To be fair, ALOT of "normal" girls you find attractive would fall victim to the same before and after. I had a girl I dated, very pretty, but almost always had subtle "natural" makeup, specifically around her eyes, which were her best feature. Cue her getting Lasik and not being able to wear anything around her eyes for a week, she looked completely different. I broke up with her immediately...jokes jokes. But the point remains. It made me think of this...
This man speaks the truth, I have seen all kinds, colors, and shapes of women come in the bar and not once have I said, "Wow that chick rocks the fuck out of the high waisted shorts." They are ugly, unflattering and are offensive to my eyeballs and should be avoided at all cost.
Then again a little make up can really kick it up a notch. I had a kind of tomboyish girl I hung out with in college. She put on a little make up exactly one time and turned into a stunner. I can attest to not knowing a fucking thing about how long a process goes into woman and their make up. The reality is probably pretty scary. So Nom you're saying those pictures on the chive are all studio shots? Here I was hoping it was just random girls using instagram.
This is not a good look for anyone. You could put these on anyone woman and they'd instantly look worse.
Since we've brought this up before, I'm going to save this thread some trouble: every dude in the history of ever agrees with you, half the gals agree with you, and the other half want to convince themselves they can keep wearing the retarded things by saying "oh, girls don't dress for men, they dress for other women." .
She looks like she wants to kill whoever made her wear that, like a dog in an ugly Christmas sweater.
I dig the tube top though. It's trashy hot. Really only works on girls who are stacked. Makes their boobs just look more....juggier.
Shapeless and flatter my ass. Most tube tops hug the boob enough you know exactly how much titty meat she has going on under there. It's not all about what you can see but what you have to imagine whats going on underneath. For a piece of clothing that shows enough skin to be regulated to the beach or trashy girls, it leaves just the right part to the imagination. Titty meat.
I've always dug the tube tops, which reveal glorious boobies with a subtle flick of the wrist. Speaking of boobies, it is windy as hell here today, and it's blowing around all of that powdery snow that fell yesterday. And since its also sunny, there is a sparkly, swirly wonderland outside my office window. Almost like the glitter floating everywhere during the monthly go-go-rama blowout at the strip club up the road.
Tube tops are like anything else, depends on the person wearing them. A 40 year old woman with three kids, bad, a 25 year old who doesn't have three kids and isn't unattractive good.
Or, roller coasters. Like the girl who came out with her hands in the air and the top around her waist as we waited on the platform. Best 8th grade trip, ever.
I wore a strapless dress to a Robbie Burns dinner a few years ago and, after the dinner, one of the old guys from the Legion tried to teach me the Gay Gordon dance. During that dance, with his hands holding mine and my arms over my head, my dress fell down. My husband (then boyfriend) merely shouted from the sidelines, "Hey Homie, I can see your doodle", which wasn't nearly as clear a message to me as he thought it would be. I did a full spin of the room with my ta-tas hanging out before I noticed the breeze.
Oh yeah. I operated a mechanical bull when I worked in THE INDUSTRY, and without fail 100% of girls who rode it with a tube top on showed some tittay. There was actually a down-forward motion you could do that would make them come off immediately.
You had the ability to make random girls' clothes come off, whenever you wanted to, at a distance? So, basically, you had a superpower.
Sounds like a really boring job, working a mechanical bull at a bar, while making girls tops come off.
Women's fashion is meant to impress other women. Despite what women are brainwashed to believe by advertising, a lot of men think current trends are hideous. For example, high-waisted jeans/shorts, empire tops, short hair, dresses with sleeves, etc. Things that men will always find attractive are clothes that show off your ass, legs, and/or chest and sun dresses.
A little-known fact on mechanical bulls: usually the girls who ride them in bars want exactly that to happen (no complaints here). It's literally an attention-getting device, like mud/oil wrestling. They wear miniskirts and drop-tops on a machine that hurls you through the air. A guy has to be an idiot to get on one. Every bull operator I've seen is a sadist when a dude hops on. It's like they WANT to kill the rider, because a chick is up next and this guy is in the way so let's toss him quick and hard.