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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Rant: My boss is on holidays for a week leaving me with mine and his job to do, I do not mind it keep me really busy. But it always seems that when he goes on holidays the Monday morning the most random weird shit breaks, that we never had to deal with before. Leaving me to spend even more time trying to find the correct vendor, actually finding someone that has the part, etc.
  2. gamecocks

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Sep 7, 2012
    Rant: A girl I dated for 5 years and bought a house with broke up in July. She's now 5 months pregnant by her brother in law. She's the daughter of a prominent doctor here and I'm the living embodiment of a WASP. How in the living fuck did I end up on a Springer episode?
  3. Angel_1756

    Expand Collapse
    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    Rant: girlfriends.
  4. scotchcrotch

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Rant- Got a backwages bill from the DOL that was pretty large and threatening to sue me.

    Rave- I overestimate govt employees. More than half of the dates and charges are incorrect with proof.

    Bring it, bitch.
  5. Juice

    Expand Collapse
    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: Daughter gets released from NICU tomorrow. What an emotional rollercoaster the last two weeks have been.
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: I cringe at myself a little after every time I whine about 'stupid people'. For one, it just sounds kind of douchey, and two, everyone does and says stupid things at least occasionally, and I'm no exception.

    However, I have had to deal with so many unfathomably stupid fucking morons at work lately, I'm worried I'm going to strangle one of them in a black out fit of rage. I've had to bite my tongue several times a day to keep from screaming that they should kill themselves so they don't pass on their stupid to any potential children.

    Take this for example. We had an order that had to be shipped overseas. Basically, we just had to drop off the metal at a local shipper. Then the shipping company, you know, ships it. Easy, right?

    Well, not for the woman who answered the phone. She had no idea if her company had forklifts(how the fuck would a shipping company not have them and how the fuck would she have never seen one there???). She didn't know if they shipped overseas. She didn't know what the capacity of their shipping was. She did not know if they could ship metal, and so on and so on. I had to walk her through all of it, and basically not only explain to her what her company did, but fucking convince her that her company could do that. I mean, holy living fuck. How can you work somewhere and have no idea what the fuck your work entails? How is that even possible? What in the fucking fuck?

    On top of everything she acted like a fucking bitch throughout. The experience was so surreal, I would have just used someone else, but the customer had already booked the shipping through them.

    This was followed up by reading an e-mail from another person I now want to kill. This was a ONE LINE e-mail. However, in that very, very brief e-mail this person managed to do the following:

    - Address me by a name that has only one letter in common with my actual name. My name is in the sig of every e-mail I send.
    - Misspelled four words. Simple words, not long or rarely used words.
    - Wrote the second half of her sentence in such wretched grammar I had to read it four times to figure out what the fuck they were talking about.

    After deciphering the face slammed gibberish this fucking retarded had determined worthy of business correspondence it was clear that the reason for their e-mail in the first place was that they were too goddamn stupid to understand the very simple e-mail I had just sent them.

    Die, just fucking die, you hopeless fucking scum.

    I swear, it seems like every day is like this lately. I'm glad my boss is one of the biggest whiners ever when it comes to stupid people, because sometimes you really do have to vent. Sigh.

    Rave: Rockville tomorrow! Woot!
  7. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    Women in their 20's are the flakiest creatures on the fucking planet.
  8. sisterkathlouise

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rant (again, I know, sorry): Officially in full-blown breast cancer scare mode. There's a good chance (75%?) that it's NOT cancer, which is cool, but this whole waiting bit is making me crazy. Plus I feel like I can't talk to real life people I know about it because they either get that worried pity face or they tell me I'm going to be fine and I'm not super appreciating either of those responses right now. So that means I'm here venting to YOU about it, stealing Boyfriend's xanax, and pouring cbd oil in my face to try to keep the anxiety at bay.
  9. Czechvodkabaron

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Rant: Just this week a former colleague of mine died, 2 people I know have lost a parent, and one has lost a sibling. What the hell is going on?

    Rant: We just lost a project at work this week that I was going to work on.

    Rant: I am about to start looking for someone to rent out my spare bedroom to. This will be a pain.

    Rave: Alice in Chains on Thursday of next week!

