Happy father's day to all you MFer's. Anyone have plans, or does your family treat you? It seems like some women expect Mother's Day to be their own personal princess day, while Father's Day gets less emphasis. Dads are so important, though. Share your favorite dad story, and raise your glass for the ones who only live in your memory. Empty 2 glasses for the ones you'd rather forget. And take 3 shots if you're childfree and don't have to set an example for anybody. Dads, at what stage of your metamorphosis are you? Happy Friday, idiots.
My oldest will be on a trip to the Grand Canyon with my in-laws, so I'll only have my youngest around for father's day this year, and she's still too young to understand what the holiday actually is. That being said, I don't really have any plans for myself, and I went ahead and already bought myself a present for father's day, so I guess I'll be using that.
Favorite Dad story is easily the time he basically incited a prison riot. He played semi-pro baseball before I was born and his team played a prison team. The umpires were guards and were calling it biased in the inmates favor. If true Dad proceeded to slug a runner who slid into him playing shortstop where there was no double play to be broken up. Game called, inmates led into cells under gun point and his team escorted out the same.
Tomorrow we’re just keeping it low-key and hanging out with my folks who are coming up for the day. My brother and I are planning to take my dad to Iceland in the Fall.
I'm building a swing set for my daughter tomorrow after spending the last couple weekends clearing a spot for it (which included breaking giant rocks into smaller rocks with a 16lb sledgehammer, paying $300 to have a stump ground up, and getting poison ivy). She better love the thing. Sunday I want to eat a ribeye the size of a boogyboard. My favorite dad stories we're always the ones where my dad blended his two styles without a care in the world. He'd routinely drive his Porsche to the gas station, pop the front trunk and pull out a gas can to fill it up for our lawn mower. Most of the time he'd be doing this wearing shorts he bought from Walmart 8 years back with holes big enough you could see his balls (because he rarely wore underwear). ...and no, Nett is not my Dad.
He done fucked up. The trick is to wait 12 hours, pound 12 waffles as quick as you can, and then beeline for your home bathroom. He opened his wait by eating four waffles, big mistake.
Three shots coming up!! I'd say if the you're grading from the left 1-4, then I'm about Dad Bod 1.5 Was close to DB 1 until the ol' quarantine 15 got me.
Unfortunately I’m solidly on the far right. We’re renting a pontoon out on the lake on Father’s Day. We’ve probably done this the last 10 years, weather permitting. You’re right about the fact that I’m not being catered to. I call in the boat rental and drive us around all day, but I find it relaxing. It’s a nice way to kick off summer. Years ago I tried to get some of the guys to make Father’s Day golf a thing. I think we did it two years when the kids were pretty young, then discovered that Father’s Day isn’t about how the dads want to relax, it’s about making the rest of the family feel like you appreciate whatever they’ve decided to do. As I got older I really loved taking my dad places he wouldn’t go by himself even if he wanted to. He was a huge Mickey Mantle fan, but was intimidated by driving in the city. When I surprised him by taking him to Mickey Mantles restaurant on Central Park south I thought he was going to cry.
Going to take my kids up to my dad's B&B(he has a business partner that stays there and runs the place) for the weekend and i am going to be sitting on my excavator for 2 days straight helping him out.
I will be driving up to visit my parents and do some work around the farm for them while we all refuse to acknowledge that Fathers Day is the reason that I am visiting because that is the sort of relationship we have. My father will probably grill some steaks, and I will pretend that he didn't ruin them.
I celebrated Juneteenth by painting half my stairwell and will paint the other half and the upstairs hallway on Monday. For Father's Day, I get to spend it with my FIL and plan to wear a smile regardless of what asinine* gift my wife bought for me on behalf of my toddler. I'd rather just spend the day on my bike pedaling several dozen miles. *seriously, it's amazing how thoughtful yet bad her gift selection is.
I've committed to focusing on restoring my Fiero this year, and that started with pulling the trigger on spending $400 on new tail lights. I only need to replace the flimsy plastic lenses, but they don't make aftermarket replacements for those, and anyone with lenses in decent shape wants to sell the whole taillight assembly. This is probably going to mean parking my daily driver outside for several months, which I hate, but I also hate having a project car taking up space while being ignored.
My girlfriend is the same way. Somewhere along the line she gifted me a weighted leather book holder open thing. It's been tucked away in a drawer somewhere ever since.
I’m a #2 dad bod, but because I walk 5-10 miles at work, I now havethe legs of #1. Once that gut takes hold, it’s tough to shed.