Do you celebrate? What do you do? Do you eat everything in sight? Maybe partake in edibles? Do you think all pot smokers are just dirty hippies? In other words, everything and anything about weed.
I took an edible a friend gave me from Colorado for the first time last weekend. Not sure if it just wasn't enough or what, but it really had no perceivable effect on me. Other than that, I'll occasionally smoke with my neighbors whenever they get some pot from their hillbilly brother, but until it gets around to being legalized here in Ohio, I don't go out of my way to getting it. If it finally does however, I'm going to suddenly develop a really bad case of glaucoma.
Nope. Do the chain text still go around saying "happy 420 pass the <///////>~~ BLuntZ!!!" ? The hippie fucks, or Crown, can't claim this stuff is benign anymore either. Dabbing would probably black me out after not smoking for over a decade. Wax? Edibles? The head change is probably on par with many other decried substances. Edit: Way to shit on my edible point before I can even post!
Jdoogie, maybe the reason you didn't feel anything is edibles are legislated to have one dose of thc in them. What was happening is a cookie had like 6 doses and people were winding up in the hospital. Next time have a few more. People who claim pot is harmless are stupid or have an agenda. Nothing is completely harmless, take a bottle of aspirin and let me know how it feels. Those who say you can't overdose are just irrational. I've heard plenty of stories of people taking too much and having a really bad time. Out here, 4/20 isn't a big deal. Maybe there will be some idiots in Cap Hill smoking in the park but now that its legal the excitement behind it is gone. Just another day out here except for some tourists sparking up in a park where the homeless sleep and do what homeless people do.
I smoke maybe once a year, if that. Its fun, but just not enough for me to seek it out on my own. None of my friends smoke anymore either, so its just not a part of my environment like it was in college. I didnt realize what day it was until I saw this thread.
I don't smoke often because the stuff fucks me up royally. Mixing it with even a small amount of alcohol is disaster for me. It seems I have a slight allergy to it because it Fs me up way worse than anyone I've encountered. Or maybe that's how they always feel and we must ask why they do this so often. I've got some edibles in my fridge. One, a macaroon, is absolutely pleasant so long as you don't eat the entire thing. A quarter or half is sufficient. I made some fudge with a supposedly medical strain attained by a complete white trash fucktard with chronic pain. That stuff gets you violently dizzy and does not alleviate pain whatsoever. About a year ago I had a sativa gummy from San Fran. Not even the whole gummy, about a quarter. I was so dizzy I couldn't do anything but writhe on the floor with heart arrhythmia thinking I was going to black out. I begged my friends not to dump my corpse in a dumpster if I died. I will never touch that strain again long as I live. My friends were completely unaffected. The amount of variations in strains is ridiculous. Learning them must be a nightmare. Some of the stuff that went around a few months ago amped up my natural paranoia to near tear inducing levels. Only recently did I dabble in the above edibles. Fun fact: I have one friend who smokes around $20,000 of pot a year. He hits the bowl like someone swigs a beer. High test shit too. Tits and weed? Spoiler Spoiler
I used to smoke a lot in high school and a year or so after. I don't know how you can OD, and I have smoked a lot of weed in one sitting.
When I saw overdose what I'm really saying is being intoxicated to a level thats uncomfortable. I don't know if someone can die from ingesting a certain level of thc etc, but I do know they can feel really bad and be hospitalized because they can't handle the experience.
To celebrate 4/20 the Canadian government announced plans to introduce legislation to legalize pot next spring
You can get THC poisoning just as you can get alcohol poisoning. Too much of a good thing can go south but you'd have to smoke a fuckton of pot to get it that way. Edibles, however, are a completely different story.
And it's also the anniversary of the Columbine Massacre! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, stoners.
Anyone who celebrates this "holiday" is a tool. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and some of the kids in my class thought they were cool because they'd sneak cigarettes from their parents.
I've learned the key is to befriend drug dealers. I don't smoke all that often, but it's nice to go right to the good stuff for free rather than getting a shitty dime bag through some friend of a friend of a friend. One has cartoonishly good-looking weed all sparkly with THC crystals that hurts a lot but gives the best high ever. The other has all of the fun stuff. It makes me feel like a goddamn douche bag but she has a vape pen that I love because it doesn't feel like anything, and it doesn't smell so we can just casually smoke in public and people will think it's an ecigarette. Dabbing makes me feel like I'm smoking crack but it's very pleasant. I've gotten spoiled. I usually just smoke when I'm with my friends who smoke, but if I'm in that particular mood I'll seek it out. I wasn't planning on "celebrating" but now that I'm talking about's possible I'll call one of them up later.
It is the concentrated thc oils from weed. From my understanding you use propane, run it threw some sort of cylinder with the weed it in and you are left with pure thc oil.
I think the thing about it is, that the people who claim it's harmless mean that in relation to other drugs that weed is currently classified with. Here's the current list of Schedule 1 drugs in the US: Heroin (diacetylmorphine) LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) Marijuana (cannabis, THC) Mescaline (Peyote) MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine or “ecstasy”) GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) Ecstasy (MDMA or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Psilocybin Methaqualone (Quaalude) Khat (Cathinone) Bath Salts (3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone or MDPV) For an even better example of context; Oxycodone, which has been proven to be way more addictive than Marijuana and most of the other drugs listed above is only classified as a Schedule 2 narcotic. And yeah, any illicit substance taken i n massive quantities isn't going to be good for you. That's called abuse and we have a weekly thread here that people often post their incomprehensible babbling after too much alcohol. Doesn't mean normal people who 95% of the time use in moderation should be demonized over it.
I didn't start smoking regularly until I was pulverized in a car accident. Migraines, hip arthritis, nerve damage in both feet. I helps with that, I swear it. But I'll never be the idiot who calls it "medicine", I like it as a recreational thing too much like others like a couple drinks. I keep it distant from my family and friends and never get high in the presence of my daughter. You would never think of me as a daily pot smoker if you met me, which probably also helps the fact I never have, or will, get busted with it. Those guys hitting bongos and wearing wire rimmed sunglasses screaming in BLAZE IT 420 are embarrassing faggots who vilify the sensible and obviously profitable cause to legalize it: I wil live to see a day where I don't have to duck into a dark corner of nature like a criminal to chill out after dealing with a guy at work who just today told me his family, The Pearsons, own all the land around Toronto's (Pearson) airport and won't let it expand further. Yes I'm getting High right now, but it's because I had to listen to THAT.
You forgot the part where you "dab" said oil on to a super heated titanium nail attached to a bong. People use blow torches, makes it all very crackish.