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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    It's a fascinating subject. What is it? Where does it come from? Is it just incontinence?

    FOCUS: Squirting. Your experiences, your abilities, your turn-offs.
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Long time friend of mine is a squirter.

    Needless to say, it wasn't something that was brought up before hand, or discussed... it was just experienced for the first time in the "heat of battle".

    It's a surprise, I'll say that much, and I'll also say that my unscientific research has led me to believe that it's not urine. I don't know what it is, but it's there.

    Mark me as a believer in squirting; been there, done that, changed the sheets.
  3. palmettosc

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Awesome show. Huge inconvenience to fucking in your bed. Just like a great party, really fun during, but the cleanup makes you slightly question if it was worth it.
  4. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    A good friend of mine was regularly fucking a younger (albeit a bit on the fat side of the scales) chick a few years ago (confirmed) that he claims was a sex fiend and he also swears that in one 2 hour session he counted upwards of 50 orgasms and multiple squirts.

    p.s. I'm sure most of you (perverts) have heard of Cytheria.
  5. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    And scene.

  6. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Science spoiled (I actually really like researching and learning about sex for its own sake. The problem is that a lot of people involved in sex work are just as jargonistic and boringly single-minded as any other geek subculture.)

    Scientific research agrees with you, in general. One simple test is to use a chemical like methylene blue, which would be notable in urine but wasn't in "squirt."

    However, several different phenomenons have been lumped under the general banner of "squirting." One is Female Orgasmic Incontinence, which is women who are genuinely unable to control their urinary flow during sex/orgasm. This can be a serious sign of a medical issue, so if your "squirt" is yellowish or smells like urine, you should get it checked out.

    Another is female ejaculation. The source of this is currently assumed to be the Skrene's gland, located on the anterior wall of the vagina and responsible for quickly lubricating it with filtered blood plasma. Because of their highly variable anatomy, some can be pressed, rubbed or otherwise manipulated to produce lubrication very quickly. Depending on how you position your fingers/tongue/toy, you can affect the trajectory of the fluid. I imagine there's also a correlation with body type, though that's personal experience.

    The final one do I put this delicately -- Deliberate Pornographic Fornication. Once "squirting" became a popular fetish/subgenre, actresses realized that it was another skill that could be used to gain movies/fame. However, squirting can be random/difficult/impossible for some women, so they needed a way to reliably get off so...precipitously on camera. In some movies that are squirting themes, the actresses simply drink a lot of water to make their urine clear, and at the appropriate time, let loose.

    The natural bacteria in a vagina can change the consistency/color/etc. of whatever comes out of it. Most of it is harmless, but if you're a chick, you should know your vagina/get checked regularly etc.

    tl;dr science: sometimes it's pee, sometimes it's fake. Sometimes it's just a lot of lubrication rushing to the same spot all at once -- think standing up really fast after you've been lying down. Because it's desirable now, people have learned to manipulate it.

    I've hooked up with some squirters (maybe a half-dozen or so?). It's ranged from a one or two time thing, to random, to fairly controllable. This sort of lines up with what I've heard about Skrene's glands in general and know about women specifically.

    I enjoy it -- who doesn't like a bit of explosiveness with their orgasms? -- but it can be actually annoying sometimes to deal with. One, nobody really likes sleeping in a wet spot OR changing their sheets at 3 in the morning. I also hooked up with a girl who would get off a little too much, a little too early. It was like fucking a waterslide. Or a bathtub. Lubrication si good, but a little bit of friction is also good.
  7. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    Having caused several women over the years to squirt I can honestly say the entire fist is not required.
  8. Bryan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    One time I thought a female acquaintance had pissed my bed after we both passed out drunk post-fooling around. I had gotten up after a few hours because I needed to puke. Came back to a huge puddle on my bed that she was lying in. Pulled all the sheets out from under her and accused her of the deed. Cue argument with her vehemently denying the charge before we both pass out again on bare tempur-pedic mattress.

    After she left the next morning, something motivated me to do a smell check on my now-crumpled-on-the-ground sheets. And sure enough, she was partly vindicated. It smelled like good old fashioned vaginal juice and not urine.
  9. Chirpy

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    Oct 20, 2009
    That gif just did so many things to enhance your username. I don't think I can read your posts the same ever again.
  10. Chellie

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I squirt fairly regularly from oral or manual sex, less frequently from penetration. i don't care if it's extra lube or pee (but I really doubt it's pee), the orgasms are fantastic, compared to regular ones, and I've never found a guy that wasn't into it. Throw a towel down and let's go. Then again, I'm also a pervert and like to suck it off a guy's lips/tongue after he goes down, so maybe I have a piss fetish I don't know about?
  11. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    An ex of mine was a bit of a squirter. She wasn't 'a bit of a squirter' in the Cytheria sense, but it wasn't uncommon for her to let loose several times a night if she was particularly horny. I started taking to putting a spare pillow or towel down under us to stop the sheets getting soaked through. It never had the smell, consistency or taste of urine. What it did have was the indication that I was in for a fantastic night of little sleep.

