I would also recommend one of the many home delivery meal services that are all the rage these days. By which I mean Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, Plated, etc. They send you everything you need for a specific recipe along with step by step instructions on how to cook each meal. They're great if you're the type of person that is great at following instructions but can't be bothered to assemble all the pieces to do a project. And after a while you'll eventually become comfortable enough to have a basic understanding of how to construct a basic recipe. Or you can just use it enough that you accumulate recipes that you like and then just make those at home on your own for about half the cost of the deliver service.
I've been secretly, shamefully curious about this. Taco Bell was my favorite food court pick when I'd go to the mall in middle school, but I've had it twice since then and both times it was terrible. I have no idea why this monstrosity in particular is calling me back to the fold. The problem is though that there are very few Taco Bells in NYC and the only situation I'd want to eat it in is alone in the dark where no one would see and not be within at least twenty blocks of a taco truck and I'm not sure how I'd go about finagling that.
Just ask the Chef at Taco Bell to share the recipe and you can make it at home. Does your local grocer stock rat byproduct, preservatives and filler? Frebis can probably hook you up with a guy.
Picked up a new cat yesterday. Looks basically just like Nett's shop cat. It's currently hiding behind the washer in terror because my son is initiating it into it's new home. In unrelated news, The Onion has been on point lately.
Taco bell has a chef? I'd consider them more an engineer, their job is to take the cheapest products possible, and maybe make them edible for some of the population How much does a personal chef cost a month? I could really use one. I am either to lazy or too lazy to cook. I hate grocery shopping, that really gets my social anxiety in there. We spoke about this before but if I go to the store my first goal is to get in and out as efficiently as possible. I know thats illogical, but it is what it is.
I had no idea Snoop Dogg was such a big hockey fan. It appears as if he's presiding over all of the NHL All-Star events the way the camera keeps coming back to him.
A couple years ago, I went to the restaurant of one of the more popular Top Chef contestants at the time in Atlanta. Amazing meal, one of the best Ive had, but they had this amazing butter that was really rich and complex in flavors. As we filled out the check, there is a comment section at the bottom, and I jokingly put "I need to know how you make that magical butter". As we're walking out, our waitress comes jogging after us with the reciepe and instructions for making the butter written on the back of an order ticket, clearly by the chef himself. He came walking out a few moments later to make sure he caught us and then chatted about that and another dish my gf at the time was curious about. Super cool and right to your point. And mind you this was shortly after his "big break" and if there was ever a time to be guarded or whatnot, this was it. But he couldn't have been more friendly and open about it.
Spoiler Also I never been able to get a good Chicken Tikka Masala recipe out of a Indian chef I know. He's huge into "tradtional" indian recipes but still has it on his menu because it's too big a seller not to at an Indian joint. He's held numerous cooking classes but refuses to feature it since it's too pedestrian. Ive tried half a dozen insanely different methods of making restaurant style CTM, butter chicken, and such. Never have come anywhere close to replicating it right. Honestly even if it was just a bulk container, ala Chinese take out suger goop, I'd fucking buy it. Youtube and the internet have failed me so far.
I like to cook. Most of all I am forced to cook. I live out in the middle of nowhere. I am 20 minutes to the closest town. I just hate cleaning up afterwards. For the record, Taco Bell is one of my guilty pleasures. Sometimes one must indulge in cheap fast food, it's a comfort thing.
Greetings and felicitations comrades! I happen to be drinking! My glowing toilet color is red(by far the best color) and I've neglected to inform the woman coming over tonight of the glowing toilet awesomeness! Hilarity of a sort shall most clearly ensue! Excelsior!
We just got the remainder of shit moved to the house. Finally. I've had Whataburger 3 times in the last week bc nobody wants to cook during moving time. Amazingly I'm not tired of it, but I feel fat now. 3 times in one week is more times than I have fast food every month.
I find blue to be too bright at night... just like the obnoxious blue LEDs on a lot of electronics these days... I generally cover them up because they can light up a room when your eyes have adjusted to the dark. I wasn't kidding before when I said red is the best for not fucking up your night vision... that's why we had red filters on our flashlights for night use when I was in the military, and why cockpit nightlights are red.
You kids probably don't know what a Dark Room is, but red lights in there, too, because it won't expose photographic paper. Also, hooker streets.