And apparently the third fire alarm was set off because someone lit a jimmy johns wrapper on fire. Thats now the dumbest thing I've heard any drunk person doing. Lighting a jimmy johns wrapper on fire in an apartment, setting off the fire alarm and waking up nearly thousand pissed off people.
These are college aged kids you live around right? We had the fire alarm pulled in our dorms two to three times a night during exam week. Sociopaths looking to get a rise out of people.
I tolerate it, and you do have a point, doesn't make it less annoying. Not to mention I'm not really 18 anymore, but yea, I knew when I moved here there'd be noise. I think living in the UMN athletes village (not by name but really a ton of kids from all the different teams live here) may make things worse.
Lame. I lived on the 11th floor during freshman year. Every time some dumbass pulled the alarm we'd have to march down and up 10 flights of stairs. That got old quick.
At the big ski resorts, if you go outside the ropes and they have to find you, you pay for the rescue. Here there are cameras in all the hallways. If a person is found having fun with a fire extinguisher, they should have to pay for all the fire engines (at least three each time) that come here. Maybe that'd slow this kind of bullshit down. Maybe I should take to ToyToys roommate's model and put a camera outside my apartment. Kidding of course there's no way that'd be allowed
We had a huge wind storm yesterday. At one point we had sustained winds of 54 mph with gusts to 70. Up on the top floor of our building it was creaking and groaning like the Titanic in it's death throes. Driving home was a nightmare with trees and power lines down all over town, and dodging debris. You know what else high winds fuck with? Security cameras mounted on sticks and tarps put up for privacy. It was glorious.
One of my Saudi room mates in college repeatedly set off the smoke detector at 1am while attempting to toast pita on the open flame of the gas stove. I told him off and he stopped. Then I was awoken at 3 am for the same shit. I think I made him pee a little the second time. There was no third try.
Walked into work today and the wind alarms were going off. So that means atleast 78km/h for 30 seconds.
I am the parts person at a container port. So there is a wind alarm for the cranes(78km/h) and wind alarm for the yard(85km/h).
I'm so glad I never lived on campus/in a dorm. You're completely at the mercy of fuckheads like this:
Someone in my dorm set the alarm off during finals week by punting a football into a fire sprinkler head. Brilliant. Otherwise the dorms were a lot of fun for the most part. My brother is in charge of my bachelor party this summer and we're doing it on a houseboat. The theme is Boats n' Hoes. Works for me.
I accidentally dumped the largest dorm on OSU campus while not even being a student there at the time. Me and a couple of buddies that work for the maintenance department there were making sausage in an old unused kitchen in the basement when I forgot that I had some frying in a pan in a separate room. Luckily one of the other guys with us at the time just happened to be the university fire systems manager and was able to quickly kill the alarm before the fire department showed up. However, he had to have an awkward conversation with his boss the following Monday on how he was able to respond to the alarm so quickly. I also never lived in the dorms on campus, but did spend 4 years working at the student service desk. One of our responsibilities was answering the call anytime someone got stuck in an elevator and pushed the call button. Every drunk asshole on campus thought it was hilarious to just press the buttons and call the desk practically every weekend. At that time we didn't have cameras inside the elevators so we could also see what they were doing, but on more than one occasion we did get to hear the aftermath of people butt-dialing the service desk and doing their best interpretation of "Love in an Elevator".