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Fucked Around and Got a Triple Double

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nom Chompsky, May 28, 2013.

  1. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    It's pretty weird that Cube is keeping track of his stats in a pickup game, but what the hell, Kobe probably does the same thing.


    Focus: Describe the best day of your life.

    Alt-focus: Describe your ideal day.
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: I think my best day ever was the last day I got to see my grandmother before she passed away. I arrived at the hospice facility early in the morning and had a nice breakfast with her in the dining room, just the two of us. I asked her about her childhood and what her family was like when she was little. She had the biggest smile on her face as if she hadn't had the opportunity to revisit these memories and recount them to anyone in years. She went into great detail about her extended family and how much she missed them and felt cursed that she outlived them all.

    We also talked about my life and my girlfriend that I had only recently started dating. Although we both knew she wouldnt be able to come my wedding some day, she said she was excited about it nonetheless. I choked up and told her that I was looking forward to having her there. After we ate, I took her on a walk through the facility's garden so she could see the flowers blooming one last time. When we got back to the room, she was already getting tired and I figured Id let her get some rest. I leaned in to give her a big hug and tell her I loved her, knowing it was going to be last opportunity I had to do so. I asked her if there was anything else she needed and she said, "I need about tree fiddy." It was about that time that I realized my grandma was about 200 feet tall and a lizard from the Paleolithic Era. The god damn Loch Ness Monster had gotten me again.
  3. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I feel like the best days always end up being unexpected in their magnitude of badassery. Like you anticipate a good day, but then it turns into something amazing. Rarely do the days where you think "oh man, this is gonna be the best day ever" actually turn out like that.

    Off the top of my head, my best day would probably be Green Beer Day my last year of college. Not because it was some drunken mess, but rather it was a unique combination of nonstop activity for 18 hours, great times with my friends, and just a harmonious sequence of events that all went right. Including:

    -Waking up and getting the right amount of drunk from 5AM-9AM
    -taking a nap that was refreshing but not debilitating
    -unseasonably warm March weather in SW Ohio and a party on our deck/yard that went from 1 till about 8
    -Think of the best party you've been to where you were constantly laughing and new groups constantly filtered in to keep it that
    -meeting a group of 3 girls who were all interested in me and my two roommates
    -Going into a bedroom with said girls to have a drunken dance party in which everyone was encouraged to take off their shirts...and did
    -Managing a successful hookup with said girl despite having been drinking all day.
    -And to top it all off, one of said girls and my roommate went and had sex on our roof, started dating from then on...and are now married. Just epic.

    #3 JWags, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  4. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Best Day Ever is tied between my first night in Vegas that involved flying in on a private jet, steak dinner, seeing DJ Jazzy Jeff DJ, bottle service at Rain and sleeping in a penthouse at the Palms Place vs. Jumping out of an airplane skydiving for the first time and not dying vs. the first time I got head, which occurred in Harold Washington Library, THE largest Public Library in the world or America. Too lazy to Google.

    Worst day is tied with realizing the girl I followed to New York State for college cheated on me and the whole thing was a waste of time, putting me 40k in debt, and missing out on so many teenage comedy party moments from the age of 18-21 with my best friend. Vs. The day my mom got cancer. She eventually beat it but it was rough because I was a kid, but I did have a huge fight with her the day before she went to the hospital to find out over the most petty shit causing her to cry the only time I've ever seen her cry. I felt like I had a hand in putting my mom in the hospital.
  5. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Best day of my life is actually on video:

    #5 Revengeofthenerds, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  6. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus Probably my second visa run to Hong Kong. Met a Russian girl when I was eating lunch. Spent the rest of the day drinking and sight seeing. Eventually went out to the bars and dancing. I don't think there could have been a more idyllic romantic movie first meetings. I pulled a stereotypical me move and got my mind stuck on getting food at the end of the night instead of staying at her place. In true rom com form she left her purse in the taxi when we had dropped her off and my Chinese phone didn't work for hong kong numbers so I was never able to get ahold of her (trying to get a taxi back to the university outside of the city she stayed at was a drunken futility). For obvious reasons she didn't show the next day where we had planned to meet up. I spent the last day in HK taking her purse to the Russian consulate.

