I say we blast them off to some planet outside our solar system so they can build their own Idiocracy-style colony. That or just strap Bieber to a big stack of bottle rockets and see what happens. Isn't it time we add a little bleach to the gene pool?
I can't find it from a google search, but someone local did one of those imperial walker photoshops where it's downtown near where I work and about to stomp on a street that I commute on daily. It gives me the giggles whenever I see it. Sorry folks, I doubt there is anywhere you could banish Beiber where TMZ wouldn't find him and come up with something to report about.
So get this: literally a one minute walk from my house a psychopathic gas technician ruptured a gas meter at a residential home and tried to blow up the house by lighting a fire beside the leak, all because he had an arguement with the homeowner. The house next door has four kids. Are you fucking kidding me?
Love how everyone says he faces up to 6 months in jail. UP TO is for regular people, he won't do any time.
You do realize he was arrested in Florida, right? The same state that apparently allows you to shoot "shady looking" black kids for wearing hoodies and allowed a single mom to perform a 7th term abortion. Pretty sure the Beibs isn't getting anything more than a stern "talking to". Unfortunately.
You can find a clock in a casino quicker than you can get a celebrity to do actual time in jail. It just isn't gonna happen.
It would be awesome if they could find a judge with a bone to pick. Even if they could give him 30 days somewhere, it would be awesome. Of course he will get protected custody. He would be raped and/or killed quicker than anyone in the history of incarceration.
High profile detainees automatically get put in protective custody. They don't get the choice, nobody will touch him unless a corrupt guard allows it (like Jeffrey Dahmer).
Yeah, and gave her an ankle bracelet. Because Martha Stewart slides under doors and disappears. What a laugh.
You're also forgetting Paris Hilton's 4 minutes and 27 seconds of jail time served. How can anyone forget that? She cried and everything!