I thought men lose all voting rights the moment they get married? Or at least, it's easier to operate that way. I'll try to persuade my wife to my side, but eventually, the argument just isn't worth the win. Or if she's doing work instead of me, how much does that last little bit really matter? "Yes dear, the paint lines are relatively straight. It looks fantastic, and I love it!!! Mainly because I didn't have to lift a finger!"
You are willingly painting? We still aren't done here. Just when we thought we had all but the kitchen painted, he tore off the frog tape along the ceiling and lookie there, it ripped off a strip of paint at the very top. Fuck me. Painting is the goddamn worst. When I finally arrive in hell, I will be assigned to endless edge painting duty. Also, my mom's cousin was a painter by trade. I am told he was an alcoholic. No fucking duh.
Nah. The Husband retained voting rights in any project he's interested in - same for me. Soon as it becomes sole project of one or the other, discussion ends and the project gets completed as the person sees fit. I don't mind painting, and the idiots who owned this house before us were...pretty epic at the half ass of everything lifestyle.
This house is 75 years old and worn through 25 years of renters. We also had nearly the entirety of the exterior walls' drywall replaced, so it had to be done. One day we'll own our own place. And if by that time we have good jobs and aren't worried about stringing pennies together, I will hire somefuckingone else to do the painting for us.
So I got a question for you lawyer types. Why do so many people end up taking what seems like pitiful sums in slam dunk cases like this one? I mean if I was finger raped multiple times and given 3 enemas for drugs I didn't have on me, I'd make sure the whole fucking police force was unfunded into the next century with the amount I'd be asking for. There a cap on awards now that pressures their lawyers into taking the easy money up front instead of fighting it out? I'd be asking 20-30 million minimum.
He should be happy he shamed them at all. Suing the police or government? It's like attacking a tank with a toothpick. That WAS a travesty beyond the comprehension of citizen rights violations. I was truly upset the first time I read about it, that people were supposed to be protected by these sadistic sociopaths. They did that with relish bordering on glee.
Wrongful death suits aren't always that high. He got a good chunk. The REAL money is in the suits he's filing against the doctors and hospital. That is where he is going to make ungodly bank. They had no right to, basically, rape him. If I recall correctly only one doctor told the cop it was a flat out violation of ethics and refused to administer the procedures. I hope the guy ends up owning the joint. You'd figure, after shelling out millions a year in cases like this, police would change their policies or permanently desk the mental midgets that take it upon themselves to stretch their authority. But, no. I'll say it again: The only thing lowlier than a pedophile is a traffic cop.
Fuck using tape, it takes to long and is expensive as hell, get one of these and cut everything in by hand. You'll be flying along as soon as you get the hang of it.
Only 1.6? Motherfucker please. Maybe not 20 or 30 mil, but definitely more than 1.6. And yes...the hospital would be sued as well. I thought this case was unbelievable when it happened and I still can't quite believe it went that far.
Bullshit. They don't make that tape just for people with Parkinson's. You have to have some serious dexterity to freehand corners.
Im talking real slam dunks. I read somewhere a government lawyer in the Ruby Ridge case was quoted as saying if Randy Weaver had taken them to trial for killing his wife he could have walked off with 200+ million dollars. That's how badly the government fucked up in his case. I think he settled to the tune of like 4 million.
I CAN freehand corners, but I don't want to. I'd rather use tape. I don't fuck up tape. I have an entire entryway full of wallpaper to peel off the wall. yay.
Tell that to the Native Americans, victims of the Tuskegee experiments, etc. Suing the government is a fine line to walk because at the end of the day, there's a serious conflict of interest and you're only going to be awarded enough to quell protests.
It's really not that hard, I always used to use tape but the wife's uncle is a painter and taught me how to cut in by hand, start in your closets until you get the hang of it.
Another question; it says the guy sued the county and the police department... where does the money come to pay for the lawyers for a public institution? Do they just use tax dollars?
On this chapter of history, absolutely. Maybe in a few hundred years when we're all mulatto, we can all be equally oppressed by the government.
Yep. OR the DA's office, which is paid for by taxes. They also set aside liability funds from their budget just to pay off people who's rights they violated. Here's a little something about LAs Vegas' civil suits: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/oct/28/lawsuits-alleging-civil-right-violations-climb-met/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/oc ... climb-met/</a>
I guess that makes sense, I don't know where else the money would come from. Seems kind of fucked though.