Aw damnit. I went to get the first beer out of the pack and it looked a little off. The beer level was low. Then I opened it and tried it and realized that there is 0 carbonation in there. Spoiler: Spoiler'd for huge I think maybe the beers froze and that did it.
Welp lost another one to cancer, here's to getting wasted on a thursday for a good/shitty reason. So not to turn this into a shitty thread, but what do you drink when you're mourning? For fucks sake, I'm 31, my best friend lost his dad and his brother to cancer within a month of each other 6 years ago, 5 years go my twin was diagnosed with a 7cm brain tumor and this year diagnosed with a treatable leukemia, my sister was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma 7 years ago, and within the last year and a half my brother lost two of his closest survivor friends to brain tumors. FUCK. And every time this has happened with the exception of my sisters Dx I've been solo, but silver lining, at least I could post on here which has been hugely cathartic.
I love everything about this story. I love the fun fact. I love the silver lining of the Skittles helping with the icy road. I love the flawless writing - "This story starts out about Skittles — but ends up being about cows!" is the best lede I've ever seen. I love the Sheriff's dorky Facebook post about it. It's just the greatest piece of journalism ever created.
I know how you feel, toddamus. My dad is going to die any time now; I'll probably get the call tomorrow or the next day. Li'l Bandit and I just got back from the hospice, and he isn't responding to any stimuli, thus he can't eat. He just stares up at the ceiling with mouth agape. Seeing both of my parents go through this sucks; if they ever diagnose me with cancer (and I KNOW they will some day), I'm either going to eat a buckshot sandwich, or I'm going to do something so ridiculously fun/stupid that I'm sure to die. For the record, I'm drinking cheap red wine right now, as I do almost every night. Hey, is that some back-sass that I'm detecting? She wasn't even chubby! Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
Know what helps the mourning? Appreciating the fact I am mourning and loved the life that person lived, then watching some sick snowboarding videos helps too. If I didn't feel loss, if I didn't grieve, well that would be inhuman.