We all have our tastes in music, movies, books, whatever. I know what I like and don't like for the most part, but every once in a while I surprise myself... Focus: What's your favourite song/movie/book/whatever that runs completely contrary to what you're normally interested in? Mine: I think this song is an absolute masterpiece. I almost never listen to weird jazz like this, and I think a lot of songs by these guys are awful, but I fucking love this.
Bump No, I do not own the Clueless special edition DVD. Noooope. not me. And if I did I'd never, ever actually watch it.
When Harry Met Sally. I hate romcoms, I hate chick flicks, but there's just something about When Harry Met Sally that I love. When I broke up with my first serious boyfriend, I watched that movie every single day for two months. I can recite the entire movie line by line.
I tend to shy away from hushed voice, down tempo folky indie music like Bon Iver and the like. I respect it, but its just not for me and I don't really seek it out. But I fucking LOVE Iron & Wine-Trapeze Singer. Its one of those songs I won't listen to for a few weeks and then have the overwhelming need and desire to. Just a brilliant, emotive track.
I'm a huge Lionel Ritchie fan. I think he is a tremendous songwriter and performer. I'd love to write one song 1/10th as good as anything he's ever written.
I can piggyback off this one. All Night Long is easily one of my top ten songs of all time, totally atypical from what I usually like, but I don't care. I truly love the song, it's a complete mood-brighten-upper. Also, "The Look" by Roxette. I know, right?
Vaginal porn. Pffft, who does that anymore? So weird, right? Focus:The Time Traveler's Wife. While not chick lit, it is a romantic drama. Its sole purpose is to leave the reader in tears and emotional panic. Atypical title on my bookshelf. I misinterpreted the thread focus to mean guilty pleasures, then paused, because I don't really consider anything a guilty pleasure. I'm not embarrassed about my consumption except this odd enjoyment of the band Evanescence.
Um, all of your credibility for criticizing other music choices is gone. All of it. Focus: What's your favourite song/movie/book/whatever that runs completely contrary to what you're normally interested in? I'm normally all explosions and suspense and laser blasters. But, after I wore out the VHS of Shakespeare in Love, I bought the DVD. And, I almost NEVER agree with Oscar voters.
If someone made a movie that had Gwyneth Paltrow being blown up or shot by a laser blaster I'd watch the shit out of that.
I'm not really into action movies, but I think Con Air is great. I don't typically read nonfiction or biographies, but when I was a teenager I read Call Me Anna by Patty Duke multiple times - I still have the book. It's funny someone mentioned Evanescence, I am usually not into that music at all and I love that one CD of theirs - the one with Bring Me To Life. This is hard! I tried to think of some things by imagining if someone came and looked at my books or CDs or DVR/Netflix and would see something that surprised them. But I'm such an oddball that I can't think of what would stand out.
My tastes are pretyy eclectic, which, in retrospect, may be another way of saying I'm unable to fully commit to a particular style. Whatever. Given my eclectic tastes, there isn't much room for contrariness. But given that I'm a big fan of hard rock and metal, the fact that I really like, and get a little misty while listening to, the following two songs is a bit out of character:
That is not jazz, but a terrible movie soundtrack. I read that book twice a year. Only once a year do I read past the Monroe Street Parking Garage part. Anyway: My music tastes lead to the dark, the heavy rock,and classics. Most people would not be able to make sense of my playlist. But there is one standout. Jimmy Buffett. God damn it, I live Buffett. I have every song he has written committed to memory.
My wife requested I post this one: I fucking love this song. The wife looked at me funny when I started playing the chords on my guitar the other night. Hence, guilty pleasure.
Scissor Sisters are awesome. This video is particularly cool: Spoiler Focus: What's your favourite song/movie/book/whatever that runs completely contrary to what you're normally interested in? I dig Taylor Swift. I can't explain it, and if called out on it, I will deny. Also, what's with all these people sticking extra vowels in words like 'favorite' and 'color'? 'merica!
I have every episode of "Rediculousness" and "Nitro Circus" on dvr. My second and third favorite movies are Blazing Saddles and Dumb and Dumber. But my absolute favorite movie is this: Spoiler My music tastes are basically oldies (Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, Elvis, etc.) and country -- old and modern, basically everything except the pop-country taylor swift, rascal flatts, lady antebellum, that crap. But this is still one of my favorite songs (though anything by him is awesome): Spoiler