So it's a long weekend. I'm going to be drinking and playing with power tools. In honour of that, let's pay homage to the bastion of mysogony, the mechanic's sexy calendar.
Okay team, last plea. We need at minimum, 2 more people to sign up for the TiB Fantasy Football league. $25 entry fee. The rest of the details are in the Sports Board post about the TiB Fantasy league. If we don't get at least 2 more sign ups, I'm unfortunately going to have to cancel that league. It's open to anyone, so please feel free to sign up. We always have a good time with the leagues so don't feel as if you need to be an expert at FF to play. Plus, you get to shit talk board members with impunity if you beat them by even the slimmest of margins. What other arena are you going to be able to tell Nettdata that you beat him so badly the only time his future wife ever had an orgasm was when she felt the reverb from the pounding you gave him? Exactly... So, go to the Sports Board, read the details, sign up, have fun. Hope to see my inbox flooded with messages later today.
Come on, people... sign the fuck up! I did, and I've never done this before. Tell you what, whoever wins the leagues gets to be a mod.* You can't win if you don't play. *except Parker.
You might as well order my Ban Hammer now then. There has to be two members here who are interested, for 25 bucks and making Sunday football a little more interesting why not give it a shot?
If you need a laugh, go check out .I'm dying over here. Even funnier, the co-worker that sent it to me thought it was a real news story and thought I was psychotic for laughing so hard.
Two things: I'm willing to sign up for the fantasy league; however, there's no chance I'll make the draft, so what happens in that case? Since it's an auction draft is auto pick an option? Secondly, I will be smoking ludicrous amounts of meat this weekend. Pictures soon to follow.
I have a 25 pound whole rear pig leg that I have to cook later. Gonna leave the skin on it, shooting for around 12-14 hours in the hickory smoke.
I was doing a bunch of data work for a client today and came across the best name ever--Shelley Fister. I mean, who names their little girl the question that a porn director asks during an extreme scene where they've run out of ideas?
Alright, fuck it. It's not like I'm fooling any of you into thinking I'm a smart man anyway... I bet the answer to this is as fucking simple as anything in the universe, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. So the red numbers show up by that flag up there, I click it, but I can never seem to find the full message. It's always the first however-many characters then "..." Like: Spoiler (No idea why I blacked everything out, I've been watching too many spy movies.) Can I suggest a ridicule sandwich? I think that's fair. Ridicule, solution, ridicule. Please and thank you.
No shame. This was me too a while back until netdaddy helped me out. Paying it forward. Click on your avatar profile thingy at the top bar, to the left of where you see the alerts. A drop down menu will show up. Click on "Your Profile Page." The matrix will show up. There's some tabs at the top. Click on "Reputations" to read the extended version of your reps.
THANK you! I mean, most of the reps I get are a simple "Kill yourself." (you guys are such jokers) but there have been a few longer ones.