Glad I turned on the news so I can see some loser whining about NY State euthanizing his pet squirrel. I'm glad they killed his pet.
I can't take a position on every retarded current event. But this one? I would have tagged his squirrel with my .22 pellet gun. You can get a decent amount of meat off one squirrel.
They taste great in gravy, on some good southern biscuits. I agree, not every animal needs to be rescued, some need to be fattened up and cooked.
Dude, this is in our county and let me tell you, people are losing their fucking minds over this. The violent rhetoric, the doxxing, etc. has got me stepping back and reevaluating what I do on social media. I have a small news oriented forum and pulled the post about this story because of it. To say it’s nuts is the understatement of the century.
Squirrel is actually pretty good. Hmong stew is great. Not too much in the care department for me but euthanatizing it is a bit overboard.
It was Daylight Savings Time yesterday. I hope your morning wasn't too wrecked. I had pet flying squirrels as a kid. I was fully aware it was illegal, however. As an ODFW employee, I definitely collected "pet" red eared sliders for euthanasia. They are invasive here. Euthanasia is petty much par for the course on most wild animals being kept as pets. Some of the exotics end up in zoos.
A lot of these squirrel defenders seem to be leaving out the fact that it bit a cop. And not just a cop, a member of the NYPD. When September 11 happened, when America was attacked and the towers fell, there were widows of the brave men who ran into those collapsing towers to save lives, all throughout New York. And who used the opportunity to sleep with those NYFD widows? The NYPD of course.
The NYPD can bitch all they want, we all know firefighters were the heroes of 9/11. And the NYPD can bitch all they want, we all know grocery store clerks were the heroes of the pandemic. One day a time will come when planting evidence will be made into an Olympic sport, and they’ll get to be the heroes.
I heard the cop was wearing leather gloves? Last time an innocent animal was killed, we got the pandemic. This time, we might just get something worse..... (Trump)
Hardly unexpected. I assume "furry pussy porn" isn't a phrase exactly unfamiliar to your google search bar.
Still nice weather around here so far... it's still quite warm and humid. I'm taking another 3 day weekend to make the most of the weather and get some more shit done around the house. I'm just amazed at how late the cold weather is in showing up around here... at least it seems the fall leaves have mostly changed by now. Sure glad climate change isn't a thing.
Still hitting 70-71* here but as soon as the sun goes down, it gets cold quick. We're headed down to LA this weekend to spend some time with the grandson but until then, I'm still peeling wallpaper. Fuck wallpaper.
2 nights ago it was 70°F overnight. Tonight it's almost freezing. The weather be schizophrenic right now.