masks. Then take a leisurely cruise around town, in either a rented car or, preferably, one you've stolen.

    Then pick a bank at random and rob it. The rush you'll get will be amazing, and, if you succeed, the "successful escape" sex will blow your mind. Should you be unsuccessful, or an extended time on the lam is required, she will come to depend on you to see her through those trying times, or, at the very least, you'll have months of shared court appearances to look forward to.
  17. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't like the hiking idea. If things go south, you have to hang out together until you get back to the car. Hiking is more of a third date thing.

    Also what is up with all of you pussies and your wine tasting? Don't take yourself down a level by doing something girly. Take her to a beer tasting. Educate her that there are good beers out there not made by Miller-Coors-AB.

    Make her picnic and take her to the park.

    Take her out for coffee. I find first dates should be shorter. You dont need to spend like an hour together doing something cheap. If all goes well then go all out.

    And finally, if she is a freak just take her to the strip club. I find this type of first date will often end up with you getting laid, or slapped. Either way it is a good way to tell if she is a freak or not.
  18. Striding Man

    Striding Man
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    Average Idiot

    Nov 18, 2009
    Cooking dinner has already been mentioned but here's my take on a great date I had. I found a place that offered cooking classes with the most well known chefs in Chicago. This is great for a few reasons, first, it's a group setting and thus allows you to interact with eachother as well as those around you (max 10 people per class). Second, you're cooking a specific meal (almost all places have a different "menu" for each class, if you don't know her tastes go with something generic instead of exotic) & all of the shopping and clean up is done for you! Third, people have mentioned wine tasting, which you can apply here as well, seeing as alcohol is highly incouraged at these places! You'll know the meal before hand so pick some wine that'll pair well with it, typically 2 bottles (not too much as to appear an alcoholic, but enough so that you don't run dry in the first hour or 2 of class), as the class will last between 3 and 4 hours. Lastly while you are actually preparing the meal the head chef is watching over everyone, so you will learn & can't really screw it up! This makes for a phenominal meal, great conversation, an excuse to drink (as if we need one!) a chance to mingle with new people (show of those social skills, baby!), and more than likely it will be a unique, fun, & very memorable first date!

    Good luck!

    Forgot to mention that typically you'll be making an appetizer, main course with several side dishes, and dessert! full blown fancy pants meal, with out the cost, or even the fancy pants!
  19. tweetybird

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    My first date with my husband was bar trivia at this small English themed pub with a great beer selection. It was totally fun - you're forced to work together which forges a sort of us-against-the-world mentality, there's plenty of time to chat in between the task at hand, it's a low pressure and relatively low cost activity so both of you will likely feel comfortable, and there's distracting drunkards/rowdy other teams if things get weird. Oh, and beer. Which is awesome.

    I would not, however, use this idea if you are super competitive. I can't think of a bigger turn-off than a dude getting angry and disputing with the bar manager over points when all you're going to win in the end is a freakin' pitcher.
  20. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    That's the thing...a lot of these ideas are cool and all, but not exactly the best for first dates. 90% of the first dates I go on are with guys I barely know, and if they suggested going to any kind of theater production, indoor sports fill-in-the-blank, a concert, or especially hiking (alone out in nature with a guy I just met? No fucking way) I would think it's too over the top and little warning flags would probably start going off in my head. I know there's a lot of pressure on first dates, but the boring ideas are classics for a reason. I want to be in a situation where I can accurately gauge what the guy is like and who he is to see if I want to continue getting to know him, so ideas like wine/beer tastings, picnics in the park, and museums (where at least you're guaranteed to have something to talk about if the conversation gets stale - just make sure you pick a good museum that you'll both enjoy) are all perfectly fine. Then you can use those other ideas to get more creative for future dates.

    My go-to plan is almost always meeting for coffee or a drink in an area that I know well because a) I feel safer and more at ease and b) if it's going well, I'll have ideas nearby to extend the date. A really good option is to go somewhere where there's an arcade nearby. I like old-timey things, and playing Ski-ball is cute. (Just don't have her standing by some 1 person game watching you play forever. She will not be impressed by how good you are. She will just be bored and annoyed.) The most successful date with this formula was we went to a bookstore after, then got beers from a sketchy bodega and walked to the middle of the Williamsburg Bridge and drank them there while listening to music and smooching. It got a little indie movie, but I guess it worked because we went out for a while after that.

    The date idea I found most flattering, though, was when he let me show him something new. I always enjoy doing that with guys I'm dating, but for him to start out that way really stood out to me. He was in business, and from somewhere in the Midwest where they don't have culture, and knew I was arty, so he asked if I could show him around the Met for the first time. I basically peed myself because I know the Met like the back of my hand and was really excited to be a part of someone's first experience there. I liked how it showed he already knew/cared about my interests. I had so much fun showing him around and pointing out the famous pieces, especially since it felt a little intimate since I basically grew up with it so it was like bringing him home in a cheesy way. Plus, it had the added bonus of making me look really smart and cultured. It was especially nice since he seemed to actually really enjoy himself. Then we went to my favorite bakery in the neighborhood and had dessert and talked for three hours until they kicked us out.

    Food for thought.