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Decade Lists

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by downndirty, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    They have been appearing for weeks now. Focus: Create your own ¨best of 2000´s¨ or worst of 2000´s list.

    Rapper: Jay-Z, runners up being Outkast, Nas, Eminem.
    Band: This is like figuring out which ass pimple you want to lick off a meth addicted transvestite. Ugh. White Stripes? Black Keys?
    Movie(s): The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Gladiator are the main ones I recall that could stand the test of time.
    TV show: The Wire, Planet Earth, Deadwood, Chappelle´s Show.
    Sporting Event: 2006 World Cup finals.
    Fiction Book: The Road, Cormac McCarthy. There are a few hundred I could put here, but I remember none of them as vividly as this one.
    Nonfiction: Any of Robert Greenes books, Freakanomics.

    Worst rapper: God, where to start. I´ll go with the entire record labels of Cash Money and No Limit, except for Mystikal. I would say Soulja Boy, or D4L, but shitty one-hit wonders are too plentiful.
    Worst band: Good Charlotte. Saw them with Blink 182 and Mxpx, and they were fucking terrible.
    Worst movie: Spider Man 3 or GI Joe. How do you ruin a childhood? See those movies.
    Worst TV Show: Simple Life, Flavor of Love.
    Worst sporting Event: Barry Bonds breaking the HR records. I haven´t watched an entire, regular season baseball game since.
    Worst fiction Book: Twilight. We have an entire thread for that.
    Worst nonfiction: probably The Dirt, Motley Crue. Fun as hell to read, then you realize what a gang of cunts they are.

    To keep this interesting, make the list things you have read/seen/listened to. I know Twilight is probably not the worst piece of fiction to come out in the past 10 years, but it is the worst I personally have read.

    Or just link and make fun of the decade lists as they pop up.
  2. Muses

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was 10 years old in 2000 so I don't think I really have the perspective to make a good comprehensive list, but leaving out the Red Hot Chili Peppers is criminal.
  3. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    Took your format and removed the ones it would be wrong of me to try and assess

    Musical Group / Rapper / WHatever: My first thoughts are Circle Takes the Square, but in the interest of using artists people have actually heard of, lets go with The White Stripes. They stayed solid, they didn't really sell out, and they're fairly different from everything else going (even with the garagerock revival in like 2002)
    Movie(s): Gladiator is the one movie I still think of and say "this movie was solid on pretty much every level", though my favourite of the decade is likely Kill Bill
    Sporting Event: 2006 World Cup finals, or the 2004 World Series.

    Worst Musical Group or Rapper: Soulja Boy. There was the whole shitty wannabemo/mtvmo and poppunk crap, and while I hate Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy is just a new wave of terrible. Second place would be Brokencyde.
    Worst movie: While I want to be spiteful and say the matrix sequels, I think this is safely Gigli.
    Worst TV Show: Lets go with 'the entire reality tv genre', though there's a special place for shows where people have become celebrities for no apparent reason, like Tilia Tequila's shit.
    Worst sporting Event: Teams from Florida and California winning the Stanley Cup.
  4. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'll bite on this while I wait for a meeting to start, and add a couple categories.

    Rapper: Jay-Z, agreed. Between The Blueprint and The Black Album, he had the decade wrapped up by 2004.
    Band: Radiohead, by leaps and bounds. Produced more and higher critically acclaimed albums since 2000's Kid A than any other band, and became one of the top 5 touring bands in the world.
    Movie(s): The Big Lebowski. Everyone knows it's one of the funniest and most creative films, but I think it's often overlooked how stunningly well shot it is. Nearly every frame of that film is a work of art.
    TV Show: Lost.
    Sporting Event: Personally, the 2001 Orange Bowl BCS National Championship. The Sooners gave Florida State their only points of the game - a 2 point safety.
    Fiction Book: Actually have to agree with The Road, as well.
    Nonfiction: A tie between Kingdom of Fear by Hunter S. Thompson and Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journeys by Michael Collins.
    Fashion Trend: Hot chicks in nerdy glasses.
    Website: Facebook. Thanks for eliminating any urge to attend the 10-year high school reunion.

