Last year I made a point to try one of those services, I used Plated but they are all pretty similar I would think, and I was really happy with it. I hit show season and wasn't in town enough to make it worth while so I cancelled but I may fire that back up. The recipes are easy to follow and the food seemed to be really fresh. I would highly recommend trying it out for making things you wouldn't normally make at home, at least I wasn't normally making, or if you don't want to buy a bunch of ingredients and have them go to waste before you can use them all. Edit: I also want to say the toilet light is awesome, and I would agree that red is the best color.
I just got the infamous "K" from my mother in law. This March 2017 trip is bound to be loads of fun!!
It's the passive aggressive way women let you know they are mad at you. I.E. Hey I am going out for beers tonight after work, shouldn't be to late Wife texts back "K" The correct action after that is to not have beers with the guys.
Really? I always thought it meant "Sure go ahead. And make sure you come home really drunk and really horny." No wonder I'm single.
Don't let us down! Yep. I got the "okay." when I let her know on Saturday that I'd be out fishing for a little longer than expected, but right then the crappies started hitting one after the other so I got redemption (I think) by bringing tasty fish home. Win-win.
That is when you have to think fast but also better not double down on an incorrect reason for her being "fine" at the same time. Danger!
My wife thinks she can understand the tone of people's voices while they text. I have to remind her "You realize the point of texting is to eliminate emotion, right? To cut to the chase? Because talking on the phone sucks?" She thinks short answers are a form of being snippy, I think they're a blessing. To answer your question "K" is quite often the female texting version of "fine". Don't bother reasoning, just tell Sulu to get those shields up.
Essentially. Except we aren't changing course on this one so she's either going to have to get over it or finally say something direct about it, in which case we can go on the record saying we don't want to meet any boyfriends.
This is what I do. At work, with my MIL. I'm happier that way. It's probably irritating to them, but that's their problem. I also find a, "Are you upset about something?" fun. Because they freeze in the face of someone being direct. God forbid someone who's passive aggressive actually articulate wtf is wrong. Lately I've been getting spammed by "Our Time" and various other geriatric dating websites. Ugh. Like anyone wanted to think about that.