If you want crazy, THIS is crazy. Absolutely superhuman. I haven't seen a housecat with reflexes like this:
Yes, there's nothing like suddenly waking up in the night in a drugged daze to discover you're shackled to electrified bed springs and dressed in a child's sailor suit. Meanwhile she's decked out head-to-toe in shaving cream and laughing hysterically at you while brandishing a chrome hacksaw in your face yelling "BEG TO KEEP YOUR COCK, SLAVE!!!!!" Romance never dies.
The following thought consumed me for about 10 minutes tonight: "Sinbad?! What the fuck?" (This thought is brought to you by Sirius/XM)
This kid is pretty handy as well. And for the other side of crazy this is the Kiwi captain. He is also one of the best fielders going around.
Man, am I beat. Had to take the day off today (some stupid "use up all of your vacation days from last year before April 1st" rule), and spent most of it working on my kitchen. Big trip to Home Depot where they had some killer deals on cedar fencing (like 1"x10"x6' for $2.50) so loaded up my trailer with a shit-ton of those and a few sheets of 4x8 sanded plywood. Then started planing and ripping the cedar to finish the trimwork in my kitchen and started building some kitchen cabinets. And it was sunny and warm out to boot. All while I had some old short ribs braising at super low temps in the oven. Put them in around noon... slow cooked for 6-7 hours. Just finished for the night, cracked open a beer, drank it in one go, cracked open another one, soon followed by a third. Just digging into these ribs... which are some of the most incredible beef short ribs I've ever had... with a potato/carrot/celery/turnip puree I made out of the jus. I mixed it up a bit with this batch and tried more of a ragu approach than classic braising... lots of tomato paste, red wine, and Italian herbs/spices. The meat came out almost crusty black... incredibly deep flavours. When it cools down I might just fuck them... they're that good. Now it's time to pass out on the couch catching up on tv/movies I haven't seen in the last couple of weeks. And I have to say the new forum software is just so much better. Life is good.
I'll drink to that. I'm running Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston SC in the morning, so I am carbo loading. Beer works for that, right?
I'm getting RIGHT fucking shitfaced tomorrow night. Have my daughter alone tonight so none of that. Shitty dads refer to this as "babysitting".
Ah, work. I just had my review and got a pay raise....the worst raise I've ever received in my life. But I'm fine with it, because I'm so overpaid for what I do it's silly. What blows me away is we're based on a points based metric. My department is supposed to have 75K points this 6 month cycle and we only have 2500. The frustrating thing is 800 of those points are mine, which wouldn't be so bad if we had 3 or 4 people in my department. We have 16, which means I'm responsible for almost 1/3 of my department's productivity. So at least I have job security, especially considering that I thought I was fucking off. I guess I'm not fucking off enough. When I was first hired as a temp, that cycle the department averaged 150 points per person a week, including my numbers. I averaged over 600 points a week. And that's why I have my cushy, easy job. Half my department has already burned through all their sick days and personal days for the year, I still have all mine. All of them take advantage of the fact that we can wander in between 8:00 and 8:07 and still be considered on time. I've never walked in the building less then an hour before work. The only reason I bring all these things up is that I can't believe my co-workers don't understand what a great job we have. Great pay, full benefits, matching 401K and 30 paid days off per year. And if you produce, you can bump your income by several thousand a year. I just can't fathom the mindset of the folks I work with. The job is easy. I can half ass it and still put them to shame. Has there been a sudden bump in the availability of well paying jobs that require you to do diddly shit?
You...mixed all that together...and ate it? And what's jus? I'm assuming you mean juice, but I don't speak Canadian. Strangely I'm okay with that.
Yes, I mixed that all together. You start off with browning the beef ribs until they're nice and dark brown, pull them out, then add some butter and a bunch of sliced carrots, celery, and onion, and a bit of brown sugar... get that to the point where the onion is turning translucent, and then throw in a bottle of shiraz, some tomato paste, some Lee and Perrins, and a boquet garni. Then put in all sorts of cut up potato, turnip, carrot, challottes on the bottom of the Dutch Oven and place the meat on top, so it's almost completely out of the liquid that fills about a quarter of the pot. Then let it cook at 275 for 6-8 hours. Once everything is cooked, take the meat out, throw away the boquet garni, and then put an immersion blender in the pot and blend the fuck out of it, adding just a hint of cayenne pepper, some salt and pepper, some thyme, oregano, and Italian parsley, and BAM, you have a killer "gravy" to pour over the roasted potatoes. No flour, no "gravy in a can", just pure, awesome, thick sauce with flavours like you wouldn't believe. And au jus is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au_jus
Watching Alien vs. Predator... fuck I love this movie. It's all cheese and special effects, with a shit plot, but anyone who complains about that has their head up their ass... because it's ALIENS FIGHTING PREDATORS, for fuck sake. What more could you ask for?
I haven't been counting beer numbers but I started at lunch and just watched the Chiefs knock over the Cheetahs in the Rugby. This thread needs more boobs. Because I'm a Ranga I give you more of them. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
I convinced that our Basset Hound puppy is possessed by a Golden Retriever. It's the only way to explain the taste for human ankle flesh this creature has. The only living being it doesn't attack is our cat, who beats the living shit out the dog whenever it ventures into her comfort zone. Here I thought we were getting a serene, easy-going pup and instead (as of this time) we have Shiva. The paradox is its impossible to stay mad at this: Spoiler
Anyone else hear of this? Anyone still interested. Really glad to see Jack Coleman return. He was one of my favorites. http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/423951-masi-oka-to-return-for-nbcs-heroes-reborn
The new site looks great now that I'm used to it. Guess I'd better gab for some easy rep with an offer of high quality pussy. Spoiler