This isn't actually the basis of chiropractics. From wikipedia: When so-called "doctors" perform spinal manipulations on babies and pets... well, they've got quite a lot of explaining to do. Also, this: Yup, more than a quarter were against vaccinating children. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Ok, now caught up on this thread. And so far, here are the topics: A. Package delivery. B. Pie. C. Vaccination discussions/Germ Theory D. Paper Doll making. E. Hypnotism. In short: What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Is there actually a scriptural basis for any of this anti-medicine crap or is this just something the loonies came up with on their own? I think it's the second one there? It's worth noting that these people seem to breeding at the rate of 3 times everyone else. We may one day find ourselves in a real world idiocracy.
If they had not demanded to be called Doctors, the people that consistently come out against chiropractors wouldn't have cared. Chiropractors can help people and can provide important physiological services, but they're not doctors. If they had just gone for the LMT or something, the MD community wouldn't care.
My package is now in Kingsford, MI...about 100 miles north of Green Bay and 427 miles from it's departure in Grand Rapids. I guess theoretically it's headed sort of in the right direction, except for the whole 300 miles further north thing.
Patients (and chiros) misusing the medicine is no different than over-prescribing antibiotics or anti-depressants. Misuse is misuse and it in no way diminishes the efficacy of the treatment. There are nutbars in every sphere. There are licensed MDs out there hawking all sorts of magical pills, and even a few are anti-vaccers. Ghetto, you're a pharmacologist and numerous medications you facilitate to patients only work "because we know they do, not how." And that's a quote from a doctor of microbiology at my college. God knows how many lawsuits are waiting to be filed over FDA approved drugs. However, I wish chiropractors were given the MD. I would have gotten some sweet, and very necessary, pain killers.
Well, there's nothing stopping them from being given an MD. All they have to do is graduate from medical school.
So, we don't know exactly what it is about the juxtaglomerular apparatus that causes it to secrete renin - although we think that it's something to do with the amount of water that flows past it. The exact mechanism by which hydrochlorothiazide reduces blood pressure isn't perfectly elucidated, either. But do you want me to show you some really high-quality studies about the long-term benefits caused by blood pressure medications? Because there are plenty. We can sit around and talk about your microbiology professor who told you that we don't know how some drugs work (and by the way - I was totally unaware of this and not a single professor I had in university ever once said that). At the end of the day, if you want to pull up some large, randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded trials, go right ahead. But if only one in four chiropractors actually recommends vaccines, that's the sign of a profession that shouldn't be anywhere near a prescription pad. I'm not even allowed in some jurisdictions to modify a prescription so that somebody prescribed 1% hydrocortisone ointment could get 1% hydrocortisone cream instead. And you want these guys to start handing out oxycodone? If you're going to talk about the misuse of pills, go have a look what the evidence is for using opioids in chronic pain.
Chiropractors. LOL I assume you're also taking your colloidal silver and apple cider vinegar? Don't forget to have an organic avocado with cayenne pepper to avoid cancer. The only thing that chiropractors can legitimately do is help with lower back pain and even then they're helping the symptom not the problem. I always crack up when people tell me how they visit the chiro once or twice a month. Ok, so basically they're fixing you for the rest of your life. Sounds good. Then there's some that actually do work on newborns. They ought to be arrested.
My friend visits a chiropractor I think once every two or three months and swears it helps him. I've never used one, it's not their expertise I don't trust as much as that they work you like a Snap On Tool kit. It doesn't seem right to me and spooks me a bit. Decent benefits lets me get massage therapy every couple weeks, I can't testify it takes away a lot of pain but it's great for taking away week-long work tension.
24 Hours of Daytona weekend... anyone else going to be following along? Made some good progress today on my new computer desk... working out to be a slab just over 4" thick and 10.5' long... all planed and jointed now... next step is glue-up. In other news, my next door neighbour just had a forclosure notice taped to their front door. Fun times.
Are you building a computer desk or a desk you have sex on that sometimes is disguised as a computer desk? Because you should add these to the underside of the slab. For creativity.