Huh. At first I didn't think you were talking about the little sleeve thing, and were instead advising that he use the additional hole that's opposite the area where he was placing his fingers.
I imagine there are a lot of bowling accessories that work in the bedroom as well. Carpal tunnel syndrome is no laughing matter.
I have a friend who refuses to give head. She's very up front about it. She expects her guy to go down on her, but she refuses, at all, to bring her face/mouth anywhere NEAR a penis. She says it's demeaning.
?? Well do something about it. But, those are black. If they take off, it could be payback for all those years of "flesh" colored bandaids.
So a guy getting a face full of muff isn't demeaning? Maybe she'd do better with the lesbos. She sounds like a barrel of fun in the bedroom.
I dated a girl who (at first) refused to give head. She just thought it was gross and thought handjobs were an appropriate substitute (they are not). Eventually she came around to trying it, but there's nothing so unsexy like starting off a blowjob by saying that swallowing is gross and she would never, ever do it. Especially considering I'd gone down on her quite frequently.
Yup. It's probably one of the most popular topics where I work, and it's all guys on my shift so there are pretty much no filters whatsoever. Although, pretty much no one will talk about their current significant others (one exception except this guy is exceedingly stupid so I don't count him), just past experiences and us single guys will share because the older guys like to live vicariously through us. If I were dating someone I wouldn't talk about it either, seems disrespectful. This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard, and I know a chick like this but she said it was demeaning to be on her knees in front of a guy like that so she refused to suck dick. I think she had a mini-stroke when we asked her to explain how giving head to a guy while laying down was demeaning. I can't imagine how boring people who won't even actively participate in oral sex are in the bedroom.
Once you're in your mid 20s, unless you are ok with not receiving, girls like that are just a red flag and not worth it. Cause unless they've only been with 1 or 2 guys and had a bad experience, they aren't going to magically come around to tossing blowjobs with reckless abandon. If on the off chance you do get them to participate, its usually terrible because its forced, and most guys can tell you that a large portion of blowjob skill is effort and enthusiasm. Its not like college where you could find a girl who only did it a few times in HS or something, came around and opened up sexually and suddenly she was Superhead. I feel like by your mid to late 20s, from my experience, girls' attitudes toward sex are kind of formed. Open minded but inexperienced, no big deal cause those girls are like Kobe in the gym in the offseason working on his jumper and post up moves. Then one day they surprise the hell out of you. The random exception, I had an ex who in the 3-4 months we dated, went down on me perhaps 2-3 times. Usually while drunk, with encouragement, and with a rare comet in the sky. But the kicker, her skills were sublime. Like easily in the top 3 I've ever been with. It was baffling, at some point she must have cared enough to be good at it, but now was stubborn and hated to. Its not like I was a random, I was her bf of some time. Either that or she was just a savant. In that case, she was wasting a beautiful gift. For the record, this isn't some misogynistic shit either, goes the same for guys. I have friends that won't, or are extremely resistant, to going down on girls. If you're that type of selfish, you don't deserve any sort of favors. Sex is a two way street.
One girl I dated would only do missionary. Anything else she wasn't down for, even if it was just a simple one leg up. Didn't understand and didn't really care to ask because she was obviously self conscious about the whole thing. Wasn't it 'Sack not too long ago who said he didn't understand when I woman wasn't into something, because he thought when you're in the moment just go with it? Worst sexual experience I've ever had was the handjob from hell. Felt like my dick was getting rubbed and twisted by sandpaper. I was wasted and holy shit that hurt. I actually faked it just to get her to stop. And I know some girls are thinking guys can't fake it, and thats not true, we can, and do more often then women give us credit for.
I was gobsmacked. I don't understand my friend's perspective even now...and asked her (when we were talking about it) if she was up front about it. She said yeah. You don't like it, hit the road. Blows my mind.
I'm pretty sure that's like 90% of it, like I've never had a girl who was enthused about sucking dick suck dick at sucking dick. On the other hand, you ask a girl to go down there and she reluctantly does for whatever reason it's usually terrible and toothy and I just tell them to stop. If you don't want to just say no, it'll be better for everyone. Eating pussy on the other hand, that shit is a skill that I feel like I have to start learning all over every time I'm with a new chick.
well played. There must be a short in the part of a Boxer's brain that tells it that he's not a lapdog. Because mine is pretty convinced HE IS A LAPDOG.