I wish I could sleep naked. I have to wear boxers. Slept naked one time a few years back, woke up choking as my dick was wrapped around my neck. Twice.
Lord knows rolling over on your balls in the middle of the night isn't the most pleasant way to wake up. I don't know whats been up with my body lately. Ive slept in boxers for YEARS with no issues any part of the year. Recently it seems my body isn't regulating heat like it used to. It's like my body knows it's 20 degrees outside so Ill start shivering in bed but we have the heat at 70. I got a union suit and some thick socks. I bundle up quite nicely.
Here's a picture of my jammies. I'm pissed they didn't have one with cowboys and indians. We got our last "cold" wave of the season so I'm keeping my balls toasty. Apparently I wasn't the only one with this plan. Who the fuck sleeps naked when it's 40 out?
I wish my boxers could restrain things properly. I have to wear footie pajamas, otherwise it pokes out right past my ankle and off the bottom of the bed.
My mother in law sewed matching flannel PJ pants for myself and el husband. The pattern is trains. I wear the shit out of them. I am sure my neighbors think I am a very stable, well adjusted person when I wear my train PJs, white houserobe, and moccasin slippers on the front porch to let my dog out to pee. On cold days I like to really make my outfit shine with the beanie my mom crocheted me. It ain't easy being so beautiful.
I fucking LOVE onesies. Target has these super soft ones that I sleep or lounge in. My cousin was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It was in her towel and bit her tummy when she was drying off. That's the worst. These bastard insects that hide in your stuff and creep the total shit out of you. I hope there's a special roach hell for them.
I guess I am the weird one... I sleep in boxers. If it is cold, I turn the heater up or add a comforter. Onesies are banned in my bedroom.
Steve walks wearily down the street with his brim pulled way down low... Future Shop in Canada bites the dust over night without a single warning to employees. We better watch ourselves or eventually all we'll be left with is Wal-Mart. And if that happens, somebody far more evil and worse than the terrorists will win: the fucking Walton kids. *spits*
Ive started watching The Newsroom. I didn't like it when it first aired and gave up after 2 episodes, but its more entertaining this time around for some reason. However, trying to see Allison Pill as an attractive character just doesn't work for me. Especially when Olivia Munn and even her character's roommate Lisa are blowing her off the screen in terms of physical appeal.
Future Shop can go fuck themselves. I've NEVER had a good shopping experience in FS, and was really happy to have Best Buy come in as a competitor. Once BB came onto the scene, I never set foot in FS ever again. The whole commissioned sales staff idea was faulty... nobody around to help you at all, they were all hanging out in the corner bullshitting with themselves. Until, that is, you started lugging that big screen TV off the shelf and up to the front yourself, and then there were 5 guys rushing at you to get the commission without doing any of the work. Never mind the "extended warranty" pressure. More than once I said, up front, "I don't want the extended warranty... if you try to sell it to me, I walk". Amazing how many times they would ignore that and try and up-sell me with that bullshit extended warranty. No surprise they died, it's more surprising they lasted this long.
Best Buy is vastly superior. In quality, decor, service, everything. Future Shop to me is just like Staples... You can feel the miserable, colourless white-trashy dreck suck at your very soul the second you walk in, being harrassed by the TryHards pushing items on you while smiling without using their eyes. Future Shop sucks. Buh bye.
I've got 5 different types of meat cooking currently and a decent all day drinking buzz going on. Tis indeed a Sunday Funday.
Extended warranties are the biggest scam in the retail game. The BIL works for Sports Authority and they like to have the associates sell extended coverage plans, ECPS. These things are absolutely worthless and bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars for the company. How the game works is Sports Authority offers a miniscule commission to the associates if they sell one of these. The associate may get an extra dollar or five for selling one of these. The shtick is they tell the customer its essnentially insurance and goes above and beyond the manufacturer warranty, so that if there's something the manufacturer won't cover, or their warranty expires, this will kick in. In truth, no one quite knows how they work, they just know they're supposed to sell them. The lemming associates chase this commission and in turn some unknowing people get duped into buying one of these things. If someone does happen to buy one, and God forbid tries to use it, its the most convoluted difficult process ever. Eventually the customer gives up, says fuck it, and just buys another item to replace the defective one. So Sports Authority gives the grunts in the store some tiny incentive to sell something they know will screw the customer. The BIL works with the guy in charge of with this program and this person knows its a scam but has no issues with taking advantage of decent people just trying to protect a product they bought. Its literally criminal.
Officemax used to have a reasonable extended warranty several years back. You weren't required to register your warranty when you purchased it, so what I'd do is buy a single warranty when making a bulk purchase for work - say 5 printers - and if any one of them went bad I'd be able to use the warranty on that one. Considering how much staff would beat the hell out of the printers I actually ended up using every extended warranty I ever purchased.
Same owner, not same store. As previously mentioned the service at Best Buy is/was vastly superior to Future Shop
You know what isn't appetizing when ordering a Subway, when the woman making it is telling you how sweaty and gross she is from cleaning the floor and bathroom a few minutes ago.
They're called "Sandwich Artists". Show some fucking respect to masters of the craft, you philistine.