    Rave: I just applied for my first passport. I will be going on a cruise from Lisbon to Tangiers to Ibiza to Barcelona in September!
  10. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    RANT: Neighbour’s roof just blew off in this windstorm we’re having. Thunderclouds incoming.
  11. joule_thief

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Mar 1, 2010
    Austin, TX
    Just need to vent: My sister's father in law passed away today. I liked the man, he was a Navy SEAL and had fun stories. Fast acting cancer, as well as dementia took a toll on him. He was in a similar situation as my father, got a prognosis and was dead in less than 2 weeks. It's a story I've heard before. My sister's father in law had the best medical care possible, and they said he had 6 months on Thursday.
  12. jdoogie

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 20, 2009
    Columbus Ohio
    Rant: Somehow my debit card info got skimmed and someone was able to pull out $420 from my account without even having my card. I called the bank and they were able to immediately put a stop on the card and start processing a dispute, but it could still take a few days to get the money back.
  13. Rush-O-Matic

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
  14. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Rave- My buddy is opening the first hemp dispensary in TN next week.

    News crews and fanfare will be huge.

    He has an aggressive plan for expansion and planning on switching to the good stuff once it’s legal. Sort of the Uber biz model- build an infrastructure now and switch it over to pot once it becomes legal.

    I can invest in it but are yahoos really smoking CBD laden hemp right now??
  15. AFHokie

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    RANT: a missing tub overflow bolt is one of the repair items on the home inspection the buyer wanted fixed. No problem you say...well it turns out that bolt was never replaced by the previous home owner because the fucker was snapped off. I have horrible luck pulling broken bolts...trashed a bike frame last year trying to remove a snapped bolt.

    Rave: In one month I'm forever done with this condo
  16. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
    Expand Collapse
    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant- Super cute girl from my work that I was angling to ask out walked off the job today. Since she lives over an hour out in the middle of no where Ill likely just never see her again. Facebook creeping has drawn a blank.
  17. scotchcrotch

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Rave- The cunt suing me for OT cut her settlement in half today from her initial demand before mediation.

    I told my attorney we’re not settling for a dime and will see this through.
  18. sisterkathlouise

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Belated Rave!!: Not breast cancer! Woo!

    Comparably very small rant: Still need surgery

    ???: I can't decide whether my side boob looks more like a weird picture of a nebula or like a toddler's yellow and purple tie-dye project.

    bodies are stupid
  19. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space

    My current job is without a doubt the shittiest, most stressful, chaotic job I've ever had. The last staffing coordinator lied about applicants thus leaving us chronically short, and her assistant allowed everyone to pretty much make up their own schedule and work split shifts and odd hours. One CNA calls in late daily. Supposed to be there at 7? Nahh, I'll show up at 11. Supposed to be in a 6? Nahh, I'll show up at 6:30. There are no consequences because they worry they will just quit and leave us even shorter.

    One resident, who has been there for 6 months, bellows and screams her head off all day and all night, refuses meds, and calls everyone that goes in her room to help a lazy motherfucking son of a bitch and tells them to get the fuck out. The other residents hate her because of the constant yelling and her ridiculously loud TV. If you try to lower it she just curses and screams even more. One night while I was trying to apply her Ativan gel, she scratched me and I had two long gashes on the underside of my arm for weeks. We can't even give her a roommate because that would just be cruel. One night I had to practically beg the on call doctor to let me give her a shot of Ativan because she was kicking and scratching me and the CNAs when we tried to prevent her from getting up to self-transfer, which she absolutely cannot do; and then she would only order 0.5 ml. We all laughed when I got off the phone and my supervisor said, "Be generous." The vials come in 1 ml doses, so I gave her "a little extra."

    The final straw was the other night when demon lady was bellowing her head off louder and harder than I ever heard, the CNA mentioned above showed up an hour late, pissing off and stressing out the other two CNAs trying to put 32 residents to bed, and the call bells and bath bells were beeping and buzzing like mad. Underneath all this insanity I hear a faint, scratchy, distressed "Aaaaaaahhh! Ahhhhhh!" I knew exactly what resident it was, but there was so much going on I couldn't process it all. She's a really sweet lady, and I assumed she was just in pain from being lifted into bed so I just didn’t prioritize it. Here I am in all this chaos working like hell trying to finish pulling and crushing the meds I was working on so I could get down the hall and check on demon when sweet lady's roommate pokes her head out the door and yells, "Sweet lady is on the floor!"

