I'm a teacher but I live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath home with an office and workout room. I also married a pharmacist, so there ya go.
That wasn't a criticism of their pay. I don't think they are paid enough (initially at least, 20 years down the road they do ok). My wife used to be a teacher. The pay is one of several reasons she no longer is in the field.
I feel bad for the teachers who start out in really really rough schools. I have a couple of friends that just burned out because of it. My sister would have done the same had she not managed to get transferred to a very cushy suburb district.
Stereotypes exist for a reason: $160G worth of cheese stolen in Wisconsin http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/01/25/160g-worth-cheese-stolen-in-wisconsin.html?intcmp=hplnws Ok. One more news story, because WTF? UK man must notify police if he plans to have sex http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/0...olice-if-plans-to-have-sex.html?intcmp=hplnws
When the districts are run terribly, the teachers are usually screwed. Sometimes the inequities are kind of crazy. Things may have changed, but some of the nicer suburbs where I grew up actually paid less than some of the rougher schools just outside the city. Meanwhile, I used to date a girl who was a speech therapist for Chicago Public Schools. She worked ridiculously short hours, had the summer completely off, and got paid better than she would have in private practice. Must be hard to attract talent I suppose.
I'm guessing your friend may have had a different contract thanks to being a speech therapist, but I'm not sure. Yes having issues with the administration will just lead to issues from the top down for sure. Seems like the absolute worst teaching jobs can be found at independent charter schools in the lowest-income areas from what I've seen, although I'm curious how the pay compares between rural and city districts. There is going to be a lot of shake-up within the districts here in the Twin Cities this year. Shit is hitting the fan.
In other news, this is disgusting. Spoiler: NSFCMC http://www.aol.com/article/2016/01/...aing-grid7|main5|dl7|sec1_lnk2&pLid=665184839 The "discharge procedure?" Did he walk by with a folded newspaper and say "I'll be right back"?
Shit! Are deck shoes really out? I've been wearing them for years. They make good driving shoes, e.g., they don't slip on metal pedals. In my defense, I did once own a sailboat, a transoceanic Sabot, eight feet of bad ass boat.
To be fair, the article said "tape worm" and that is a hook worm. Fun fact: the diagnosis for hook worm is to drop trow in a dark room, spread your ass open, and the doctor or intrepid friend will shine a light in your asshole before the worm shoots back inside you. Who is having spaghetti for lunch?
Okay changing subjects... You know what I really miss while in the dead of winter? Just being outdoors, enjoying the fresh warm air and a little fun relaxed activity. For example, fishing. Nothing like gripping a nice bass.
Goddamnit. http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/grownups-pay-big-bucks-attend-nyc-adult-preschool/story?id=29701836
They look exactly like you think they would. Theater fuckshits. Hell is a sealed compartment where a bunch of theater queefs re-enact (poorly) scenes from Labyrinth and do improv bits, forever and ever and ever. If you were to post this link to facebook with a pithy remark, you would have people chewing up your ass. Because this is our world now. To think, if someone burned that place down, they would be considered the monster. Apropos of nothing, there are a surprising number of women with giant fake tits who go fishing. I am pleased. For Kato because he has hook worms: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
I thought that the last pic here would be some unspeakably disgusting creature/act, but true to form I clicked anyway and was pleasantly surprised.
I think we need to start a world war and activate the draft specifically to shake people out of the hyper narcissism that is strangling society. An adult pre-school? What the hell?