Or, if you want to go more traditional: Regardless, we're having fun until next Wednesday morning. So yall get after it.
In honor of Mardi Gras, New Orleans theme (never mind Mobile, even if their's is older) + Will eventually = around 3am. Followed by stomach cramps at 8. At least they make them wear gloves now. Edit: in this whirlwind tour of the city I couldn't find a picture of the jackass that tries to con you out of your shoes. "I bet I know where you got your shoes at!"
I LOVE Dom DeLouise1 I am only on my phone right now. Somebody do us all a favour and link that video of the sorority chick asking that Asian sensation on the Knicks out on a date. You will fucking DIE.
Looking at some of those pics tells me it's been a while since I've been to NOLA. I didn't know they switched to anal beads.
Well now I know what I'm wearing to my company Christmas party next year. Monday's a holiday up here. I might whip up a batch of hurricanes and see what all the fuss is about.
Nothing. They are fucking awful. They might be vaguely tolerable if you were at the piano bar at Pat O's with one in your hand, but after you've seen a countless number of bright red vomit spots on Bourbon Street because tourists think they can suck down 4 or 5 of those things in a sitting, they lose their luster.
I can't argue one bit with you, but I really like a good hurricane. That sugary mix crap bugs me. Pat O's, satan bless them, uses their own mix instead of putting one together from scratch. That shit will hang you over quicker than wringing the bar mat juice down your throat. Damn shame because it is an intense fucking drink. COOL ASS glass too. You want it slightly pink, not bright red, Angel. Hurricane: 1 oz vodka 1 oz gin 1 oz light rum 1/2 oz 151 proof rum 1 oz amaretto almond liqueur 1 oz triple sec grapefruit juice pineapple juice 1 drizzle grenadine syrup Yep, it's pretty gay looking. Spoiler
The problem with Hurricanes is mostly bad mixing. People drink them with a straw, and as they're badly mixed they can't deal with the basically straight rum that was at the top and thus the last thing they get with their straws. And then they can't cope.
I'd take a bar mat shot over a Hurricane any day of the week and twice on Sundays. And, yes, I have had bar mat shots.
I gotta side with the sack on this one, I've never really cared about Mardi Gras. Of course, I've never been to the real deal, but I feel like I'm getting more and more lame by the day. Give me a comfortable and quiet patio that looks out over the water, a warm day, and a cold drink and I'm happy as a pig in shit.
The photos of the guys in weird outfits chasing after a duck give me a whole new level of creeps. It's like the KKK meets clowns meet Guy Fawkes meets scarecrows. None of these groups likes me and they're all the stuff of nightmares.
Is it really so unbelievable? I'm pretty sure that anytime anyone has ever tried preaching to college kids about the perils of their soon-to-be profession, the first comment after said preacher walks away is "man, what a buzzkill. I'm never going to be like THAT dude". Because when you're in college, you think you know the path that your life is going to take. You're going to finish your degree, find a job right away in your chosen field, make millions, find the girl, buy the sports car and the fancy move-in-ready dream house, and be happy. And how DARE someone tell you otherwise and tarnish that path. It take about one year after graduation, working at a diner with your MBA diploma tucked under your IKEA desk in your 500 square foot apartment overlooking the "suicide bridge" before you realize that life sometimes doesn't go to plan. Wow, I'm jaded. And my life IS going according to plan, funnily enough.
Four consecutive close shifts at the bar watching other people drink has made me a very thirsty man. I'll save it tomorrow, it's a very good mate's 21st. Not only is he putting on a bar tab, but providing unlimited free beer back at his place after the function room gets closed. Good form. Until then, I think I'll let the likes of Dave Ghrol or Freddie Mercury sing me to sleep.
I'm just glad I had a couple of internships prior to graduating so I had a clue as to what I was getting myself into. Regardless, I've never believed the degree entitles me to jack shit. Ya gotta work for it.
Rachiii and I had a serious conversation about a Chicago meet up. Who the fuck actually lives in Chicago? I know D26, Jwags, Me, Rachiii, who else?