    On the other hand, another ex of mine is a squirter but only very rarely (happened once or twice). When it happened once, though, I was very mistaken. She does this weird thing when she goes to the toilet where she plays with her clit to make herself go (well, it's weird to me). One time in bed, I get her to sit on my face while I DATY. She's enjoying it, I'm not getting a sore neck and everything seems to be going swimmingly.

    She starts to tense and get the moans, so I pick up the pace. Then there's a little shudder and a sudden release of a little fluid into my mouth and I think she's squirted. Nope. Piss. What do I do? Well, she either hasn't noticed or doesn't want to say anything. So I'm a complete gentleman, swallow it and keep going. And that is the first, and last, mouthful of urine I ever want to deal with.
  12. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I have never squirted, and I have this weird fear that I'm going to start one day because I've read that it's possible for that to happen out of nowhere. I'm not really sure why I don't want to, because it's not like it's a turn off, but I get a little nervous before I have an orgasm that today will be the day. Especially since sex really makes me have to pee, and when sex-ed books you read as a pre-teen try to describe orgasms they often say it's like you really have to pee, so I just imagine everything coming out at once and being really gross. I prefer having control over my bodily functions, thank you.

    And, no, I have no idea how scientifically backed anything about that is.

    Also, I'm not a fan of finding out someone is a squirter. I don't really like getting an image of my friends -or anyone, really, if I'm not interested in being there - in bed, but when you know someone is a squirter it is such a visual thing that I have trouble getting it out of my head. Ever. I knew this about a friend of a friend's girlfriend before we met, and when we did I was trying to talk to her but it was like "Sorry, I'm trying to concentrate on what you're saying, but all I can do is imagine you in the throws of an orgasm." From then on, that becomes their identifier to me. She'll become Amanda, The Squirter. Just like someone could be Amy, The Red Head.
  13. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    The girl I'm dating is a squirter. Imagine my surprise when I was going down on her and felt as if a water balloon had hit me in the face. Ladies, if you do squirt, please let us know beforehand so there's less surprised yelling on our part.
  14. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    Before I met The Wife, I had a little drunken one-night fling with a girl I kinda-sorta hooked up with in high school (no sex, just a blowjob in the woods behind the house that hosted the Sadie Hawkins after-party. Fun night, all around). Quick pre-story: I hadn't seen her in about ten years when I ran into her one night at the bar. She was hanging out with another girl who went to high school with us, saw me, and proceeded to give me a big hug and buy my a tall bourbon drink. Before I knew it, all three of us were wasted and laughing and talking about going to my house to make steak tataki, because that sounded SO EFFING good at that point of the night. I was too drunk to remember that I didn't even have the stuff to make steak tataki at my house, but that was irrelevant, apparently.

    So we all three get back to my house, I give them the tour, and when they get to my bed, they are both in awe of how soft and comfy it is. Former Hook Up (FHU) suggests that they are tired and that they should both just sleep there with me.

    My Drunken Mind: .................. WOO HOO!

    So we turn off the lights, all get in bed, and I start to cuddle and nuzzle FHU's neck. This is apparently the right thing to do, because FHU then turns to her friend and says, "Alright Friend, you ether need to join in or get the hell out".

    This pisses Friend off something fierce, and she storms out of the house, yelling stuff like "I thought you said we were just sleeping that that you weren't going to do anything- YOU PROMISED!". I was drunk and thought this was hilarious, and I was still laughing when FHU reminded me that we had business to take care of.

    My Drunken Mind: Oh well, no three-way tonight, but YIPPY WE'RE STILL DOIN' IT!

    Anyway, I thought that was funny enough to include as a preface- To the Focus! I'm no good at writing about doin' it, but we start getting after it, and she's really into it. Like, porn star into it. Apparently, what I'm doing is working, and soon enough, she wretches away from me in a powerful convulsion, leaving me and the sheets soaking wet.

    BD: Uhhh.... (remember, me drunk much)... Did... Uhh.. You?
    FHU: (Breathing heavy)... Yeah, I should have told you, I'm a little bit of a squirter.
    BD: ........................................ SWEET!

    I think this is friggin' AWESOME, and immediately dive in to try and do it again. And sure enough, she obliges. It turns out she's one of those girls who can have an orgasm really REALLY easily, where pretty much all I had to do was nuzzle her neck (she later tells me that is her ultimate turn-on) and she'd be halfway there already. Oh well, I guess I'm not the super-stud I thought I was earlier, BUT STILL- THIS IS AWESOME- A REAL LIFE SQUIRTER!

