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Famous Assholes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nom Chompsky, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Bleaching Assholes

    Nascar related: I had an opportunity to chat with Dale Jarrett at the Nascar awards banquet when it was at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC a few years ago. He is genuinely a good person, from what I could tell, and generously gave me a few minutes of his time. Same night - Kurt Busch is EXACTLY the total dick in person that he appears to be in all his interviews. (Well, was, anyway. He seems to be "growing" a little bit lately.)

    In 2000, I was a volunteer with MLB for the All Star game in Atlanta. I was there working for four days and met, saw, interacted with dozens of current and former MBL players and coaches and several TV folks. I can't list them all here, but several guys were surprisingly assholey. A few that stood out:

    ARod, total ass.
    Len Barker, bigger ass than ARod.*
    Lou Seal (the SF Giants mascot), total ass (and major short man complex).

    Jim Rice, very nice and very cool.
    Fred Bird, very cool and just as funny out of the suit.

    *Some of you have no idea who Len Barker is. That should tell you something - if as a mostly forgotten MLB pitcher and ALL the players I met that weekend he stands out in my memory as an asshole, he has to be a complete dick.

    Also, I realize Fred Bird and Lou Seal are probably different people now.
  2. AFHokie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    I can't say I've ever had a poor encounter with anyone famous. Then again, I can count on one hand with most fingers left over who I've run into.

    Alt Focus: I nearly literally ran into Micheal Vick while in college during his redshirt freshman year at VT. While not really anything substantial, he did smile and say hello as held the door for me. A buddy was on the team and always said he was a very nice guy.

    A buddy of mine worked for his dad's painting business in the summers back in high school and college. He painted a few local sports personalities houses and a few he mentioned that stood out as beyond friendly were Mario Lemieux and Jim Leyland.
  3. NoMames

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Alt. Focus: I've been able to meet quite a few famous soccer people through my playing days. Most of them have been incredibly nice, but the one that stands out as the nicest has to be a guy named Marvell Wynne. He plays for the Colorado team that my buddy played for, and my friend introduced me to him after a game one night. This was back when I still drank, so I was absolutely hammered after the game, and Marvell was incredibly nice, chatted with my drunk ass, and signed something for my dad who remembered his dad's Pittsburgh Pirate days.

    Focus: I was flying home from California when I was around 10-12 when the WWF guys were getting off their plane for the night's show. The Rock was walking through surrounded by either security guards or his posse, but I walked right through them to ask for an autograph. The Rock told me that "the Rock has a car to catch" and he couldn't sign something for me. I told him it didn't matter, he gave me a weird look and kept walking. Douche.

    Alt. Focus: To continue on the WWE line, my best friend in high school had cerebral palsy and was in a wheelchair. We went to a show and were heading out to the parking lot through the backstage areas of the Georgia Dome when we saw the Undertaker's bike. We stopped to look at it for a minute when The Undertaker himself walked out, asked us if we enjoyed the show, then picked my buddy out of his wheelchair, put him on the bike, and posed for a picture, without even needing to be asked. He was a great human being.
  4. LongVin

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 1, 2009
    Tonight I was talking to a guy tonight who worked on movie crews so I asked him who was the biggest asshole movie star he ever worked with. He said Eddie Murphy.

    Apparently, they were filming a movie on Ellis Island and Liberty Island. Murphy initially demanded his trailer be put on the barge that brought the crew to work every day, after not liking that he demanded a yacht. When they got him the yacht he didn't like the carpeting so they had to renovate the entire yacht. The guy was saying that after they got him the yacht and renovated it Eddie Murphy didn't step foot on it and one day said he had to go to the bathroom and refused to use any bathrooms on the island and instead forced the barge to go back to NYC so he could go to his hotel and then never showed up on set again that day. They said he just had his limo driver drive him all over the place as he smoked weed.
  5. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    That sounds more like trolling than anything else. Dick move to be sure, but not crazy diva behavior, more like the behavior of someone who was basically the biggest star in the world at the time and had a weird perception of reality.

    Maybe I'm only saying this since post-hysteria, he seems refreshingly and uncommonly self-aware.