Kind of makes me sad a great talent like Cameron will be focused on this for the next decade and a half. He's going to turn himself into a sort of George Lucas churning out sequels to a MEH movie.
My girlfriend is going to the US for a month, so I have to babysit her rabbit. She is a sassy bitch. She is about the size of a small cat, territorial, hates to be picked up but will begrudgingly let you pet her. She is so big, she gets tired easily and just sprawls out. She attacks you with her paws and will bite you if she's good and pissed. I put her on a leash and let the neighborhood kids play with her until she freaked out. I am fucking stoked about bunny sitting, in other words.
Know who else likes to play with fat, slow rabbits? The local coyotes. They'll become friends real fast. Just take the rabbit out for a walk (wtf?) and forget where you left it. Problem solved. Then your girlfriend can get a better pet like goldfish or something.
Re: Re: 1/10/14 WDT Apparently rabbit is so lean that you can have malnutrition problems if you subside on it in survival situations. It's called rabbit starvation.
I have a sneaking suspicion that wild rabbits that a person would eat in a survival situation are far leaner than pet bunnies. Or even farm-raised bunnies for that matter.
Yes, but Whole Foods only carries the free range bunnies. With my fedora and patchy facial hair, what is a hipster bunny eater to do?
This can only bring up the inevitable question of hipster starvation. You know. From eating too much lean hipster meat.
Tying it back to the conversation earlier. If there is a civilization breakdown event we'll have enough morbidly obese people in our cannibal diets to compensate for the hipster lean meat diet. It's about finding a balance.
Might not be the best to cannibalize the fat people first, probably best to let them thin out a bit. You do not to get fat yourself.
You say this, but there will be strategic areas of an abundance of fat people, who will jealously guard their herd. And what are Brooklyn and Portland going to trade with them for? Fixed gear bicycles?
Oh yeah? Well I'm watching Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters on Netflix right now. We'll see who was more entertained.
I'm pretty sure a battery acid enema would be more enjoyable than the abomination that is Witch Hunters.
So far the fight scenes are ridiculous, the dialogue is hilariously awful, and the chick who plays Gretel is pretty damn hot looking. My expecatations are currently met.