Rant: What was that about me being happy about having my good health back? Oh yeah. It's in the toilet with my infected and blood filled urine and down the sink with my vomit. Fuck this year.
Rant/Rave: Quit my job. Too much stress. Now that I don't have an income I feel a huge pit in my stomach which is making me question if it was the right choice. My job was causing some major depression so it will be better for me in the long run not to be in that environment. I have a lot of money saved up and Im not sure if I want to take a trip somewhere for a week or not or just start hitting the street for a new job now.
RANT My contract with the NFL ends in mid February. It's been getting kind of scary trying to find something between then and when they'll bring me back for training camp in July. RAVE Found a writing gig where I can work from home and make decent money during that time period. It'll also allow me to go on the music festival circuit from April to June. I'm already booked for both weekends of Coachella. Hoping to add Rock in Rio Vegas; Hangout Fest in Gulf Shores, AL; Sasquatch in WA; BottleRock in Napa; Governor's Ball in NY; and Bonnaroo in TN. I can get media passes for most if not all of these so it's all about the arrangements. Hoping I can pull it off. Looking into flights, not sure how I will work accommodations.
Rave: Headed to Vegas as soon as I'm off this graveyard shift tonight for the heavyweight title fight between Bermane Stiverne and Deontay Wilder. Boxing used to be my whole life and the last Vegas fight I went to was in July. This is my first fight since October. Can't wait. Rave: Found a room at the Hard Rock for tomorrow for $35. Insane steal. Not booking a room for Saturday and am just staying out all night until we leave at 6AM. No biggie!
RAVE: Proud Papa moment - my daughter is the director/developer of this play. Take a moment to watch the video - I think you will be impressed. But of course I'm a bit biased! http://www.razoo.com/story/Seawife-Production-Support
Rave: Another proud papa moment. My daughter received a certificate yesterday from Gov. Rick Scott certifying that she was one of only two students in Collier County to get a perfect score on both her math and english FCAT's.
Rave Got wasted with my buddy last night. He drank nearly 3/4ths of a fifth, I drank about a 3rd of a different fifth and a few beers. Good times. Stayed up kinda late till 3, all in all it was kinda refreshing Rant It was refreshing until I woke up still wasted and am being reminded now why I don't drink that way anymore
Oops: I agreed to be a bridesmaid without realizing what that actually entails. When the time comes, I think I might just elope.
Rave: Ive spent the last month travelling Jamaica, Vegas, and Mexico (the soft parts of mexico, cancun and playa del carmen). Many amazing things happened, and I had an absolute ball. Got high, got laid, experienced rare parts of the world and myself. Rant: All that's sticking with me is the 10 minutes I spent getting shaken down by a corrupt Mexican federale. I bribed/had my shit stolen as my way out of a trip to the police station, but holy shit. As a 6'3 white dude with some skill at boxing and some musculature, I've literally never been so wholly in the power of another person. It happened over a week ago and I still can't shake it. I've had guns pulled on me in two countries, hitchhiked around jamaica as the only white person within 100km, held the door closed to protect my brothers wife against a raging lunatic in Russia, done all sorts of weird shit, but fuck if I can cope with the 10 minutes I spent as a lamb being picked apart by a wolf in Mexico. Fuck me. I'm only typing this because I'm a bottle of cognac deep at 1pm. I'm actually at the point of having a beer or three to steady my nerves when I wake up, and I'm back in my own country. Fuck you Mexico, I hope you fall into the sea. Even though logically I know they are a result of the US's prohibition policies, fuck me if I don't twitch when I see an add for a burrito. Fuck you.
Rave. Three day weekend. Rant. American Sniper is sold out at the only theatre in town at the only time I can go to it. Next weekend I guess. Rant. First written exam for my secondary job on Tuesday, the first week of classes was a firehose to the face...
Rant: Back to work today. Rant: I had to shave my glorious pirate ranga beard off. Fuck I hate shaving and being beardless.
Rant I know I'm a bit behind the curve on this but I really hate insurance. I hate the premiums, I hate the deductibles and I hate how hard it is to get an insurance company to do anything positive for you. At this current time all I need is some insurance for in case shit happens and help out with my meds. Regardless the deductibles are 3000, which doesn't seem like much to most, but for me it'll take me over a year to hit that, most likely two. So for the time being until I hit that deductible I paying for my med appointments out of pocket and am paying the premium as well and I'm paying for nearly the whole costs of my meds. So until I hit that deductible I'm paying for all my healthcare costs, and paying a premium every month as well. Whats the point of having insurance then? Aside from some fear of the unknown, there is no logical reason for me to have insurance. I'm just dumping money into their system and not getting shit out for it
Rave: sex with a lady who could squirt and have multiples. Chalk that one off the bucket list. Rave: in a hotel, ie, not my sheets/bed. That poor maid. I left a decent tip, but probably not enough to stop her reconsidering her life choices. Good Lord.
Rant: I loaned out a book with my annotations in it. There is a good chance I wrote something too personal for my own good in there goddamnit. I hope the person borrowing it doesn't like it as much as I think she will and quits out of boredom on page 4. My neuroses and privacy issues are going to be running amok until I get it back. I need to limit my enthusiasm for good books to simply recommending instead of acting like a library.
Rant: No, Pandora, when I created Clutch and Halestorm stations I didn't misspell Tool and Evanescence.
Rave I thought I dropped a lab last semester and apparently I didn't. I found out that for whatever reason I received a F because I literally completed no course work. I talked to my advisor, and the advisor spoke to the associate dean and instructor for the lab. The instructor corroborated my story so they've agreed to change that grade to an incomplete, allow me to retake the lab again this semester for no charge. This is a really great outcome, best I could've hoped for really. They clearly couldn't change my grade from last semester so this is the next best thing.
Rave: I'll be picking up a Hobie Outback later this week. I found a used 2013 that has been put in the water maybe 4 times since the guy has bought it. It also has the Jackson seat fitted for it which is a huge upgrade in comfort. I'm really looking forward to trolling for specs and being able to cover a lot more water than what I can in my Jackson Cuda. I'm not sure yet if I'll sell my Cuda because I may end up using it for skinny water marsh fishing for redfish during the summers.
Rave: Vegas was nuts in a good way. Played some poker, came up $500. Went to the Wilder-Stiverne fight on Saturday at MGM, then saw Zedd do a set at XS. Nightclubs aren't my thing but was under the proper inebriation to fully enjoy it (and Zedd is one of the few DJs I really like). Rant: Drove back Sunday morning to LA, got dropped off at my office 10 minutes before my shift started. We left the club at 4AM that previous night. Rave: My job was to watch one of the most insane NFL games in recent memory (then the crappy Patriots game that followed). Not a bad thing to be feeling awful during. Rave: Saw BANKS do a set at KROQ's Red Bull Sound Space. Got the phone call I won tickets when I had just gotten to Vegas -- that gave me a heads up it was going to be a lucky weekend. She was great and played a stripped down set. Can see it below until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Figured out a way to rip the audio from the live stream and have MP3 of the performance now.
Rant: Posts like this on Facebook: Jesus Christ. She does this all the time: vague, personal crisis bullshit. Some sort of "omg whats wrong hun??" and "call me xoxo" is soon to follow from her friends. The funniest part about this "threat" is that she is almost objectively a 0/10 on any athleticism/intimidation scale you could come up with. She's a friend of an acquaintance who I've met once… just about time to trim the ol' Facebook friends list again.