I'm just laughing at the irony, since ChatGPT is basically the biggest copyright violation in human history.
The White House rescinded the federal funding freeze, at least for now. I’m on a town board and we just received official word. The dipshits surrounding Trump are incapable of writing coherent EOs, which aided the mass confusion. In other news, we’ve joined Costco and are canceling Amazon Prime. Staying off facebook as much as possible, so almost completely. Little things but they make me feel better, at least until I figure out the big things.
So appare Not even what, two weeks? I've already read about the Tennessee bill criminalizing voting against Trump on immigration. The country is irreversibly fucked and completely finished. https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-...ng-against-trump-immigration-policies-2023749 Edit: Forgot to mention the data purges. https://www.theverge.com/news/604484/donald-trumps-data-purge-has-begun Stupid fucking kid had one fucking job with that rifle.
Lets not forget the Inspectors General and Assistant US Attorneys. They wanted to leave no doubt as to exactly how corrupt these firings were, and did so in the firing memo itself:
I can't believe he's doing this much damage all while golfing the whole time. The real Golf of America:
Well he does have Autist Supreme doing all the actual legwork. But will his low cunning warn him in time to avoid being deposed?
Anything that can exert has fat 80 year old body closer to death is fine with me. Since he actually called exercise and healthy living stupid, we can at least root for sleep apnea to take him out— and that chance gets better every day. Fingers crossed.
I don’t wish harm on others, if only because karma is a bitch and the universe will ass fuck ya with no lube at the first chance. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t see the end of his second term. And I won’t shed a solitary tear for the sonofabitch.
I wish harm on him. Jim Jordan too, who deserves to be fucked to death with a knife. Democrats are objective and absolute pussies for not calling him out to his face and in Congress for being a pedophile’s pimp.
https://www.paramountpressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/the-67th-annual-grammy-awards/about/ Bread and circuses. I wonder if anyone will address the orange elephant in the room tonight.
The women of my house are watching, but I could care less what the rich and famous say and think. These are the same kind of pigs who go up in front of a world wide audience at the Oscar podium and say shit like “WE are at the forefront of stopping sexual assault in America.”
I loved the Ricky Gervais bit at the golden globes a while back - paraphrasing from memory, but he basically said, "this isn't the time for your grand political statements. If ISIS started a streaming service, you'd call your agent. So come up here, accept your award, thank your agent and your God, and fuck off.
Kanye's girl wore a piece of panty hose as a full dress and showed everyone her pussy. We are right were we always were.
She be thicc, everyone be thirsty, and shock factor gets clicks. I found it hilarious that they basically showed up, got her naked, walked the red carpet, and then left.