TiB now has a Twitter: https://twitter.com/IdiotBoard This has just started, so obviously the profile will be updated in the near future (linking back to this board, posting funny stuff from this board on social media, any female board members who aspire to be prostitutes can contact me with their nude pictures, etc.). Focus: Pick a trending topic. Make a joke about it, or a photoshop about it, in less than 140 characters. The TiB account will publish your joke (as long as it doesn't objectively suck) and hashtag the trending topic. If you're an aspiring comedian or want credit, we'll include your link -- just make sure we can fit it all into a Tweet (your job to make sure, not ours). Alt. Focus: This one takes some balls. Start a trending topic on here. Flood this thread with jokes and appropriate hashtags. If you suck, you'll be red-dotted to hell. If you're fantastic, welcome to E-fame!!! Hat tip: Netty had a good idea going
NEEDED: 1) Someone to make a TiB twitter profile picture. 2) Someone to make a background for the Twitter profile. If needed (/I expect it), I will make appropriate accreditation to you as you see fit (though a small watermark is probably best).
Why not just use the TiB logo for the profile picture? Not sure on what to use for the background picture... maybe the "Show me your labia" photo... As far as a hashtag... #ThingsWorseThanTheNationwideCommercial
I think its a great idea, if any of you want to follow my poor attempt at humor it's @_drunkmechanic @The_Real_Toytoy is also well worth the follow if you're not already doing so. He has 25k following him last I looked.
Good point. Unless anyone tells me differently, if you want to tweet a joke/call out TiB, we'll re-tweet and/or link to you as necessary. If you wanna self-promote, go ahead. Just make sure you have good stuff to promote, because TiB doesn't promote crappy shit. Though amateur comics are generally awesome.
First Challenge: #50ShadesOfGrey is trending. This can't be about the movie. It has to be about fucked up hooker bondage. Dead babies in chains. Things you'd like to do to your wife if she doesn't clean your house.
Dedication: writing an entire series of regurgitaded canine excrement just to make your favorite author look decent by comparison. #50shadesofgray
Yup! (Had to edit it slightly to make it fit) https://twitter.com/IdiotBoard/status/562287239422816256
Im glad he did. I very intentionally avoided the words "dog" and "shit" I was really impressed that it took me a second to figure out what changes were made other than "ur".
Isn't it spelled "Grey"? Made my account, followed everyone thus far. Since its Twitter, who gets trolled first? When in Rome....
This was the post that got erroneously moved over: Guys, knock off the Milly and other ancient history shit. That was TMMB crap that we've gone way past. Let's leave it there. We have absolutely no ties to the Blueberry Heir, other than we hung out at TMMB when Max was fucking with him, and Milly isn't worth our time. The type of people we'd attract as a result of us fucking with Milly are NOT the kind of people I want around here. So keep that in mind. And as to wahoos, I think they're fucking stupid 99% of the time. I'd much rather we invite someone with a radical idea into our forum to discuss things in an interesting way than act like a bunch of schoolyard bullying fucktards on recess.
As I PMed you, this has been duly noted. To pass the time until the whole "suggest stuff for TiB's twitter" thing picks up steam (and to lay some groundwork), I'm trying my hand at jokes on trending topics on there. Carrying over the ethos of the board with the whole no politics/religion rule. But if anyone has any problem with anything, please just let me know. I know I'm representing a brand so I'm trying to do my best.
I would, but I'm not sure if I could handle over a dozen people seeing my most offensive self. In all seriousness, trying to scattershot your way into the "edgy humor" crowd is gonna end with whoever runs the account getting bored and turning to something else. Much better off being generally interesting and occasionally trying to be funny. Also how are you guys, what's been up etc