    So she left the next morning, and that was the end of that. After doing it, I can say that the squirting part is not what does it for me. I just personally think that the female orgasm is pretty much the hottest and sexiest thing ever, and if the squiring is a part of it, sure, bring it on.
  15. Devils Advocate

    Devils Advocate
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    Feb 18, 2010
    I'm extremely multi-orgasmic, however, I'm not a squirter. I am glad I am not a squirter. I am self conscience enough, I don't want to have to worry about soaking bedsheets too. That doesn't sound sexy to me. I don't ever want to become a squirter. The guy can just be happy enough that I can orgasm like nobody's business. (For the record, I have yet to speak to another women that can beat my record.) That should be a turn on enough for him.

    I heard that you can teach yourself to squirt. Does anyone know if this is true or not?
  16. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm not kidding when I say that one of my life goals is to squirt. It's up there next to writing a book, taking over the world, and fucking a professional athlete.

    I have never been able to do it - and trust me, I have put in a valiant effort.

    Here's an article about it: The Dirt On The Squirt
  17. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I swear this is for scientific purposes only:

    Very NSW Tantric Squirting How-to Video.

    Really fascinating. And you know, hot.

    According to the above video, yes. It's about relaxing muscles and gradual build-up.

    I've tried some of the techniques floating around to great results. Once, my gal was right on the edge but pulled back. She thought she was going to piss herself and lied there twitching for 5 minutes. But it's not piss, it just feels like you are going to hose down your lover. Which could also be cool. Hey, whatever. It comes off. It makes me very sad that women are insecure about squirting. It's a beautiful thing and nothing to be ashamed over. So what if it's messy? Change the sheets, wash off.

    From what y'all are saying, it sounds like some female ejaculate smells like piss, or they're losing continence when they orgasm. My friend swore up and down it smelled like piss, not ejaculate. So, whatever I guess?
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive never been with a squirter but a girl who was very sensitive, multi orgasmic, and got insanely wet. The difference between her being turned on and her being soaking wet was like night and day as far as sensations on muhh penis. As soon as I felt that threshold was crossed my brain went into insane animal lust over drive and just pounded away harder and harder. Thus, I don't think women have anything to be self conscious about because men's animal fuck brain thinks of it as another filthy sticky sweaty turn on.
  19. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    This is a possible side effect of having your G-spot simulated. Contrary to (some) belief, not all women enjoy having their G-spot directly stimulated, and it won't automatically make you squirt or anything. You're probably not going to pee though, even if you let loose. That being said, if something's uncomfortable, you might not want to do it.

    Yes and no. Like I wrote before, women have different Skrene's glands, which are differently placed and have different functions. Considering that some women are purely anorgasmic, not every one can squirt. That article that hooker posted is kind of bullshit.

    However, if you have the capabilities, there are things you can do to help let go, and different stimulations you can try. Once you get used to doing it, you recognize the warning signs, though it might still surprise you.

    Not sure what you've tried specifically, but I have some general thoughts on the matter.

    "Relaxing" and "gradual build-up" are good squirting advice. They are also good advice for pretty much everything sexual and a bunch of non-sexual things, so I'm not sure how much mileage you'll get. That video is pretty good (and, pretty hot imo), but I wouldn't use that as a definitive primer.

    It can be annoying to have to change your sheets 4 times a week. The smart money is in lying towels down, but again, it can take a little bit of the spontaneity out. Having towels handy is usually a good idea, but I've never been one for foresight.

    Some women lose continence when they have sex/have an orgasm. It's called Female Orgasmic Incontinence, and can be indicative of a serious medical issue. It's also a side effect of a host of other medical issues, especially those related to the spine or nervous system. That might be redundant.

    Some women pee on purpose. Usually porn stars.

    Finally, a lot of women squirt what is basically lubrication. Which I found out today is similar to blood plasma, which is kinda weird if you think about it too much.
  20. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've only ever encoutered one squirter. It was a one night stand in a pretty nice hotel. Along with being my only squiter, she was also the oldest I've been with (41), the only fake boobs I've had sex with, and the only girl I've seen with a pierced clit. I'm sure her kids are proud.

    She was one of those 'orgasm at will' women, so the squirting was more foreplay when she asked:

    "Ever been with a squirter?"

    "I have not."

    "Wanna see what it's like?"

    "I do."

    Then I just kinda fingered her a bit, she made some adjustments, and in a couple minutes my arm was soaked. Pretty neat.

    It's not something I crave, by any means, but I'm a little sad for girls who squirt and are self conscious about it. I never really got why girls would be self conscious about any sex thing. I mean, we're guys. Outside of incest, beastiality and gay stuff, there's a 99% chance we're gonna be into whatever sex thing you're self conscious about. At worst, we're impartial and willing to give it a go.

    That's why I've always thought facials should be fair game, because if the situation were reversed, and the girl REALLY got off on squirting on my face, I'd be down.