    Worst rapper: I probably don't listen to enough rap to be a good judge, but Kanye should stick to producing. He's great at that.
    Worst band: Are there worse bands than Nickelback? Maybe in India, and I haven't heard of them.
    Worst movie: Blair Witch 2: Book of Secrets. I saw that shit in a theater, too.
    Worst TV Show: Two and a Half Men. I got into a screaming match with someone in my office who claimed that it was one of the funniest shows on TV.
    Worst sporting Event: Any other BCS bowl appearance by Oklahoma.
    Worst fiction Book: Any of that Dan Brown shit.
    Worst nonfiction: Anything by Tom Wolfe.
    Worst fashion trend: Where to start? Guys wearing visors, popped collars, skirts with Ugg boots, tramp stamps, tribal tattoos...
    Worst website:, if it's still live.

    EDIT: It's been pointed out that The Big Lebowski came out in 1998. I didn't see it until 2001, and when you do drugs, your memory suffers.
  5. Nate17

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rapper: I'm 35, set in my ways, and do not listen to rap. no comment? Fat Boys anyone??
    Band: Best of 00's? I enjoyed the revival of 80 hair bands.
    Movie(s): I'm a SW nerd, so episode three was a treat. I also liked The Dark Knight.
    TV Show: Lost.
    Fiction Book: God is not great was a decent read.
    Nonfiction: Lamb, The rest of the Dark Tower series.
    Fashion Trend: I liked the thong peek-a-boo, until it was too much and all the fatties did it too.
    Website: Facebook, Myspace (it was groundbreaking for what it was)

    Worst rapper: Just going by the news and what I do hear on the radio, I think Jay-Z is crap.
    Worst band: Nickleback, Good Charlotte, Sum 41
    Worst movie: Too many to chose from. The 1st Hulk movie comes to mind.
    Worst TV Show: The Hills. My GF watches this and by the end I have the urge to pull my teeth out.
    Worst fiction Book: Twilight would be on my list- but being such a money powerhouse for whatever reason, Ill reserve my opinion.
    Worst nonfiction: Anything by Tom Wolfe.
    Worst fashion trend: Where to start? Guys wearing visors, popped collars, skirts with Ugg boots, tramp stamps, tribal tattoos...
    Worst website:, if it's still live.
  6. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Rapper: Where I come from, we dont listen to rap
    Band: Alot of good country stars rose up this decade: Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, the return on Alan Jackson and Johnny Cash
    Movie(s): the original Fast and the Furious was what got me into cars
    TV Show: The Sopranos
    Fiction Book: Harry Potter, its the series that got me reading atleast 5 book a weel
    Nonfiction: The biography of the Iceman
    Fashion Trend: Them skin tight spandex pants girls wear
    Website: Facebook

    Worst rapper: Again, cant really comment
    Worst band: Any of that pop punk shit (Sum 41, Good Charlotte etc)
    Worst movie: Open Water. two hours of two people floating in the ocean, and we dont even see them get eaten by a shark
    Worst TV Show: My Sweet Sixteen (MTV) for obvious reasons
    Worst fiction Book: Cant remember reading a bad book
    Worst nonfiction: Again, cant remember reading a bad book
    Worst fashion trend: Douche bags in popped collors, gueidos
    Worst website: Two Girls One Cup
  7. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Best Movie- No Country For Old Men
    Best New Artist- Dunno. Audioslave, I guess. Not exactly a banner decade for music.
    Best Rock Song- Vicarious by Tool
    Best Rap Song-Stand Up by Ludacris
    Best Dance Song- Just A Little More Love (Wally Lopez mix)- David Guetta
    Best TV Show- The Sopranos and The Wire
    Best Fashion- The return of the rock T-Shirt (when worn by rock music fans)
    Best Book (as in favourite)- America by John Stewart. The most entertaining book ever made.

