Well I'd certainly be enthusiastic about it. I've long passed the point where I've the right to be that picky.
Good to know you'd fuck a chick with a dick. Aside from the massive bulge, that dude has some masculine facial features which gives it away. Or who knows, it could be like when everyone thought Lady Gaga had a cock.
Just as we're starting to talk about dicks with glasses and I have to go to work. I miss all the good stuff.
This ad was at the top of my screen the same time I was reading this post in the Cabin Fever thread I would like to fully endorse the removal of clothing.
Like I said, I've long passed the point where I have a right to be too picky. As long as it looks female and decent looking, I feel I'd be somewhat obligated to have a go at it.
Hey, action always counts as action. And post-op trannies are technically female, so knock 'me dead, kid.
The most offensive part to me is the fact that his/her bathing suit costs $270 (now on sale for $189.99!). Fuck. That. Question... Which is the bigger logo fail? The 1973 logo for the Catholic Church's Archdiocesan Youth Commission: OR Sunrise Sushi (the concept is a sun rising behind a Japanese tea house):
I've seen this many times before, and every time it looks like penis up the ass. But today, I was reading on another board someone talking about the virus they just had and how they were shitting yellow all weekend. So that's what I see in that picture at the moment.
Some people drunk text, drunk eBay/Amazon shop...I drunk booked a vacation. Apparently I'm going to Ucluelet, BC for my birthday next month. I learned this after checking my email Sunday at work and seeing a flight confirmation. Ooooops.
All Die Hard titles are better when cottaging. Cottage Hard Birthday 2014: Cottage Harder Cottage With A Vengeance Cottage Free or Die A Good Day to Cottage
Here's what I have: -1lb Bacon , diced and fried halfway through in a cast iron pan preferably. Remove and place on paper towles to drain/dry. -Add 1 yellow onion diced to the remaining backn fat and saute until translucent. -Turn heat to low and add a clove of minced or grated garlic, 1 tsp crushed pepper flakes, 1/8 cup of brown sugar, beer and maple syrup to the bacon that has been returned to the pan. -Simmer atleast 90 mins.
I've never tried to make it but it says it's excellent on steaks and burgers. Used like a condiment I believe. If anyone tries to make it please report back on how it was.
Yeah, the recipe that I made was the following: -1lb bacon (done the same way as yours above) -1/2 white onion; diced -1 clove of garlic -1/2 tsp cayenne -1/2 tsp allspice -1/4 cup apple cider vinegar -1/4 brandy -1/2 cup coffee -1tbsp blackstrap molasses -1tbsp honey -pinch of nutmeg Then pretty much did it the same way you have listed above. Like I said, it wasn't terrible, but it also definitely wasn't the stuff I had before. For anyone that's curious, or if anyone is going to be in the Outer Banks area, here is the stuff I had on vacation.