I'd double down on your donut dollars and bet that Daddy calls her a princess, too. No one becomes that much of a raging twat unless they're taught early on that it's acceptable.
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/brickell/article55914035.html Anjali Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident, was ”removed from all clinical duties.”
I miss the good old days when spoiled brats got out of line and somebody came correct and smacked the fuck out of them for it.
Hockey game with my co-workers. Had a long week and need a drink or 3. What could go wrong? Apparently one of my techs is going around bragging on my mad skillz. I'm not really worthy of any of it, but I'll take it. It's better than someone talking shit about me.
Got through 7 episodes of Making a Murderer. Wow. I don't know if he's innocent, but I am shocked at the amount of reasonable doubt there was all over that case.
If you want a good listen, Adam Carolla has a podcast with defence attorney Mark Geragos called "Reasonable Doubt", and a couple episodes ago the defence lawyer in the case called in and they talked to him. Worth a listen if you get a chance. As to the Uber Bitch, I have no problem with anyone who didn't get involved. Someone called the cops, but really, nobody was being hurt, nobody was in danger, it was just a crazy, self-entitled bitch throwing a drunken tantrum, and odds are everyone else was drunk too, so the best course is to just not get involved. The second you get involved, you open yourself up to a ton of liability and potential shit. It sucks that society has devolved to that level, but that's where it's at now. So yeah, until a knife or a gun is pulled, just sit back and enjoy the drama as the entertainment it is, and feel some empathy for the guy. If a knife or gun shows up, run like hell.
There are few things more fun than "Angry Hour" after the bar where you can just kick back on the street and watch bitchy people make idiots of themselves. Mouthy people always hang themselves, but it's even funnier when a more skilled mouth helps egg them on...
I agree with you, but I don't believe someone who affirmatively pulls out their phone and starts recording is 'uninvolved.' As I mentioned previously, he was certainly entitled to do it, but the moment he starts recording (probably with a view to posting it) he's more than just some uninvolved passerby, in my view. I'm sure others may disagree, and that's fine. It may be a generational thing. As to the 'no one was getting hurt' argument, no one can predict the future. While I agree she didn't seem like she would pull a knife or a gun, I don't know that for a fact. For all the shit I give police, the fact is, this is precisely the type of situation you call them for. I find it saddening that we have gotten to the point as a society that instead of making a simple phone call, someone decides that filming it for entertainment purposes should be the priority.
This is great. It even has a full transcript of the 911 call: Drug traffickers get high, call cops to turn themselves in http://www.khq.com/story/31028977/drug-traffickers-get-high-call-cops-to-turn-themselves-in
Honestly if I was the uber driver I would have been more than happy that someone was gathering video evidence. If I was the driver I would have been terrified the girl would try and claim that he had assaulted her. Having that video is probably the whole reason he is getting any justice. I would imagine the video was shown to the cops when the did finally show up and now that it has gone viral she is actually experiencing some repercussions for her actions.
This. Absolutely no one is believing the Uber driver over the hot chick if that video doesn't exist. Let alone the fact that this is probably the first time she's had to deal with the whole "consequences" thing...
I've just seen the second headline in the past month or so about a girl dying or being on their deathbed from Toxic Shock Syndrome. Therefore, in consideration of the public interest, I offer this PSA to all of the Tibettes, active or lurking: Change your fucking tampons occasionally, you disgusting piece of garbage. Set it and forget it doesn't work with Tampax.
Really? You need Sherlock Holmes for this case? The articles I've read don't mention that this video was shown to police. And frankly, as a lawyer, video is nice evidence, but there were eyewitnesses. I have a low opinion of the police, but I think they're more than competent enough to show up at this scene and figure out in about 3 seconds flat that the girl is intoxicated, see the stuff thrown on the street, talk to the driver, and the other people have the case cracked. It must be a generational thing. I don't get the whole 'I must video this and post it' mentality. And wow, is everyone quick to judge and damn this girl. Maybe she deserves it. Maybe she's a terrible person. But here's the thing: we don't know that. Maybe her boyfriend broke up with her, maybe she lost a patient, maybe her dog died. Who knows why she was such a mess? And for those of you spouting off about how loathsome a person she is, I ask you to think about your past. Any incidents there that if they were released on video would perhaps show you in an unflattering light? I'm willing to bet that yes, you've done something similar, but due to decency of your fellow man probably got to walk away with nothing more than some embarrassment and a story. Again, I don't know what this chick is really like, but extrapolating her character from one incident of which we are aware is unfair. Again, not saying he wasn't entitled to do what he did. I guess at some point, I think we need to ask 'should' instead of 'could.' As I said, maybe she's that despicable on a daily basis, but without more to her story, I'm not willing to damn her and say she should lose her job and enjoy the infamy that comes along with having a video of your bad behavior splashed all over the internet.
I'm certainly not pro-videotape everything, and I'm not "damning" the girl in question. The article says that she turned on the waterworks, paid the driver a small sum of money, and got let go without an arrest. If there was no video, she probably would think something along the lines of "If I cry and throw money at this it goes away," and then possibly does this again. That isn't the case here specifically because of the video. Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I could easily see sans video the general storyline being about some "creepy Uber driver exaggerating/making up stuff, being pissed that he couldn't get laid" or some other such bullshit. And video is nice because its considerably easier (not to mention more reliable) than getting statements from (probably) drunken witnesses who may or may not have been paying attention. The article also stated that she gave the police shit until she realized she was actually getting in trouble. What if she had gotten dewey-eyed right away and just made a bunch of shit up? Sure the witnesses around could have backed up the driver (or maybe they wouldn't have, who knows?) but now the police have two conflicting stories.
Eyewitnesses are garbage in terms of actual recollection and reliability. Absolute garbage. And if we're talking just the theater of a courtroom, video is easily on par with eyewitnesses, if not better.
And in a follow up: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sweden-snow-penis_us_56a1b0abe4b0d8cc10999534
Also, talking about police response times. That video is 4 minutes long, lets say the police were called a minute before. So 5 min for a dispatcher saying "there is a drunk girl arguing with an Uber driver". I imagine they weren't racing in lights blaring ASAP. Especially at bar close when there are likely a bunch of other potentially more serious events they are keeping an eye on in a bar district.
Here's the thing, she treated the driver exactly like what she yelled at him over and over again, a piece of shit. Simply put, you don't treat people like that. You certainly do not get to mess their shit up just because you're having a bad day for whatever the reason is. She's the one that went off and drew the embarrassment to herself therefor, leaving others to come to their own conclusions based on the actions they witnessed. I don't care if she was rich, pretty, fugly, poor, a doctor or a cashier at Walmart, you don't get to treat people like that, period. As for the video, I'm old I don't know if they help situations or the opposite. What I do know is they are part of society now, like it or not. She should be ashamed of herself. When does shame such as that play a part in today's society? I'm going to swing way out there but, I saw a news story about a guy that was at a bar watching the game last weekend. When he left the bar he was approached by 3 guys, there were words exchanged and one of the guys cold cocked the guy in the face, he hit the sidewalk and now has brain damage. They've done surgery but he can't talk, has no memory and so on. The guy is fucked up. The group of guys ran and no one has come forward. I can't begin to understand how that guy can look at himself in the mirror much less live day to day knowing what he did.
Serious question... Do you think it is more difficult for him to deal with a guilty conscience, or deal with a few years in prison? I've never had to deal with either, so I'm not sure what is harder.