    Day didn't end as well as it had could have. Spending a whole day with a great girl in a foreign city was amazing.
  7. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I'd have to say the first day that I took Li'l Bandit to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels. We had a few hurdles along the way (fucking cops; serious message to all Texas State Troopers: Look at my avatar.), but took him there just like I said I would, damn the consequences.
    We had an amazing day on the first half of the park, which was fed by fresh, cold river water. The next day we went to the completely man-made half of the park, the Blastenoff (I think that's how you spell it).
    After that, we stopped by the Natural Bridge Caverns, a cave system in central Texas.
    Despite the problems (I had to pay over $1,000 in fines. Greedy bastards.) I think those were some of the best days of my life.
    Here's a couple of pictures:

    Attached Files:

  8. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Note to all normal, law-abiding citizens:


    (btw, you look like you are taking a monster shit in that second picture.... congrats? Goes great with bat guano I'm sure. Please leave my state now. kthxbye)
  9. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I'm only responding to this because the first picture didn't go through. Revengeofthenerds, are you dissing me because I called you out for gunning down a tiny snake that you could have killed with your thumb and index finger?
    As far as leaving "your" state, I've been here longer than you. Come down here and make me leave, puss-ass.
    And the reason why I'm squatting down in the second picture is because I would have hit my head on the rock formations above me.
    Here's the Schlitterbahn picture:

    Attached Files:

  10. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Is there anything you can't find a way to get arrested doing? Serious question.
  11. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I didn't get arrested, dipshit. Go find the drunk thread where I originally posted the picture. (It's the thread where Dr.Frylock suspiciously got his moderator status in a "contest.")
  12. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Seriously? Y'all are giving Dixie shit for recounting the best day of his life as a day he spent with his kid?

    No matter what you think of his lifestyle, that's a pretty awesome dad that considers his best day ever being a special trip with his son.

    As you get older the days of doing a boat load of blow, drinking yourself stupid, and sticking your dick into questionable recepticals kind of fade from memory. But memories of your family will always stay with you.

    Memories like my mother dragging my 5 year old ass out of bed early in the morning to go look for leprechauns in the grass. (No she wasn't drunk, that would've made for a much better story.) She weaved an intoxicating tale of how the wee folk were out in the yard hiding under dew stained blades of grass, and I was more then eager to find one of them. I have no idea what I planned to do if I caught one, maybe put it in a jar and taunt it?

    My point is, I'll bet 25 years from now Dixie's son will remember that day with crystal clear detail and that his dad went out of his way to create a special day for him. And that's pretty fucking awesome.
  13. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    The best day of my life occurred in Corfu, Greece, whilst on Contiki with some of my closest friends, and what was an awesome group of 40+ strangers to holiday and party with. The day can be split up into two parts:

    1) George's Boat: The entire Contiki group boarded a smallish boat, which sailed around the Corfu islands for a few hours whilst we drank, listened to good music/sang, ate awesome food and danced. Our Contiki group had about 35 out of 50 girls, and most of them were quite attractive, so chilling on a boat with hot drunk girls in bikinis is pretty fucking awesome. Better yet, this was towards the end of our trip, and everyone in this Contiki group was awesome. I'm not lying when I say 99% of the people on the trip got along, and found it easy to party together and have a good time (this might sound basic or obvious, but there's always a good chance when you go on these sorts of organised trips you'll have to deal with fucktard strangers that ruin everyones fun. We had none of that. The guys got along, most of the girls got along, or didn't make it an issue if they didnt) So by this stage it was basically just a large group of close friends getting silly and having a good time.

    We stopped off at a few small beaches where we'd chill out or take turns doing "flips and shit" (that song actually got played on the boat). The very last stop was called "skinny dipping island" which is pretty self-explanatory. The other awesome part was that the host/captain of the boat, George, was this fat sleezy Greek dude, who's catchlines throughout the day included, "Tzatziki, it's good for your sex life!" who everyone thought was hilarious. On the way back he belted out some classic Aussie tunes (Farnham, Chisel, Midnight Oil) through the iPod dock. Good fucking times. I have the dumbest grin on my face thinking about it. If this was the only thing we did that day it still probably would have been up there for the best day ever, but once we docked back at Corfu, we all made our way to:

    2) Toga Party: Again, with the same group of people, who are well happy and plastered by now. We arrived at some sort of Contiki-hired Greek mansion, where there were 3 other Contiki groups as well. It was awesome to spend the rest of the night drinking with some of my closest friends, dressed in togas, in the middle of a 6 month European holiday, without any worries in the world. Couldn't tell you when we finally finished, but that was easily the highlight of my trip, and probably the best day of my life so far.

    I want to go back!
  14. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    Sometime in the late summer of 2000 after going round and round with both sets of parents as to where we were going to spend Christmas and we had also been mulling over having children so this was going to be the last Christmas we had to ourselves, so we said screw everyone and went scuba diving in Belize for Christmas instead. Alone.

    We went to a place called The Manta resort on a tiny little atoll due East from Belize City and away from the usual hotspots in North Belize.

    We woke up early one morning, had sex, went diving, came back and had fresh nearly raw tuna that one of the guys had caught that morning for lunch, went diving again, saw a huge spotted eagle ray, came back, took a nap, had the same tuna for dinner, went on another dive that night, saw an octopus stalk and catch a fish, came back and had sex again.

