This week has been beautiful outside. Now that it's time for the weekend, it's time for the rain. All I wanted to do was work in the yard. Foiled. On the other hand the daffodils are very happy. I have no focus for this week and sorry Frebis, no Fuller House theme.
No fair. We had a Super Bowl themed one and I have no doubt Fuller House will be more exciting than that pile of shit game was.
After hacking up the lower lobe of my left lung onto my desk, I took some cough medicine. So now I'm sleepy and loopy, and just spent 5 minutes babbling at someone in the break room while making coffee. I'm not sure exactly what I said. I need to stay in my office with the door closed for the remainder of the day if I'm going to avoid a spot drug screening.
I don't think you need to apologize to someone who admitted to paying $35 for Boy Meets World on DVD.
What ever happened to that guy, anyway? There's a theory that Joey is actually the father of all the kids in Full House: (scroll down to number one)
Ugh. Full House. Even when I was a kid I knew that shit was lame. Except Uncle Jesse. He was a bright spot of hotness in a sea of Bob Saget.
I don't think I was aware of it at the time, but I had the hots for Uncle Jesse back in the day. He is still smokin'. Bob Saget is a sellout.
There were always lame sitcoms: Empty Nest, Full House, Hope and Faith, now one is the number one show in the world.
One of my best friend's is originally from the Philly area and his Dad went to Temple with Saget. They were in the same dorm either freshman or sophomore year. One time Saget and a friend thought it would be funny to steal a mannequin, dress it like a student, and throw it out the window of their multi-story dorm and freak out like someone jumped. Well, they miscalculated and instead of plummeting to the ground, it landed on a secondary roof landing on the third floor...outside the window of a girl...whose boyfriend had recently hung himself in his dorm room. Needless to say a body thudding outside her window didn't go over well. She had a nervous breakdown and dropped out of school. That mannequin went over just about as well as his stand up career.
On the medical front, there has been all sorts of an uproar about talcum powder, and the lawsuit J&J recently lost that suggests it causes cancer: "It has been suggested that talcum powder might cause cancer in the ovaries if the powder particles (applied to the genital area or on sanitary napkins, diaphragms, or condoms) were to travel through the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes to the ovary." Consider this a PSA from Misanthropic to the TIBettes - stopped squirting talcum powder up your hoo ha's. Your ovaries thank you, and so do I.
His stand-up is TERRIBLE. It's not even jokes, he says vulgar buzzwords and that's it. The clean cut TV guy from the 80's is swearing, that counts as humour. It's like the Big Bang Theory: they never say jokes. They say a bunch of nerd culture buzzwords based around Star Trek, tenth grade science facts or role playing games and the fake audience laughs, along with the audience giving it the biggest TV ratings there is.
The show may be shit, but Kaley Cocoapuffs has a sweet body. I'm sure she's insufferable, but that's someone else's problem.
I like Bob Saget, because without Bob Saget we probably wouldn't have Bojack Horseman, and I love Bojack Horseman.
So she's literally *sunglasses*... cuckoo for cocoa puffs? YYYYYEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH! The insert photo, his eyebrows look like flip sunglasses turned up. I have a very prominent unibrow. Under absolutely no circumstances can I imagine not shaving that shit. There are like 2 cultures in this world where it acceptable and both of them still clean poop off their asses with their bare hands.
Why the fuck would anyone pay $7K for 5 acres here? I'm anti social as fuck, but if I paid $7K for property like this I'd want to own as far as my eye could see until the curvature of the Earth prevented me from seeing my neighbors.