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The Killing

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by redbullgreygoose, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I must admit, I don't usually have high expectations for whodunits. No matter how many twists and turns and conspiracies are uncovered it's already been done before. But AMC is known for airing quality television and having many hit shows; I figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. The show piqued my interest and I'll at least watch for a few more weeks. I expect to be disappointed at the end though. No matter who killed the girl or what they were covering up, I ultimately feel like I won't give much of a shit. Did anyone else watch?
  2. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I am really surprised that this show hasn't taken off. For all the lovers of serial dramas here and on Twitter, I have seen very little discussion about it.

    Perhaps it doesn't match up with a lot of other shows, but I still find it entertaining and worth watching each week. I think it has a great cast, and the grieving family's storyline is really compelling. I'm interested to see where it goes with the apparent addition of a mob tie now.

    One thing I love/hate about the show is that it seems like every episode ends with some tremendously incriminating piece of evidence pointing at one of the characters, only to have it shown to be completely misleading. I really hope they don't do that every episode. You can only cry "wolf!" so many times before people stop believing you.

    I'm not a big fan of the campaign story arc. Hopefully it ties in more than just a coincidental event of her being found in one of their cars. Otherwise I don't see the point of taking us away from the main action for something that isn't even remotely related.
  3. travdiddy84

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Centerville, OH
    I'm definitely enjoying this so far. I especially loved the video footage of the dead girl getting fucked from behind by both guys. Maybe that's the pervert in me speaking...

    Seriously though, it's been engrossing so far. I don't know why it wouldn't have more fans either.
  4. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    There's always a reason why something is added to a script. There's not a word spoken or a scene shown that doesn't have some purpose in the plot. That one specifically seems to stand out because it seems unrelated to the rest of the plot lines. But my guess is that the Rosie's boyfriend is somehow connected to the politician. Maybe he was a bastard child or something. When Rosie's dad showed up at his house/mansion he was all alone, the parents weren't shown. That would also explain how the stolen campaign car fits in. That's my guess. We'll see.
  5. travdiddy84

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Centerville, OH
    Anybody else think anything about the fact that the dead girl's dad was hired muscle for some kind of mafia group? Apparently dude had a bad gambling problem and killed some people. Interesting to see what happens here.

    Anybody know how many episodes the season will contain?
  6. Ten Drink Drunk

    Ten Drink Drunk
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    Village Idiot

    Dec 14, 2009
    I'll give any show on AMC a shot. I didn't get into Rubicon, but everything else has been excellent in my opinion and I'm enjoying The Killing. My interest was piqued further when I found out it takes place here in Seattle (although I think a lot of the filming is being done in Vancouver). As soon as I found that out I turned to my girlfriend and said, "It's going to be raining in every episode." Pretty sure I'm batting 1.000 on that one so far. Seattle's gloomy weather and the city in general definitely make a good backdrop for a crime drama.

    My current theory is that the murder is a frame up on the teacher, some how connected to the mayor's campaign. The father's connection to the mafia adds a cool element to the plot. It'll be interesting to see if/how the teacher can talk his way out of being bludgeoned to death.
  7. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I've just watched the first five episodes, and am enjoying it.
  8. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Decent ending. My DVR fucked me and what I thought was the beginning of the episode was actually the end of the first airing of the finale (I was busy watching Game of Thrones so I recorded the second airing of the finale). Thought it had ruined it, but the phone call right before they switch to the arrest was quite a gamechanger too.

    Unfortunately though, I'm iffy overall about this series. A lot of the stuff about Darren's relationships with his staff bored me, and while it was important, I felt the familial meltdown that occurred in the Larsen household went a bit too far and was kind of dragged out. Admittedly though, I came into this hoping for a bit more of a cop drama than a character sketch, so that could have been it. I'm not exactly well versed with whodunits, so this was something new to me.

    That aside, I'm also a little concerned about them carrying the same storyline over multiple seasons. I can see it going the way of Prison Break where they're eventually forced to have the premise behind the whole show addressed in its entirety, and then just start tacking shit on to extend it. I'd much prefer have everything wrapped up (even if it was still a bit of a cliffhanger) and then just move onto a new case in a new city with new blood infused into the show.

    Just my opinion though. Overall, I thought the first season was a solid watch and I'm just being a naggy cunt. I'll still probably watch the second season because even though it wasn't what I expected, it was a decent show from beginning to end. Nothing really wowed me, but it didn't suck either.