This was in my inbox when I logged in this morning, from Juice. According to the calendar today is the first day of spring. OK then.
I'd like to throw out a big thank you to Binary. He's spent not only his time but his money to better this place and it's awesome. He's the tits. Theme: Nudity, booze and good food. Sounds like a great weekend doesn't it? PS No tags for the above. It's the WDT which is ALWAYS NSFW. Besides, technically he's not naked. So bite me.
Today: total eclipse, super moon, Spring equinox, and category 4 solar storm (on scale 1-5) all at once, happens every 100,000 years. Oh, and I'm looking out the window at about 2 inches of snow and counting. When I went to Rita's to get my free water ice, the line was around the building. Bastards. I only get a half hour for lunch! I ain't got time for lines in the snow. Happy first day of Spring!
Ah, spring. Just when you think it's safe, the gods try to rape the shit out of you. Starting Sunday, I am going to dry out for 30 days. Save some money, some liver cells. I don't want to end up sloshed 3 times a week. Granted, that's all my friends do, but I have reading to catch up on. I've only read 2 books this year. That is unacceptable.
It's been a great week. I need a drink (still). Monday - Right side of jaw locks, then "pops" a dozen times. Agony. Liquid dinner. Helps with the agony. Tuesday- Dentist Wednesday - Went to a school play, watched kids who can't dance, dance, and kids who can't sing, sing Thursday - Went to a charity students/teachers basketball game. Not enough charity exists to help them play well. Friday - The first day of Spring. See below. Hard to tell in the picture, but it is snowing as I post this.
What is snow? Spring training is in full force here 84 degrees and lots of see through sundresses, greatest time of the year.
Holy shit. Obama might buy the MAGNUM P.I. house. How fucking cool would that be?! If it comes with a Ferrari I will pee myself. We need to start a fundraiser to get Biden a multi-colored helicopter. With a helpful image of what Obama P.I. looks like: Fuck me, I want to buy it. Disrepair or not.
Binary has had a liiiiitle too much to drink at lunch and has ceased working on the new forum software for the rest of the day. BUT: tits are always welcome.
Re: Because Tits I'm not saying anyone owes me anything. I'm just saying that if shegirl was really grateful, my inbox wouldn't currently be empty.
So my Friday night consisted of my first "date" in a fair few years, which went well but not "that" well. Trying to actually court this one. Then kicked on with a few friends, who came back to my place and indulged in a bit of scotch and "coke". Good night!