Good point, I bought the man purse for a dam good reason. I can joke about it but its what I want and it fits the look I'm going for. 31 year old aspiring yuppie? Man purse it is. I'm not sure the my little pony backpack would be received well by my colleagues or anyone who happens to see me
Woah. Briefcases are awesome. I use one (as a basketball coach) to carry everything I need and it is perfect. Get complimented all the time about it...
Im just going to throw this out there and feel free to get pissed, I'm guessing you're over 40 years old?
I am 28, and I am the one that brought up how professional briefcases are. I have been in a professional industry since I was 17. What the hell does age have to do with wanting to look professional? That's what professionals carry, briefcases. Clearly you are extremely new to this whole professional thing.
Not at all...early 30's. But I wear a suit and tie every game and don't want the crease/wrinkle of a shoulder strap from carrying anything on it. Plus, I think it looks professional. It's what works best for me and I "own" it, if that makes sense. Do what works for you...
My work laptop that I have to carry around is probably pushing 15lbs. Throw in the Surface I'm using for testing and various notebooks and peripherals, and I'm perfectly fine wearing a backpack instead of planning for adult onset scoliosis. I prefer the satchel style bags when I only have my reasonable personal laptop, though.
Um, yeah, just in case you're NOT kidding. Not the damn Scott Stapp band, the movie about Apollo's son. And I just carry all my stuff for meetings in plastic grocery bags. Most of clients don't mind, but the regulators usually look at me funny.
I go to meetings empty handed, stare off into space, and grunt when someone asks for my input. I don't have to attend many pointless meetings anymore.
I make it even more complicated. I have a very nice leather messenger bag/man purse that I got for Christmas a few years ago and use for work. However, its just a magnetic flap over the top and the back pocket is open. As a result, I don't love traveling with it. This summer I got a compact backpack because I was going to be gone for 17 days for work/family vacation and wanted the extra storage without checking a bag. This bad boy: Now I can't travel without it. The perfect number of pockets and its laid out so well inside. I can get another pair of shoes, all my boxers/socks/accessories, and my electronics and cords in there easily, plus passport and wallet pockets. However, I still think its unprofessional looking to roll into important meetings with a backpack, so I'll still compress my messenger bag and put it in my suitcase to use once Ive arrived.
Ever feel like there is a song out there that says what you're about? For me I am a smart guy, but I..., I don't do well with people. This song kind of sums up what Im about
Australian Men don't have manbags, handbags or fluffy backpacks, they put their men stuff into a ute Or sit it on the bull bar
Hey, Nett, if you decide to let TiB start running banner ads again, you can use those sweet stacks of Benjamins to pick up the official TiB RV.
Jesus, the condescension just drips off this post. Listen to Nett. Carry what works for you. "Professionals" don't carry briefcases. Professionals carry something that works and doesn't look deliberately childish or trashy. Backpacks are fine. Messenger bags are fine. Laptop bags (which are really just purpose specific messenger bags) are fine. Briefcases are fine. Buy something of good quality that looks decent and fits your shit. Be good at your job and everything else will be fine.
I could not stop watching this. Part of me thinks they should have been left there to figure it out on their own. Fucking retards... I hope they get the bill for the rescue.