I don't think you've been insensitive in the least. In fact, I appreciate the support and sympathy, and I'm sure Crown does as well. So for that, thank you to all! I put away some remaining things and explained to our sons, "We're not trying to make him go away, we're trying to make his going away a little easier." To be honest, last night I felt foolish and weak ( despite logically knowing better ), but as my wife pointed out, I was the one who spent the most time with Cooper, from the pre-dawn hours to bed, he was often by my side. When I went out of town, he'd stand by the window and look for me. Thankfully, I'm far more functional and pulled together than I was yesterday and even last night. My wife has been there for me and grieving as well. I woke up around 1:30 and she'd been crying. We know we're not remotely unique in this, by the way. It's not even our first time. It's just so unexpected and shocking. So again, I appreciate all of you guys letting me vent here. Oh it will. To add some levity, I once again have to learn to pick up the food I drop on the floor.
Today marks a month without my boy. I'm sending a donation to the shelter we got him from and asking them to buy all of the dogs a treat for us. If you have a dog, please give them some peanut butter ( Cooper's favorite ) or something yummy to them today for me.
Gotta love it when the snow melts and you can find shit that has been buried away for a while. Snow Melt is the real Dog's Christmas, I think.