[quote="sisterkathlouise" You're comparing the derogatory, bigoted comments someone made about other people to one woman's personal physical health. They are completely different issues.[/quote] He believes in the Bible and homosexuality is regarded as a sin in the modern English translation of the Bible. Saying that is no way bigoted or derogatory. I mean, the guy is kind of retarded for the other shit he said about "what women have to offer" but bigoted and derogatory? Not anymore than the 2 billion other jews/muslims/christians on the planet. She's also a human being who is going to die way younger than she should because of her horrendous eating habits. You don't need to be a nutritionist or fitness model in order to not be morbidly obese, you just need to not shovel food into your face at every opportunity. Actions speak louder than words, by being obese and not actively trying to make a change she is saying it is okay to be obese. The difference being that a cokehead doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's opinion but their own so why bother saying anything in the first place? It's implied that being a cokehead is terrible so all there is really left to do is laugh.
This is a ridiculous argument. If a statement is bigoted and dergatory, it simply is, regardless of how those opinions were formed, be it your religion or some bullshit the boys at the corner store are spouting. Just because 2 billion other fools are spouting the same nonsense doesn't make it right.
big·ot·ed [big-uh-tid] adjective utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. in·tol·er·ant [in-tol-er-uhnt] adjective 1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted. 2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure (usually followed by of ): intolerant of very hot weather. noun 3. an intolerant person; bigot.
Whether or not she intends to send a message doesn't matter. She is sending one. Celebrities have that power over the masses. Its why they get product endorsements and the like. Her message is looking the way I do doesn't matter when I have a private jet. She wouldn't even have a job in Hollywood if she were half the size. This is why she is famous. And that is the message. And as far as Bieber is concerned, outside of his teenage girl fanbase, he isn't well liked by very many. He's a sniveling little shit with an untouchability complex.
It wasn't easy, but a dry spell and anticipation helped. Unfortunately, in addition to being instructed not to move, once inside it verified that her ex was huge. Although given the dimensions, I'm not sure he could feel much either.
Sir, you have an amateur understanding of heavy-lift transport aircraft. Might I recommend one of the following, instead: Airbus Beluga: Spoiler Antonov AN-225: Spoiler
She was about 5', and 95 lbs soaking wet. In my naivete, I was expecting (and hoping for) something a little more - snug. "Don't judge a book by its cover" indeed.
You should have tried to get your fist inside her, then. Nothing says "tighten up, honey" like a man making a meat puppet out of you.
I was at a backyard party back in August and I heard this woman about my age say out loud and I swear to all things good I quote: ... I have a diagnosis for her and the countless others who trumpet this sort of thing: Munchausen Syndrome. You are so desperate for somebody to reach out or pay attention to you that you've stooped into shovelling people bullshit to get them to feel sorry for you. Anything to steer away from the fact you are just plain too weak/ignorant/lazy to do something about it.
VAGINA DENTATA ALERT MEN Kegels scare me. You could be doing them at any given moment. You're plotting to make eunuchs of us all, aren't you???
I'm doing them right now. Had a whole conversation with my boss just 2 minutes ago with my hoo-hoo sucked in as tight as a 12-year-old Amish girl.
Actually, what I said was, "fuck him for saying/believing that stupid shit" and "fuck A & E for pretending that they didn't know about it and doing the most cowardly thing possible in dealing with it." And I was specifically replying to scotch's post about her tweet. People attacked her, she said, "i don't really care, i am happy." Is she supposed to be miserable in the public eye for the rest of her life? Also, come the come the fuck on. Are you really implying that the plight of homosexual people is anything like the plight of...non-obese people? Like anybody has ever had their fucking skull caved in because they weren't fat?
Never accidently been walking in between the motorized scooter parking and the Krispy Kreme when the hot light comes on I'm guessing?
RE: Weird sex things requiring no movement. Dated this girl who would do lots more than lay there, but she did do this one thing I've haven't heard before. Now pacing in sex is important, you can't slow fuck the entire time, but you can't rabbit hyper fuck the entire time either. She'd want this middle of the road thrusting the entire time. Like 1 movement per second, 1 thrust 2 pull 3 thrust 4 pull repeat. She'd then have two orgasms. Then with me in or out of her, she could just cross her legs, flex/squeeze something inside of her and just start making herself come. She wouldn't be touching herself at all, all she would do is cross her legs and have this insane orgasm. If I was in her, sometimes I'd get squeezed out, but holy fuck did that shit feel great.
No, but she can stop with the "I'm fine with who I am, and if you have a issue with it, that's your problem" nonsense. She sends a message, regardless of how it's portrayed. The media hounds the anorexic all the time- Kate Moss, Kiera Knightley, etc. Yet Shamu gets a pass, because it's not PC. Fuck that double standard.
Are you really, really sure you want to hang your rhetorical hat on fat actresses not getting criticized? Is that where we're going with this? I mean, it's fine if you are, and easily disputed, but it just seems like a weird tack to take. Like, we're saying that weight-wise, Keira Knightly gets more shit than Gabourey Sidibe? Those are your examples? That's like, your argument?
ps -- cruelly mocking overweight people hasn't ever done anything more than making them feel shitty about themselves. it certainly doesn't often encourage them to lose weight. so siding with people being dickheads on twitter is an unusual choice.