Geeze, is it Sunday already? My Friday and Saturday were hectic and busy and flew right past. Recently the world celebrated Women's Day. This picture is pretty powerful. Like damn. We are having gorgeous weather around here. I want to putz around outside but I caught something from the kiddo. Maybe I need a hot toddy. Happy weekend idiots. @Misanthropic , how was garage night?
Yeah... we're in full on Schitzo-Spring weather right now... highs of 6-15°C during the day, below freezing at night. And that Daylight Savings thing happened overnight. Just finished trimming some out of control bushes/shrubs in the back yard but it's still a bit icy and muddy so opted to come in, crack open a bottle of wine, and make some spaghetti for dinner while powering through the 2024 season of Drive to Survive, the Netfix behind the scenes documentary of F1. It really is interesting to watch the behind the scenes stuff of things you lived through in real time from the outside. That knowledge really engages you in the series. All in prep for the first race of the season this week.
This week, our daycare gifted us strep throat. Not for the kid, unless he was just asymptomatic, but for the wife first, then me. Any illness that makes eating painful and unsatisfying can fuck right off. The doctor diagnosed my wife by sight. For me, since I was still really feverish and had a lasting sinus infection for a week, I got tested for influenza, strep, and chest X-rays to rule out pneumonia. Luckily it was only strep, so I just have to deal with amoxicillin shits for a little while.
Also, been watching old Disney movies and getting reacquainted with them. Always makes me laugh that in “101 Dalmatians,” Roger scores a radio hit with a song that’s like “hey, my wife’s old classmate is a huge bitch, and here’s her actual name!”
It was a typical garage night. I smoked fewer cigars and drank less shots ( I think), but everything else was par for the course. We played three rounds of darts, which was fun as hell and took forever because we were both blitzed. Didn’t get home until well after midnight, but my Friday meetings were canceled so it all worked out.
Today, Li'l Bandit and I took a 100 mile road trip to work on a tractor in a private ranch, only to find out that the owner fucked it up beyond capacity (he ran it low on oil, and spun some connecting rod bearings). This will require the crankshaft to be removed from the engine, which requires the whole damn tractor to be split in half. You might think I'm being melodramatic, but the engine is a structural part on most tractors, and for reasons, the front half of the tractor (engine side) completely decouples from the rear (transmission/ axle side). He's just going to have to find someone else to do it, because I don't have the equipment for it, and that's unfortunate, because he's probably going to get hosed.
Me and the kiddo had a blast on Friday and Saturday at a market event. The event was totally dead on Friday but lil B went around and made friends with all the other vendors, rolling 20s on charisma the whole way around. One man came along behind lil B as B marched back holding a bowl seasoned potatoes (where the fuck did the potatoes come from??) and this guy was tagging behind with a bottle of ketchup, asking just how much ketchup would you like on those potatoes? He stayed to talk enthusiastically about B and his own family. Another fan club member came back to the booth with B, just gushing about what a delight B is, and how does your kid know all this traffic safety info?!. That lady owns a world record pet with its own Instagram with more followers than live in our town, and I found some news articles written about her too. It felt like meeting a Bobs Burgers character. The days are getting long again and I feel so invigorated. I've been rearranging my deck and cleaning stuff off. This summer is going. To. Be. Amazing.
My month so far: Worked ~60 hours last week. Hung doors and baseboards Saturday and Sunday. Work -60 hours this week. Hang more doors and more baseboards this weekend. Work ~60 hours the following week. Hopefully finish doors and baseboards. Work ~60 hours. Haircut on Saturday. This month is going to be brutal.
I just need to get through this week. Played a gig Saturday night and then have four in a row starting Thursday night, plus my day job. Granted, I only work 25 or so hours a week but I'm up at 0445 in the morning. There's actually a fifth show on Monday, but that's in Ontario and I wasn't taking two days off for that. I said last year was going to be it, but I wanted to hit that 20 year mark and was having some doubts about that decision anyway. After this year is over I'm gonna take another look and perhaps finally hang up my guitar for good. I'm still not 100% sure. What I am sure of is, I definitely don't enjoy it as much as I used to. But still, I do, if that makes sense.
I always feel like a store throat is so much more frustrating than it has any right to be. It's not that sore - on a pain scale, it's pretty low. And yet it just fucks with every second of your day; it's there every time you breathe, swallow, eat, drink, sleep, talk, cough - and there's so damn little you can do about it.
Hot rum toddies. Lots and lots of hot rum toddies. Eventually you don't notice your sore throat anymore. You're welcome.
You can at least get through a sore throat, it’s not fun but it’s just some sore feeling. Strep is like having cotton balls shoved in the back of your mouth for two days any time you try and swallow.