You know I always hate people who like someone I hate, its the social transitive property.... I'm kidding, what a superficial reason to dislike someone
Are we still bitching about how we know we're getting old? I hope so... because I just spent the day making and hanging cabinets for my shop and I can already feel my body rebelling. I pounded some Tylenol back and muscle pains and a couple of beers in the shower, so here's hoping that they do their job and I can actually get up in the morning. And tomorrow I have to go to a funeral for a long time family friend... known him since I was about 4. He spent the last 6 weeks dying from cancer and it was bad enough that even his family wanted to smother him in his sleep or OD him just to put him out of his misery. So yeah... you know you're getting old when your parents and their friends start dying. Tonight's drink is the old-timer Harvey Wallbanger, but made with Malibu instead of vodka.
My mom died 6 weeks ago and I'm 31, wait thats because I have fucked up luck. Anyway, I hate people who are left handed. Frivolous? Yes. Truthful, fuck no
News flash... your mother dying had nothing to do with you. That being said, you sure as fuck are getting great mileage out of it. (<--- it's getting a bit old now... you may want to just fucking deal with it already)
News flash, you're taking that entirely too seriously. I never said it had anything to do with me. I said it was shit luck, can I not mention that anymore or does it bother you when I do? I'm not using it to get attention, I said it in passing while making a comment. You're making my comment out to be a way bigger deal than it is.
If they pay you in cash, are you going to sign the receipt saying that they paid less for it (if they ask)? The guy I bought my Trans Am from signed off saying that I only paid $900 for it because I gave him cash. Same thing with the Camaro I had before that. Anyway, I'm drinking Natural Ice right now (5.9% alcohol, and $.99 a can), and when I'm done with this, I'm going to my shop and finish the engine swap I'm doing. I'll be drinking red wine then. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler EDIT: Nett, don't mix over the counter pain killers with alcohol. Tylenol (acetaminophen) works the absolute shit out of your liver; I knew a girl who went to the ER for liver failure when she took a few extra strength tylenols and went out drinking. Ibuprofen really abuses your kidneys, which are already getting a workout when you drink. And aspirin can make your stomach bleed when you drink. The only pain killer I recommend when drinking are opiates. Trust me, I did it daily for years. No "negative" side effects. God, I miss those days sometimes... Also, give toddamus a break; he lost his mom, and people deal differently. Jungle Julia says that I've been avoiding dealing with my dad's death, but who knows.
Tonight it's the usual- bourbon with beer chasers. I can't believe you people hate other people for such trivial reasons. We're all here on this big blue marble trying to get by. We should all learn to love each other . Hahahahaha fuck you. Sometimes I hate people just because. Like maybe they have a certain look about them. Like Zach Greinke, Sean Penn, or Donald Trump. They all have the kind of face you just want to punch.
Your luck had nothing to do with your mother dying, and yet you centre it on you and your lack of luck. That's making it about you, not her. I get that your mother died... we all do... but it seems like you're being a wee bit of an attention whore about it. We feel for you, but it seems like that is what you are using to identify you around here lately, and that's not only unhealthy for you, but it's getting a bit old for us. So yeah, if you could kind of tone down the "oh yeah, my mother died" shit, it'd be appreciated. If you need to talk about it to help deal with it, then PM me or any of the other members of the board who would be more than happy to help you out... any time.
With many glasses of alcohol. My dad passed just before I turned 30 and every year my brother and I do something in remembrance of him. This year we're going to take a train to the coast, charter a boat and go deep sea fishing.
OK. Let me try, and oldie but I giggle everytime. <iframe allowfullscreen frameborder="0" width="698" height="573" scrolling="no" id="molvideoplayer" title="MailOnline Embed Player" src=""></iframe> But can i bitch about what REALLY sucks. After a not quite awesome week I have been looking forward to kicking back with a nice red wine. But now I seem to have a cold so probably can't tell the difference between grape juice and Opus One. My life is so hard.