I remember a joke Louis CK did about this. Basically it was "We're not going to just drop from 1 to 2. They are going to hold us down and fuck us in the ass. And we totally deserve it. But until then, weee!"
When you are the CEO of a major Latin America food product supplier you really shouldn't praise the guy who talks shit about the majority of your customers. https://www.barchart.com/story/news/65693/a-slap-in-the-face-goya-faces-boycott-over-trump-praise
Trump commuted Stone's sentence: https://www.npr.org/2020/07/10/8877...ce-of-longtime-friend-and-adviser-roger-stone This is the most brazenly corrupt administration in US history.
Nah, this is what you do when you can’t put a bullet in them or have them “commit suicide in their cell”. I guess the dirt that a Manafort has on Trump is nothing compared to the dirt that Stone has on Trump. Vote them out, and send them to prison. Don’t them them all Nixon their way out of this.
The statement that accompanied the commutation is almost as nuts as the decision itself: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing...ding-executive-grant-clemency-roger-stone-jr/ Reads like a reddit post from the dumbest member of your alma mater's College Republicans. Spelling errors and all.
I made it to Russia Hoax and couldn’t take anymore. It hurts too badly to read more. it’s like some staffer looked up the definitions of tact, diplomacy, and plausibility, read them over a few times and said “book learnin’s fer fags”, before proceeding to write this steaming pile. First draft was probably in green crayon. What a fucking disgrace.
Wait til they find this list: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/?...r_transaction_period=2020&data_type=processed Back in 2019, this caused an uproar because Trump donors felt "doxxed" when someone figured out you the Election Commission publishes donations over a certain dollar value. You don't think....that people might express some concern about donating to Trump, do you? Gasp....why, it's almost like....they don't want to be known for supporting someone so toxic, but it's just too good for their business...those tax cuts, though... I'm not on Twitter, but I can imagine the fuck storm of shit when someone figures out how to publicly shame a company for donating to Trump's campaign. If advertisers bolted over whatever the fuck a Tucker Carlson is.....
The Goya thing is practically old news already because the outrage is currently directed at the corrupt commutation of Roger Stone.
That’s called atonement, and it’s when bad things happen to bad/stupid people who asked for it. Like Nett said, call out stupid people instead of letting them do what they do. I can’t think of a better example than the people who willfully chose to financially support your subhuman president.
Trump floated the idea of selling Puerto Rico, because of course he did: https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1282040608400371714
The number of Republican nominees for Congress who are Q-Anon believers is really concerning. Two of them are almost certainly going to end up being elected: https://www.axios.com/qanon-nominees-congress-gop-8086ed21-b7d3-46af-9016-d132e65ba801.html
so there’s your answer on what’s gonna happen to die hard trump supporters once he either loses or leaves office. They’re gonna deny it and blame it on some alphabet soup group apparently
Considering how many Americans still think Pizzagate was real (given every possible aspect of it was proved false), I’m surprised there isn’t more.
That's exactly what it's about. It's so ballsy and incredibly brazen, if it wasnt so stupid (deaths are kind of easy to track), and corrupt. To that point, he has had some help as the death count is likely wildly underestimated as we sit now (the whole WV has had 5x their annual number of pneumonia deaths as of July). The sad part is hes right. The worse Covid is the worse his chances are for reelection. The fact that this is a monster of his own creation is apparently lost on him.
WTF is wrong with this guy? Is he afraid it will show masks work? https://www.axios.com/georgia-gover...=social&utm_campaign=organic&utm_content=1100
they're killing their own voters because they're so damn stupid. Fortunately, looks like private industry once again will save the day as he National Retail Federation has called on stores to issue their own mask mandates.