It's kind of weird. I have two young women ready to facilitate a discussion group which I'm promoting and indirectly responsible for. I'm starting to feel some anxiety because I told these women if things happen to go in a less than desired direction I'm there to back them up. Sounds great right? But if something doesn't go well, I am the person that needs to make things OK.
Um, I just sliced up 5 lbs of beef to make jerky tomorrow and now I'm drinking a beer with a dragon and a rocket that likes suspiciously like a penis on the can. Does that do anything for you?
I'm drinking another bottle of wine after enjoying some killer sous-vide 4" thick rib steak/roast and garlic mashed potatoes. The only down-side is that a skunk blew a load somewhere close. Thankfully the cat was inside. On that note, the cat beat the fuck out of the local feral cat this afternoon and claimed the local territory... atta-boy. He's gotten big. He's nearly twice the size from this time last year when he showed up under my Jeep. He now has a bit of a scar across his nose.
I'm guessing she's had more issues with women trying to grab her than men. That is literally a worst case scenario for the next morning, assuming, God forbid, you were so drunk an horny you made that mistake
She's the kind of person I imagine refers to themselves as asexual because neither man nor woman wants to touch that For fuck's sake her rolls go over her fingers in that photo. I'm not trying to fat shame but some self awareness is helpful That and my friend who passed away helped to popularize the tutu image because of some dumb fuck in a glam mag who tried to make fun of her for wearing one in a marathon only to find out after the fact that Monika had a brain tumor and went on to issue a formal apology. That image does not represent Monika. I may be a bit overly sensitive about that image now yea, there are worse things than defending the legacy of a friend.
This sounds nuts, but I've cut way back on drinking over the last few months, and it's been awesome. It wasn't like it was affecting my health, relationships or work alcoholic-style, but only having a glass or two of wine 1 or 2 times a week has made everything a little better. Don't get me wrong, I frequently want to drink my face off. But the thought of being hungover is enough to slow my roll. I couldn't drink during Christmas bc I was sick and felt like was the best Christmas I've had in a while. Maybe it will get better and before you know it you'll be off that med.
I wonder if that's how fat girls get laid now... by screaming and howling every time they get attention, and tricking some poor desperate fuck. "well, if she gets hit on so much she's protesting it, maybe her pussy is amazing?" I have also noticed in the hipster area around work that the hotter the girl, the more normal the dog. The more beastly the woman, the dog tends to be more tiny and annoying. Been completely sober for like 7.5 years now....dear God, the boredom. You can't just get into shenanigans as easily. I will say, you practice meditation and mindfulness with the mantra of "give less fucks", and you wind up in some interesting situations. Next month, I'll shoot for a 500 lb deadlift, 400 lb squat, 300 lb bench, balls deep in a master's degree, attending a kink event with the intention of making this girl ride a Sybian while two other girls beat the fuck out of her, and hopefully sell $100k worth of software and trying to find decent mushrooms in Maryland. So, yeah...sobriety gets weird after a while. I don't recommend it.
Ive been toying with the idea of going comepletely sober. This as I am in the second day of a killer hang over. I get super trashed like this maybe once a month. It wasn't until my shit job a few years ago that I started drinking during the week to help unwind. Even though I feel my average is farely low during the week shit never seems to actually help.
I've been somewhat successful at it, my method was going cold turkey. Cigars and cigarettes are a thousand times more difficult to quit, so quitting drinking is by no means impossible. My advice is, if you think you want to, go cold turkey, deal with the suck for a week or so, and don't set a time frame on when you may or may not return (like "I'm only doing this for a month") because you'll find reasons to rationalize cutting down on that time frame. I also can't understate the value of non-alcoholic beers enough. You get used to the taste after a few, and just being able to crack open a can when you'd otherwise want a real beer... well they're important enough that I firmly believe I wouldn't have been able to quit without them. All that being said, quitting isn't for everyone. Some people work better just with cutting back and holding themselves to that. Some people who quit, they were drinking to self-medicate for some problems in their life and when they stop those problems are laid bare and hit them right in the face. Every time I think about drinking again (I likely could at this point, everything else has been resolved and my wife doesn't care now), I am reminded of those killer two-day hangovers and I just open an NA beer. FUCK getting old.
No shit? That doesn't sound weird at all. And I'm remembering sarcasm doesn't translate well to message boards. That all sounds very weird.
That's because you are physically addicted to nicotine. Chances are you aren't with alcohol. I've gone through periods where I decided to quit drinking. What I learned is that 90% of my social interactions were based around drinking. i didn't like going to most bars while I was sober. Life got boring as fuck. I was working out twice a day. I cooked every meal I ate. I lost shit tons of weight. But I was bored out of my mind. There is jack shit to do after dinner if you don't like police procedural dramas. The weekends were terrible. No more bottomless mimosas. No more Sunday funday. No more brewery tours. Tailgating was still ok. I ended up going back to drinking each time because I missed the social interaction. Then the hangovers started creeping in. I put the weight back on. But my mind was still stimulated. So that was pretty sweet. After all that I ended up learning that nothing but bad things happened if I was out after happy hour. If I went out after happy hour I usually drank until I blacked out and made an ass out of myself. Hurting / embarrassing myself and my friends. You won't catch me in a bar after 8pm unless it is a special occasion. That has happened maybe once in the last year. But all of the above is a moot point now. 3 months into having a kid and I think I've drank 6 total beers. I can't imagine being drunk when he needs me. So I don't. I'm not going to ruin the great family I have just so I can have a buzz.