I truly hope this is the internet just fucking with me, because this http://i.imgur.com/Dayoc.jpg is the greatest example of rage inducing stupidity I have ever seen committed to words. I saw this and was desperately disappointed that I am not more tech savvy because I would love to have you people wahoo two private citizens. That having been said though I will come around to something resembling a... FOCUS: What are some examples of everyday stupidity that infuriate you? ALT FOCUS: Discuss the fuckery that is this conversation.
Alt Focus: Who says the educational system is broken?? Wow though, this might be one of the dumbest conversations to have ever taken place. I did get a good chuckle when I visualized a teenage girl kicking Stephen Hawkings wheelchair though.
I read that and immediently thought of Idiocracy. Those are the same kids who probably drop out halfway through college after pursuing a theater degree. You know the saying about how the more you know, the more you realize you don't know? With this in mind, I can see that those tards can barely tie their shoelaces.
I have to believe with that level of E-toughness that Mr. Hawking could at least give them a run for their money in a bout of fisticuffs. Or Wheel-da-ass however it is handicapped people fight. Where the hell is Hotwheelz to explain the possible logistics?
I'll be honest, I don't much give a shit about quantum mechanics myself, however I don't much give a shit about microbiology, or knitting, or the proper way to tie a knot, or cricket or how many T-cells a person needs to actually become a T-Rex dinosaur(might have my science wrong on that one that might make me a superhero from Resident Evil instead....). However that doesn't make any of those things pointless or that we should cease and desist anything to do with them. (well maybe cricket.....seriously what the fuck made me think of cricket). So, either that little post is sheer idiocy, or a bad trolling. Either way, I’d have to post it in the fail column by the individuals involved. Seeing her push Hawking down a hill might have some potential for me to ever pay attention to that prattling twit again.
MOTHER FUCKER CAN FLY. Just by the power of HIS MIND PENIS. How 'bout you?! (Or they're playing Caber-toss with him.) Probably spoiled, sheltered little girls mouthing off on the internet. Nothing new. Most likely will not change unless they have some mind altering experience that pushes the boundary of their own tiny little bubble and fragile ego. It'll happen again too. Each time the derp fortifying itself in steady increments until finally enveloping us all into a Hawking singularity. The final, delicious irony. I still get the urge to slip their gynecologist a Franklin or two just to make sure she sneaks in an IUD or something that slowly leaks sterilizing agent into their wombs. As for everyday stupid, who can count? I give people the benefit of the doubt. Not a day goes by I don't do something stupid, stare at my mistake, then thank Allah that no one was around to see it. Especially if it involves a 2am split pee stream or microwaving the fork on my plate. But, what gets me is the lack of care given to most (usually simplistic) tasks and ignorance of the world around them. Don't really need to go deeper into that. Also, Facebook posts. Wishing for complete sentences is one thing, but how can you have this many people with incomplete thoughts? I need a fucking Enigma device to read half this shit. YOU'RE A FUCKING ADULT, TYPE PROPERLY, WHORE. Joke's on me for associating with them, I guess.
Elevated levels of T cells will NOT turn you into a T Rex, dumbass. They will turn you into Mr T, which is infinitely more awesome than dinosaurs (which didn't even exist). The problem is that too many T cells will kill all living beings not named "Mr T" which is problematic for most people. It's science.
Like CJ said, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt in public situations. I do plenty of stupid shit myself, so it takes something REALLY retarded to make me go "Yep, you're dumb." That won't keep me from laughing my ass off, but I don't think worse of them for it. On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem judging people whom I know well. If you're incompetent, I'll take your stupidity to be one more example of your idiocy. This tends to make a double standard - if you're otherwise smart and then pick up the case of beer by the wrong side and make all the beer fall out, I'll just laugh at you. If you're a retard and do that, then I'm going to go "Yep, you're fucking dumb. Just another example."
Dunning-Kruger Effect in full swing. I just content myself with the knowledge that if I ever met someone like that in real life, I would poke out their eyes. No more facebook for you, blindy!
This is what worries me- let's assume that most of the people on this board are of above average intelligence. At the very least, we can operate a computer well enough to get us to this website, and generally speak in coherent, (sometimes) thought out sentences. There is a good chance that those two people are of average, normal, 100 point IQ intelligence. Makes sense, most people fit into that part of the bell curve. What that also means is that half of the world is dumber than those two.
This is such a great example of a glorious lack of understanding that it must be appreciated, if only to bask in the glow of its ineptitude. Like an intellectual mullet, you have to stand back and enjoy it.
If I didn't have a Facebook, I would be convinced that there's no way that conversation was real. The level of stupidity on Facebook is truly unbelievable. Not even with people I'm friends with, but friends of my friends. And, ya know, the idiots I know, too. The difference between people who went to college and those who didn't is absurd. Even people majoring in women's studies at shitty schools generally, with some exceptions, have a slight understanding of how important significant discoveries actually are simply because of gen ed requirements that I imagine even St. Cloud State has. The kids who didn't go to college, especially those that are coming out of high schools that aren't in the hood, genuinely scare me because of the large proportion of our society that doesn't.
This is timely. As posted in the vanity thread: So far, two people have repped me asking how this paradox is possible. Don't worry, I'll solve the riddle for you. Children, gather 'round. My girlfriend's Aunt (her mother's sister) married her Uncle, a man from a different family. People sometimes have siblings--in this case, he has a brother. Thus, my "girlfriend's uncle's brother" is not her father, and is not actually her uncle, either. Now go have fun kicking physicists or something.
Are you sure the paradox they are referring to isn't that of an extreme couponer sharing? Or was that the joke? I'm confused. Fuck Hawking.
You might knock Hawking for being in a wheelchair and only doing theoretical physics, but consider: His current wife used to be one of his nurses, back when he was married. The nurse was also married. He somehow managed to convince the nurse to leave her husband and run away with him... and the husband was one of the guys that helped to invent his voice box thing, just by pure coincidence. Most of you would have a hard time getting a woman to leave her husband. Now imagine doing it while being Stephen Hawking. Motherfucker's a pimp.
He'd need to build a robot. And then, as the robot stood over their cold lifeless bodies, he'd slowly roll over to them, tilt his chair forward and five minutes later a cold steely voice would echo through the hills, "How is that for prac-ti-cal app-li-ca-tions, mo-ther-fu-ckeeng punk ass bi-tches. Ha Ha Ha." Roll on, brother. Roll on.
As an economist in training, I'm more annoyed at these(and so many other) people saying "HERPA DERP WHY HAVEN'T BRAINY PEOPLE FOUND THE EQUATION THAT FIXES THE ECONOMY YET HERPA DERP." If only everyone understood the overwhelming complexity of the system. Also, the amount of anti-science rhetoric that has made it to public discourse is becoming genuinely scary.