Yeah imagine who they asked to do the job and guess their level of giving a shit. When I worked for the street department in my hometown, the old guys did lots of asphalt patches in the shapes of dicks and boobs on the roads that we'd eventually sealcoat a few weeks later. This ended when a big dong was accidentally laid out in front of a police officer's house. Whoops!
Hey guys, want to get pissed off? Best part? Someone found her. Apparently this thing is a fucking doctor. I'm not one for public shaming too much, but yeah, let's just say she deserves the fallout.
And her facebook page is getting hilariously reviewed. She might be the biggest spoiled brat I've ever seen, aside from the Affluenza kid.
The person that deserves the fallout is the guy filming who apparently knows her and just sits there filming. What a douche. The girl is clearly drunk (and no, I'm not defending her), but given the obviousness of the situation, why is that asshole filming instead of easily defusing the situation?
It is impossible to calm down a drunk, entitled girl like that, if you lay a hand on her she will freak the fuck out and all rage will be sent your way. Videotaping probably wasn't the best idea though.
What'd you do, peruse the 4chan links? Maybe he's the reason she was getting a ride home? i.e. he doesn't want to diffuse it when he's enjoying collecting evidence. All I know is I am happy as hell cellphone cameras were not all around me when I went through college. It appears that it was an excellent idea, as far as entertainment.
What the hell was all that stuff she kept tossing out the window? It was like a magic scarf where just when you thought she got it all, nope here comes a HUGE pile of random papers.
From what I read, they didn't know each other. The guy filming was the one who used uber to get the car for his groups of friends, and she was just a drunk girl in a different group who decided the car was there to pick her up.
Those people had a lot of patience, I would have given her 30 seconds before I invited PD to take care of it. Drunk entitled chicks talk a lot of shit until they get cuffs put on them, then they just start wailing.
All someone had to do was call a cop. Story over. The person filming was obviously more interested in the 'entertainment' value than actually solving the problem. Now, I am aware he had absolutely no obligation to solve the problem, he's certainly within his rights to film it, but it still makes him a douche.
Damn, I just had a flashback to the days when I was married to the Ice Cream Cake Girl (and she didn't even drink!). TVI, when in the history of ever, has saying "Calm down" or "relax" to an angry woman improved the situation? Women like that are like a force of nature, like a hurricane or a flood; you can't control them, you just let them run their course. Something that I found curious about that video was that the cops never showed. That's a terrible response time for city cops. Cops: Never there when you need them, always there when you don't want them. With that said, she's got a cute little ass on her; those white shorts show it off nicely. Why do the cute ones always have to be crazy?
From the site link I shared: 'The police finally showed up after this video ends. The girl was in a taxi cab about to leave when the showed up and they had to stand in front of the taxi and tell him to stop. The girl eventually got up from the area the cops had told her to sit and wait, and tried to walk away from the scene. Once in handcuffs, she then tried kicking some of the police officers on the scene. It was only when they put her in the police car that she started crying, apologizing, and claiming that she would lose her medical license (she claimed to be a neurologist) if she got arrested. The Uber driver was too good of a person and decided to take a cash settlement instead of pressing charges. In his words, “…she was crying (and) said (she) was sorry for everything.” I don’t want to disclose the amount the driver was paid, but can say he could only use the money to pay his cellphone bill and maybe his cable bill.' I hate that bullshit. "I'm going to act like a raging, self centered child having a temper tantrum, then turn on the tears when I get in trouble." Dollars to donuts she refers to herself as princess.
I hate to admit that I agree with the dude who has multiple DUI's, drove 115 mph, and took his hands off the wheel to take a picture of it . . . but, I agree with Dixie. The video obviously picks up after shit started. I suspect reasoning and rational conversation had already been tried with her, and she wasn't having any of it. Totally disagree that filming that makes him a douche.