Someone brought it up in the WDT, but apparently someone hacked Ashley Madison and is threatening to leak the details of 37 million users publicly. Focus: Discuss this story. Alt Focus: Is there ever a situation where cheating is warranted?
That would be some fucking shit if that info got out. Good lord. Can you imagine who is on there? The lawsuits would be astronomical especially if they have some high dollar clients.
My cousin is a programmer for their website... so uh... if anyone knows of any computer programming job postings, he'll probably be looking for work shortly.
But some of them keep logbooks, for Christ's sake. Remember the whole Client Number 9 business? You want discretion? You've gotta go with a no-risk option, that won't write shit down, won't rat you out, and won't call your home number at 3:00 AM and leave a message on your answering machine about wanting to have your child. You know what won't do any of these things? That's right. Watermelons.
It'd be interesting to see how the data was obtained... and at first glance, this isn't a ringing endorsement for his skills.
How is this a surprise? Rich nerd marries super hot girl, super hot girl bangs on the side was about the money....nerd sorts out digital footprint and plans for retribution. Having a site dedicated to "HEY COME CHEAT ON YOUR SPOUSE HERE!!!" it's a laughable to think it will stay a secret.
If I was a divorce attorney, I'd start buying up giant billboard ads on every major highway in my area. That, and the number 1-800-DIVORCE.
If someone really wants to be discrete about an affair just go get a street hooker, they won't rat you out, hell they don't even give a fuck who you are. No forms to fill out, just $20 and you're good to cheat
In my neck of the woods, going to a street hooker is illegal, so there's that. And, I don't even want to think about what you'd get for only $20. [shudder]
Not that I had an account, but there is another category of people who might have accounts on Ashley Madison; people in non-traditional marriages. So, let's say you're a dude with permission to have sex outside of the marriage. AM represents a pool of potential women who obviously don't care if you're married or not so I could see the appeal. Or a woman looking for a guy who doesn't care if she's married. Or any combination thereof. Plus, there's going to be a certain number of accounts for guys who cheated, confessed, worked through it with their wives, and are now going to have that old wound reopened and their domestic lives dumped in turmoil. Plus all the identity theft and financial ruin with leaked credit cards and the like. It's a mess and it bothers me that we don't condemn cyber crimes like this when the victims of it happen to not be awesome people. And we forget about all the kids and communities that could suffer out of something like this. Alt: Is cheating ever warranted? While I can see Dan Savage's point about the specific situation where cheating can save a long term marriage and keep a family together (and in the realm of really large numbers, there's almost never an actual absolute), I think the .01% of the time the cheating might be ok is dwarfed by, well, all of the other times it is not. Or, in short, no, cheating isn't warranted and is an absolutely terrible thing to do to a partner. Want to sleep with someone else that badly? Get permission or get out, but you don't get to violate your partner's trust and the rules of your relationship and justify it.
You guys are such Debbie Downers. There's nothing wrong with doing a crack whore so long as you bring a condom and have a place to bury her afterwards...kidding