    I dump the meds in the medicine cup, put them in the top drawer of the cart, lock it and run down. When I look in the room I see that sweet lady had somehow fallen face forward out of her wheelchair which is now on top of her. Her arm is twisted under her and her hand is pinned under the foot pedal and she’s screaming in pain. Mind you, this lady had been screaming like that for a couple of minutes, so she must have been like that for a bit. I couldn’t get her up right away because I had to assess her and put her on a Hoyer lift pad to get her up. One of the CNAs tilted the wheelchair back just enough to so I could free her hand and as I turn her, I see blood all over her and the floor from the multiple skin tears she has just acquired. Her hand is swelling up and, of course she is wearing multiple rings, on which I had to use KY jelly to get off.

    When I got home that night I went into my office and actually burst into tears. I’m a fucking 49 year old man and I was weeping from intense job stress. This is not what I wanted for my life. I did not sleep much that night and when I woke up the next morning I called my Director of Nursing and told her I was done. She was understandably upset but she talked me off the ledge and asked me to come in early to talk. The upshot is a small:

    RAVE: I was finally given the Baylor shift I wanted. It’s a really easy shift that amounts to me being a baby sitter. I will only have to be there on weekends and will get paid full time, but you know, after writing all this down and thinking about it, it doesn’t seem like much of a rave after all. It’s like this everywhere and as an LPN there are not many options. At least I will be off during the week so I can focus on my writing and try to come up with something else to do.
  20. sharkhead nachos

    sharkhead nachos
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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 27, 2010
    Rave: My wife is leaving her retail job in the 'hood. Now, she will an office manager, working regular hours with NO Saturdays and getting all the normal holidays off. It will be a pretty substantial cut in pay but sales have been bad the past several months and her coworkers are stressing about their future as well. My wife saw an opportunity to move along before it gets really bad.
    This new job will be a steady salary plus a little commision but the salary is enough to pay the bills. Now, we will be able to do normal weekend things and it will allow us to take a lot more mini-vacations to visit friends and family.


    HUGE, GIGANTIC, MOTHERFUCKING RANT: My ex-wife calls me last night and asks if I'm driving, standing, or sitting....yeah, we all know this isn't going to be good.
    She informs me that they (her, her husband, their daughter, and my son) are moving to TAIWAN. Something about her husband's job relocating him, huge opportunity for them, great learning experience for the kids, blah blahblah blah fucking blah. She literally talked non-stop for 20 minutes (I timed it) before I could get a word in edgewise, telling me about how fast everything was moving, what details she had and which ones she's waiting on and how my son is actually looking forward to it.
    It'll be 18 months in Taiwan then 18 more in China. After that, they may move back to Louisiana... "may"
    My son will be 20 years old this year, and I'm sure i've mentioned he's autistic (on the mild end of the spectrum) so ultimately, if he doesn't like it, he can decide after 6 months if he wants to leave them behind and come live with me to stay. If he decides to leave them in Asia, there is no going back until they are done with those 3 years and they move somewhere permanent. I need to add that we divorced when he was 2, so for the past 18 years the longest he's ever lived with me is 3 weeks at a time. Either way, this is going to be a huge adjustment - looking at a clock to see when we can call/skype or even just texting. 7 years ago I could pick him up to go out to eat, or the movies, or visit any time I wanted. Then they moved to Houston and I either had to wait for them to come in to visit or plan a long weekend to go see him (which wasn't very cost effective). Now they will fly in 3 times a year and I'll get to seem him a couple of weeks each time they do. OR, he may hate it and end up living with me permanently.
    And here, we thought my wife's middle child, who got married last year, now moving 4 hours away was going to be a big adjustment.

    Rave: The wife's youngest, my step-son, proposed to his girlfriend - she said yes - and they are planning the wedding to happen in about 2 years. He also applied for and got his first "adult" job as a Process Operator at a refinery/chemical plant here locally. That's big as it's regarded as a good place to work, with great benefits, they treat their employees well, and they have wonderful retirement plans... this is also the same company that is relocating the ex-wife and family.

    Rave: Everyone else is happy and healthy. Right now, even though I'm personally sad and upset about my son being on the other side of the world, I'm trying to remain positive and look at the big picture.

    Rave: We are making real progress moving back to the house that flooded in 2016. We're even making small improvements because my wife still knows people that know people from her days selling real estate, so she finds contractors that do good work that are not expensive.
    #21260 sharkhead nachos, May 12, 2018
    Last edited: May 12, 2018