    Worst Movie- We Own The Night. I would rather toss a sick cat's salad than watch it again.
    Worst New Artist- Brokencyde. The worst music I have ever heard in my entire life.
    Worst Rock Song- Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. Yawn. Whine. Boring. Emo. Cut Myself. Blah.
    Worst Rap Song- Anything by those twerps called The Hollywood Undead.
    Worst Dance Song- Call on Me by Eric Prydz. The same fucking line over and over and OVER. #1 hit.
    Worst TV Show- Reality TV, as a whole, is everything that's wrong with us.
    Worst Book- Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. I haven't read it but I know I'm right.
  8. Captain Apathy

    Captain Apathy
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    Average Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    Band: Wilco. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is an amazing album, and A Ghost is Born is pretty incredible too. Runners-up: Modest Mouse, Interpol
    Movie(s): The Dark Knight. Runners-up: LOTR trilogy, The Departed, Little Miss Sunshine, Memento
    TV show: Mad Men. Runners-up: Lost (until they introduced time travel), The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm
    Sporting Event: 2008 Summer Olympics. Specifically, Michael Phelps winning gold medal number 7 by .01 seconds. Runner-up: Colts winning Super Bowl XLI.
    Fiction Book: Can't argue with The Road. Runners-up: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, The Kite Runner
    Nonfiction: Master of the Senate by Robert Caro. Single-handedly turned me into a serious student of history. Runners-up: The Tipping Point, Team of Rivals, Founding Brothers
    Personal Experience: Losing my virginity. Runners-up: Spending a semester in Europe, running to the White House on election night 2008, meeting my friend Alcohol for the first time
  9. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Ya, that was pretty awesome for me too
  10. erk33

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    What's with everyone crowning Hov with no questions asked? Black Album was good, Blueprint was good, but...EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKED! Nas dropped Stillmatic, God's Son, Street Disciple, and Hip-Hop is Dead, with N.I.G.G.E.R sort of sucking. Plus, he slaughtered Jay in the rap feud of the decade. And then there's Em. It's so rare that the underground and mainstream will agree on something so readily, that being: Em is fucking nice. He drops the Marshall Mathers LP, The Eminem Show, plus gave another of the decade's best rappers, 50 Cent, his start!
  11. thevoice

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    Best Movie - No Country For Old Men
    Best New Artist - Audioslave
    Best Rock Song - Show me How to Live (Audioslave)
    Best Rap Song - N/A
    Best Dance Song - Poker Face (Lady Gaga)
    Best TV Show - Chapelle's Show
    Best Fashion- The re-emergence of Aviator sunglasses, or tight leggings on girls.
    Best Book (as in favourite)- Clapton

    Worst Movie - Funny People. Adam Sandler, you've gone down-hill.
    Worst Artist- William Hung or Shiloh
    Worst Rock Song- Gotta Be Somebody (Nickelback)
    Worst Dance Song- When I Grow Up (Pussy Cat Dolls)
    Worst TV Show- The Hills
    Worst Book- Anything written by Perez Hilton.


    Greatest MLB Moment: Red Sox Beat Yankees in 2004 ALCS (and I'm NOT a Sox Fan).

    Greatest Hockey Moment: Canada Beats the USA 5-2 IN Salt Lake City, 2002.

    Greatest NFL Moment: Manning to Tyree. Giants upset the Patriots 17-14 in Super Bowl 42.

    Greatest NBA Moment: Shaq and Kobe each win a title without each other? (I don't follow NBA close enough to formulate a better answer)

    Worst MLB Moment: Bonds Getting the Home Run Record.

    Worst Hockey Moment: Bertuzzi's sucker-punch on Steve Moore.

    Worst NBA Moment: The Collapse of the Seattle Super Sonics and Vancouver Grizzlies.

    Worst NFL Moment: The collapse of Michael Vick's career.
  12. McDermott

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Nov 17, 2009
    Best Movie: No Country For Old Men. Runners up: City of God, The Dark Knight, Inglourious Basterds.
    Best TV Series: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Runners up: Mad Men, 30 Rock, The Office.

    Worst Movie: Meet the Spartans.
    Worst TV Series: House of Payne.
  13. Ardor

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 21, 2009
    Best rapper: Nas
    Best Comedy TV Show: Arrested Development
    Best Drama TV Show: Lost
    Best Movie: The Big Lebowski

    Worst Rapper: Sojula Boi
    There have been far too many terrible TV shows to have a worst
  14. Nate17

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sorry< didnt mean to steal your Ideas- I was using copy and paste, forgot to delete your answers. My Bad!