I've mentioned it before but my cousin's kid named his cat, "Secret of the Mountain." He calls him "Seek" for short, but refers to his full name when he's mad. My buddy had a cat when he was a kid named Lobster.
Going to the animal shelter this weekend to get two cats to replace our one mouser who died. Regardless of the sex, I'm thinking "Fluffy" and "Trump" would mix well.
My mom had a cat named Stinky. The night she brought her home the cat slept on top of her chest. Awww how sweet right? The next morning she looked a little more closely and saw that the cat was covered with fleas. I think Stinky was the most PC mean cat name she thought of on the spot.
My roommates and I adopted a stray cat when I was in college. She got knocked up, and we gave away the five kittens. One of my fraternity brothers took one and named him Motherfucker. I was like, "Dude that's hilarious. But then when you take him home at Christmas to your parents' house, what will you call it?" He said, "Motherfucker."
My cousins named their college house cat Timmah!, which changed back to just Timmy when they graduated and he came back to reside at my aunt and uncles farm where he was born. Fattest cat I've ever seen in my life, he's slimmed down quite a bit since.
We almost named the second dog Fleabag. Godaayum was she infested with fleas when we got her. It took 6 months to be totally flea free again and cost around $300 in supplies. We settled on Piggy because even though the fleas are long gone, she still smells like ass and makes funny grunting noises in her sleep.
Our dog is named Chico. I guess he was originally named Chickory and when he was rescued they changed that to Chico. I know chico means boy so its not my favorite name, especially in southern California, might work better in an area that Spanish isn't so prevalent.
My wife has confined my to the baby room for the next 7 days until the flu gets over. She's afraid I'm going to give her the flu or worse my son. The room is 10X12 with two windows and an old tv. Now I know how Dixie felt. Ah well at least I get to watch the deer and gobblers playing in our yard.
Fast forward to Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab and you can see shit went sideways pretty fast and pretty far.
I figured it started going sideways when she cheated on Coverdale with none other than OJ Simpson. Oh, and beating Chuck Finley bad enough to get a domestic battery charge racked against her. She looked amazing back in the day, but is now a haniwa statue. I think she hired Jason Voorheese as a plastic surgeon.
Doesn't matter. You guys know that seeing that video of her rolling around and humping the hood of that car got you hot and bothered. I saw them back then, Bad English opened for them. Bad. English. Oh my.
You're right, I believe it was in the still of the night. (Also, I saw them when the opened up for Motley Crue on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour.)
Lol. I should've added that when the said "motherfucker" it was all slow, because he was stoned. "Mrrthrrrfuuukkerrrr." Funny thing - that dude's father was a multi-millionaire. Son was such a fuck up, and never graduated from that college. He had been on and off academic probation several times, and I heard his father told him he'd give him $500,000 if he graduated. This was the same dude I mentioned here before that went out and bought new dishes instead of doing the dishes in the sink. Damn right. That was a high water mark for MTV hair metal videos. If I ever make a(nother) music video, it will definitely feature a hot girl writhing on the hood of a car, even though I know it's not the (awesome) 80's.