In fairness, I frequently select "Honorable" for myself when it's a option, so she may or may not have earned the distinction.
Well, yeah. I mean, his name is X. That's pretty badass. It's not even Mr. X. "Yo, just X." Plus, he designs rollercoasters.
My guess is he now lives on an island, some might call it a lair, and owns a hairless cat which is his only friend.
No, he is probably an exceptional programmer or engineer if he liked tedious work and is good at math.
We have folks with doctorates all over the place in my office. Not a damn one of them uses that honorific anywhere except in the resumes we submit with proposals when we are trying to impress clients.
My cousin said the only time he used "Doctor" was on a lease application in Boston... it greased the wheels really, really well. "Oh, you're a DOCTOR? Doing cancer research at Hahvard? Sign here, cutie..." <-- said in classic Jewish old-lady landlord voice.
I worked with a regulator at a State agency who had a PhD (BS = Bullshit, MS = More of the Same, PhD = Pile Higher and Deeper) and scolded you if the salutation in a letter didn't have Dr. in it. She was a moron with no common sense, and honestly don't know how she got a PhD. One of my former partners used to say "she is educated beyond her intelligence." I always thought that was spot on.
My dad has a Ph.D, he hates being called a doctor. Anyone who has a PhD and calls themself doctor pretty much is guaranteed to be a self important douche bag. Lets include Psy.D into this discussion. My sister calls herself Doctor even though she got her Psy.D from an unaccredited school. I think that says a lot about her.
My last job the owner had a phd from Yale. He liked to be referred to as doctor. He was a quirky dude but not self centered. Really nice, decent, guy.
In a lot of fields obtaining a PhD has more to do with putting in the time and doing your advisor's grunt work than it does with being intelligent. Determined morons make up a decent chunk of the academic world.
One of my 92738 cousins married a guy who had a PhD in business. From the Univ. of Phoenix. "Dr." was all over the wedding invitations. I'm assuming that everyone was supposed to be impressed by it...pretty sure nobody was. Welcome to the fam!!!!!!!
I like it when I see someone sign as ___, MBA, so you know they're a tool in advance. Half the guys I go on canoeing trips are doctorates in veterinary medicine and would give you a funny look if you called them Doctor. It is reassuring to know that you're around multiple people that could stitch you up if you have an accident way out in the middle of nowhere. One has a fun story from vet school in the 80s where they did an annual student show, and one routine in particular started with a guy up on stage in front of the closed curtains as "Juan Valdez" and someone voicing over how he "only picks the finest beans" like the coffee commercials. The curtain opens to reveal a bunch of horse dicks strung up on a rope and the crowd learns it is not coffee beans but smegma beans he is inspecting, leading to Juan chopping off the inferior ones with a machete and lobbing them into the crowd. I didn't go to the vet school at the U of M but am pretty sure times have changed since.
My three year old will never be potty trained. He's just going to wear a diaper for eternity. I just had to explain to him, as I cleaned the shit off him, that no his sister doesn't have a scrotum. I had to tell him that if he hates changing his god damned diaper so much, that perhaps he should start using the fucking toilet. This is why I drink. That's not true, I drank before I had kids. Maybe I have kids because I drink. Whichever.
My daughter's dentist in named Dr. Payne. So when you say it out loud his name is Doctor Pain, children's dentist. Hilarious. He's actually great, but hearing his name for the first time gave her a jolt.
How long does it take you to recover from that before you can eat food again? That sounds like the grossest thing ever. Once you do potty train him he shits in a plastic container which you then clean right? The joys of parenthood.
I don't. I've been at friends places and seen devices that I thought were that which was informed by my twin in the icu. Maybe those were just chairs with holes in them? This is what I've seen at my friends who have kids places: Spoiler: Spoilered because the image is huge and I don't care to find another