In one hour I will be sitting in front of a Packers v Seachickens game with a drink in hand. In honor of that this weeks theme is: Hot Chicks Drinking Booze My work here is done.
Re: 8/23/13 WDT NSFW I have to get ready to DJ a trashy-ass wedding in a stabby area of town tomorrow night. It just feels like it has bad news all over it. The bride has a voice that could open a garage door.
That's what camping looks like. There are two kinds up here: the one where parents take their kids, and that.
A few casual observations. 1. Ron Jeremy is in the Armin van Burren video. Random. 2. Wedding rehearsals are such bullshit. 3. Pinot grigio is amazeballs. 4. I want to fuck bridesmaid #3. Many times.
Is wangoneelse listening to Brahms tonight? Becaue you hiiunt be. omg. Sec. On yank. Pump musicaccoedj.g to dale. Omg. So good. qhy an I in a with four men? Where my laidws at+???
Ridiculously quick. Power drinking at it's finest. 1:40 from legible to illegible, not too shabby at all.
Drunk with nowhere to go. EDIT: Can someone show,me how to post this .gif of a woman shooting champagne out of her ass!?!?