How fucking hard is it to listen to, and then answer simple questions? At least sixty million people are actually PROUD to have this Parkinson’s-festooned retard running things.
It’s just the standard answer he gives when a questions seems to be about something he (or his administration) did that shouldn’t have been made public. “I don’t really know what that’s all about, but you used a name I recognize so let me bash them real quick.”
I love how the National Security Director is being grilled about the group chat, and she says, "there was nothing classified in that chat". "Then share them." "Uhhh... we can't." And this made me laugh...
I enjoy Joe Rogan as a UFC commentator, but as a human being he's a piece of shit full of conspiracy theories. The fact he has such a large soap box is part of today's problems.
He used to push fairly benign conspiracy theories. Then he got paid, Covid broke his brain, and he moved to Texas and fell into a right wing hole. It's just alt right and antivaxx crap all the time now.
I agree it sucks. The problem is, people eat that shit up. And the left has no real counter to it. Because how do you counter it?
The Left used to have a Liberal Joe Rogan. His name was Joe Rogan. On a related note, I'm convinced that Elon Musk has him on his payroll; it seems like every episode I've listened to in the last few years, his name is brought up, either by Rogan himself, or by his guest. It does not seem organic.
You don't because you can't. The powers that be would NEVER allow it. Colbert or Stewart could start a podcast and on name alone get big, but the big media handlers would NEVER let them go big on it.
I don’t even think it’s they couldn’t be allowed to get big. I just don’t think people on the left dial in as deeply into that media space as people on the right. I could just be projecting my own experience though. Listening to political podcasts about how shitty everything is sounds terrible and I don’t do it. People see Colbert and Stewart as smug, wealthy liberals. I used to listen to a few podcasts of people who fall on the left side of things and it ultimately just felt like they were scolding right leaning people. Sure, some are worthy of being scolded for being awful, but average everyday folks aren’t listening to this shit. And if they feel like they are being told how bad/stupid they are all the time, where’s the appeal? Rogan doesn’t do that so much as he just lets right-wing nutjobs spew horseshit with no pushback. The left doesn’t do that as much because they just don’t engage in that level of discourse.
I have a theory that a lot of right wing media success is due to the format, which is analogous to radio. My time working construction featured radio in the truck on the commute, and someone would always have a boom box of some sort. You're not at a laptop, so fact checking via a quick Google search would mean stopping what you're doing, likely cleaning your hands and pulling out a phone. For a 3+ hour podcast, that's not something you can do every time some bullshit drops. Your lefties tend to be sitting indoors, in front of screens, and can divert attention to fact check. Also, at least in my experience, they cant block out 3+ hours to tune into something like that, as their commutes aren't as long (their job site doesn't move!) And would be interrupted by meetings or other demands on their attention.
The appeal of Rogan is that he makes dumb people feel smart, without naming them dumb. If you listen to Rogan, fine. If you believe his theories on anything other than steroids, UFC (sort of), and weed, then you are likely misinformed. It's the fuzzy middle ground that new internet-driven media exploits: it's not news, but it sometimes has experts, some of which are legitimate. So, it can masquerade as informational. It goes off the rails when they ask an expert in biology some shit they have no idea about, something outside of their field. To Rogan, they still know more about it or are closer to it than the average listener, but to the rest of us, they have no real expertise and should shut the fuck up. For a 3 hour podcast, shutting the fuck up isn't an option and Rogan does a good job of eliciting opinions in a way that is objectively a personal viewpoint, but feels like a valid, reasoned and somewhat scientific statement. It's the same thing a lot of the Fox News crowd does with pundits. You're a navy seal, what should we do about immigrants? Why the fuck should I know? Well, you work for the government, that's more than we can say, what do you think?
My theory is that Joe Rogan's twitter feed is intentionally curated, so he sees the posts and stories that Musk wants him to see.
So Trump is trying to enact nationwide voter-ID via executive order, without any legislation whatsoever: Also, why in the absolute fuck is Elon getting access to voter registration information?
Posted about it a while back, but there were some anomalies and discrepancies in major swing states and counties that could have swung the election. This is likely being done to erase those discrepancies. Forgot to add this. Florida is in talks to repeal child labor laws.