You could run diagnostics from your BIOS or other onboard utility to rule out the motherboard at least. Might not tell you about a bad connector, but worth it either way.
Is there only one available SATA plug on the board? Try moving it to a different plug if there's one available. If that doesn't work, try using the "bad" drive's cable to plug in your OS drive. If the machine stops booting you know it's a bad cable.
So, I swapped the cables out and it worked...for a while. I'm thinking of just scrapping this laptop and getting one of these:|tkp:Bk9SR7yGnJfgYw HP Omen 17" with a 2tb SSD. My question is can I add this 4tb ssd (which is a hard drive enclosure) or would I have to get a 4tb ssd on a pci stick? The internets say I can upgrade, but it looks like just the stick slot, no 3.5" slot.
@downndirty - a few things: I would not purchase a laptop from a seller that primarily traffics in something other than electronics - this seller is mostly selling supplements. There's a much higher possibility of a scam or trouble if there's something wrong with the device. Most SSDs are 2.5", not 3.5". I am not aware of a laptop with a 3.5" drive slot.That laptop does not appear to have a SATA connection at all, let alone a 2.5" drive slot, according to the specs on HP's site. There is one storage connection, and it's an NVMe connection with an M.2 form factor (those are important things if you shop for a replacement drive; it must meet both criteria). Most new laptops will not have a place for a 2.5" drive except in niche cases. Ironically, your best chance at a 2.5" drive slot is to buy a shitty laptop with a spinning magnetic drive. I'd probably just consider your 4tb SSD to be a permanent piece of external storage at this point, unless you want a desktop.
Fair and thank you. A $10 case is a far cry from a $1000 laptop. Ugh. Can't understand how it stopped working, but can understand the math involved.
Surprise surprise, resident tech idiot needs help. Trying to DL a few podcast episodes that I've missed for our flight tomorrow. Can't seem a way to DL them. Only stream them. What am I doing wrong? It's the Prof G Pod and Prof G Markets if it matters
@GTE What app are you using? Each one is different. If you're not using an app, you need to use one to download them. I use Pocket Casts, which is excellent. But you do have to click the subscribe button on the podcast before you can download them.
Wasn't using an app. Thanks for the tip. Someone repped me that I could DL the YouTube videos but then it sucks battery and I can't do anything else on my phone.
Should be able to search out the podcasts and download them using any of the major apps - YouTube Music has a podcast section, which I haven't tried. But Pocket Casts is good, and Apple Podcasts is fine if you're in the iOS ecosystem.
So me and my business partner have finally decided to join the 21st century (some would clearly say far too late) and set up a basic website for our catering company, so I'm wondering what's the easiest way to procure and host a site these days? Is it just something as simple as using one of those services like or the like, or should I set up an AWS hosting profile instead?
Squarespace? I’ve heard it advertised as a website creation tool. Don’t know if you can buy a domain.
Yeah, go with something big and mainstream, like SquareSpace. I have zero experience in this, but I'd think that you'd want something easy, that could potentially do things like payment processing, marketing campaigns, etc. Go and grab a discount code from any one of the million influencers promoting them and give it a shot. $0.02
I would avoid GoDaddy entirely, as I have extensive experience with what a shit company they are. If you have an existing modern payment processor and POS provider, like Square (which is, confusingly, not related to SquareSpace), it's very possible that they have a e-commerce website builder as part of their toolkit and it may integrate nicely into your existing workflow. Otherwise, yeah, it's fine to just use something like SquareSpace. If you want to roll your own landing page, you can go over to and build your own site pretty cheaply, and you can have a landing page that is distinct from whatever e-commerce page you build with Square or whoever - that is, you can build a "hey this is us, here's what we do, here's our contact info" site that also has a "click here to book a reservation" link that takes you on over to an e-commerce page. This has the advantage of being able to take your landing page with you if you change e-commerce/POS providers. If your landing page is super simple, this is less important though; you can just rebuild if you change providers.
Yeah, we're really just looking to have a page that's more informational "here's what we do/offer, here's how to contact us" than any actual ordering or payment stuff at this point. Thanks everyone, I'll check out SquareSpace to at least get started.
If you're planning on doing payments, be sure to start on the platform that will support your future requirements... moving stuff like this is always painful.