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When Opposites Attract

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengeofthenerds, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    The "smart" name is cognitive dissonance. But it's a psychological term that's used too often by too many people wanting to sound too smart than they really are. Chances are, everyone on this board knows what it means because they've used it at least once; it's easily-understood and often over-used. I'm certainly guilty of using it. Not throwing stones.

    In practicality, in real life, we often are faced with doing a lot of things that we don't personally agree with.

    For example, I teach in a private preschool, in accordance with our State's licensing standards. I also believe in things such as spanking your child, teaching your child when to fight and under what circumstances (and how to de-escalate and when), how to kill and process game animals and livestock, and basic gun safety at a fairly young age -- all of these things, by the way, are basically completely illegal in the school system (and felonious for adults to teach) according to the State of Texas. But my child will learn them. And he'll be a better adult and man for it.

    Focus: what are you forced to do, by your job or other means, that you do not personally agree with? And what do you do at home? How do you reconcile the two?

    (Maybe it goes without saying, but this is The IDIOT Board after all, so: Serious Thread rules apply here... Basically, just no personal attacks.)
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Im morally opposed to anything involving Microsoft Excel, yet, I stare at it for 10 hours a day. Bump.
  3. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My entire career is built on a monetization model for gaming that I hate and do not participate in as a consumer. But the market wants what the market wants... the retards.
  4. CanisDirus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Aug 7, 2014
    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
    Focus: Having to unravel the mysteries which people don't even understand two-way from one-way. The stupid electrician-has-to-listen-to-my-spiel sort where a customer asks me "Which light does this switch turn on?" or "Why is my water heater shocking me when I touch the wire up top?" and having to piece together their rambling hearsay into a coherent "Oh shit, that's what's wrong". Another is giving people quotes about your price and having them erupt on the phone or acting passive-aggressive about it. "WHAT?! How outrageous! You're going to demand a reasonable price to dig a huge trench, run wire through it to a panel in my horse barn and put PVC pipe over it and bury it all, and you demand MONEY IN RETURN?!?" The greatest ones are the ones who go, "I'll find another bid/quote/electrician/'I will do it myself.'" Really, then why did you call my company? I guess my over-arcing complaint is people will pay any price, so long as it's free. But god, do they have to vomit all their nonsense at me? I just want to troubleshoot their garage lighting, not listen to grandiose stubborn old-money North Idahoan miser speeches. I reconcile it to myself as "They just don't know another way. You could be a bricklayer or a mason or whatever and they would still put you through this bullshit.", so I harden my resolve and purge ahead.
    #4 CanisDirus, Jul 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  5. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I have to make women look a certain way because that's the way their SO wants them to look.
    "I'd love to cut my hair off, but my boyfriend won't let me..."
    "I'd love to color my hair red but my husband would just die..."

    These are generally insignificant things, to most people, but when I hear that I just want to ask them "what do YOU want, regardless of anything g else?"
  6. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: At work, I have to pretend I give a shit. For example I wish I could tell the sales reps "I don't give a shit about your proposal so I don't care how you price this" with a shrug but instead I furrow my eyebrows and squint a bit like I'm thinking and throw out a number.

    Really though, in one of my former internships I had to sell and sign people up for hosting home parties and stuff as a part of a multi-level marketing company. It wasn't a scam but regardless I knew it was all stupid and was roping people into doing something they didn't want to.

    At home I go along with the ridiculous bathroom rules that mean we have these nice little hand towels and a bar of nice lavender soap and NO you are not supposed to actually use it! But you know what? I do it anyways. Then I re-arrange the towels so it never looks like anything happened. Real badass, I know.