    That whole vacation was amazing; I didn't wear shoes for 7 days, but that one day sticks out in my mind.
  15. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Focus: In March of 2002 a monster snow storm hit Montana. Knowing that this massive snow storm was coming, my dad planned for me to skip school and he would take a day off of work to enjoy the fresh powder. We drove the 4 hours from our house to Red Lodge, MT on a Thursday evening. That night it snowed over four feet. The next day was the absolute best day of snowboarding I've ever had. Because it was a weekday, there were very few people there. I rode in waist to chest deep powder all day with my dad. Afterward, we had a nice dinner and went to the hotel and watched Shawshank Redemption. We were there two more days but the first day was the best, and probably the best day of my life.
  16. toddus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I don't think people are giving shit about his day, as much as the description of the day included multiple comments about disregard to authority and their aggression. Combined with a paranoi of their 'ruining' his day.

    For some reason all I could think of was this:
  17. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    The day I walked out of County, that feeling is hard to beat.
  18. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Great thread topic! So many good memories to choose from, and it's great fun remembering them all to sort through. Ignoring all the heavy shit like Mum's cancer being successfully expunged, and Dad's cancer scare turning out more or less benign, hmmm, how do I even choose?

    1. The day that I made it to Machu Picchu is the stand-out. Standing up there by myself as night came down, not knowing a soul within 14,000km, and 6 weeks after a knee reconstruction, was awesome in the literal sense of the word. It's a bit passe` to be awed by your own achievements, but fuck it, the combination of the first serious physical challenge I'd overcome, and the first time travelling solo, was too sweet for words.

    2. Going to this awesome waterpark in Romania with my brother, his wife, and my housemate. After finding our way out of town on these hideous bus routes, in 40 degree heat with no seats or aircon, just arriving at this heavenly oasis of massive waterslides, cheap beer, and topless women, was excellent. We spent the day getting drunk in beautiful weather, stacking floating tubes and doing flips in ridiculous attempts to impress the gorgeous half naked girls everywhere, and speeding down laughably unsafe slides. After that we headed out to this local beer garden with great cocktails and live jazz, then ended up at a college party on the roof of some random building smoking unnecessarily strong hash and making friends with locals. Glorious, glorious day.
    #18 AlmostGaunt, May 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  19. Puffman

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Central California
    I have had a few days in my life that I thought were perfect. Certainly the birth of my children are pretty happy perfect days, however one day I seem to keep coming back to: January 1, 1979.

    I worked at a local newspaper while going to college. A local kid was playing for USC that year as the starting center. USC had a great team that year including Rickie Bell at tailback and had gotten to the Rose Bowl with a 11-1 record and were going to play Michigan who also had a great record that year. USC sent the sports department at this little newspaper two tickets to the Rose Bowl and no one was interested in giving up New Years Eve to go to the game. Except me.

    There was no going out partying on New Years Eve. At 4:00am my father and I got in my Toyota pickup and drove the six hours down to Pasadena to watch this game. This was the first time I ever got to go to something that rightfully could be described by anyone as an Event. It was perfect weather, the Goodyear Blimp was overhead, USC and Michigan coeds in great numbers. A great game to watch with USC winning 17 to 10. Afterwards we got back into my pickup and drove home finally arriving sometime after 1:00am.

    I had 20 hours with my father. It is the first time I remember having time with him on a more or less adult level. We were both watching the ladies, the game and talking about what the future might hold and what mistakes he had made at times, dating stories, just really guy stuff and some sage advice that would never have been given if my mother was around.

    I mentioned the game to him just the other day, and he kinda sat back looked at me and said "yeah that was a great day".

    I have had great times with my wife and buddies and all the great parties, concerts, drunks. That 20 hour day with my father will never be equaled, until maybe I get to do the same with one of my kids.
  20. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Probably the day I beat the number one kid in the nation.

    It was honestly an unremarkable match I caught him early with a lat drop and ended up getting a five point lead and after that I just shut him down. He couldn't do shit to me. On our feet I physically dominated him and he wouldn't even try mat wrestling me because I had a pretty dangerous reputation for reversing and pinning people from bottom. And I had a quick cradle from on top. So there was nothing he could really do except keep trying to work shots which I wasn't really allowing him to do.

    It was the best match I have ever had. Which is funny because as far as my coaches were concerned they just wanted me to go out and make a good showing for myself. They didn't even bother taping it because my loss was such a foregone conclusion.

    After the match was over it was the only time I remember the world going silent. I calmly went and signed my bout sheet, then went to shake his coaches hand in this seeming perfect stillness. The about halfway across the mat it truly hit me, I just beat a guy who hadn't lost a match since before I even started wrestling. The world seemed to come rushing back and I lost my everloving mind. I screamed I jumped I probably cried. Then my teamates and buddies from the national team came running at me from all over the gym I got mobbed. It was a moment of pure elation.

    Calling my parents that night was like living it all over again. My step mom screamed then started yelling at my dad because he made her miss it. (His leg fucked up on him and they ened up leaving the tournament an hour or so before my match.)